I love this kid


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score

If PUA forums are such vacuous places to be, why don't you just f*ck off?

Conversation is obviously far to low-brow for the likes of such enlightened individuals =)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
He definitely screwed up when he talked about murdering her family. Up until then, he had the high ground. That one little sentence gives her full reign to make herself out to be the victim, and describe him as a creepy, stalkerish, sick little piece of filth who threatened her and the people she loved. She could probably get a restraining order or more to make him look even worse.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
TheMonkeyKing said:

If PUA forums are such vacuous places to be, why don't you just f*ck off?

Conversation is obviously far to low-brow for the likes of such enlightened individuals =)
Oh for crying out loud. Grow up.


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
I had a good laugh about this.

I think you can extract some valuable lessons from this, whether you think it was a waste of his time or not.

1. Note, how she feels him out on her cheating, to see if there is still a chance.
2.Note how she butters him up as the sweetest and cutest guy on the planet.....see the lies she is capable of? The manipulation? If he was so sweet and cute, why cheat on him. Open your eyes men Look at actions, not words.
3.It was just ONE guy.....SO, he is supposed to be grateful she didn't do the entire football team, and the visiting team, and take her back.
4.she says you have never been this douchey before..............right after she said he was the cutest and sweetest guy on the planet. (as soon as she saw sweet-talk wasn't working, it was onto shaming language to see if that would work)
5.When the shaming language doesn't work? It is back to sweet talk. "we are meant to be together"
6.Note finally, how when none of this works, and she realizes he hates her for what she has done, she tries the old "can we be friends"

So let's put this in perspective
I fvcked around on you, had sex with another man, knowing it would crush you, but not really caring , because it was what I wanted to do at the time. I am ruled by my emotions. I figured for sure, you wouldn't find out, but now that you have, i will sweet talk you, shame you into thinking this is your fault, try and make you feel guilty for making it public, and finally, when none of that works.......ask if we can still be friends so I can show my friends it was no big deal, and not feel like such a useless slvt. Maybe even get back with you down the road.??

I liked it, all in all. Except for the murder your family thing. Not good.

Anyways, the VALUE in it, is to see the manipulation tactics she tried on him - that is what women default to. Nice, then mean, shaming, then nice again, then can we at least be friends.

Take heed.
Good angle on this. I hadn't thought of it in this light.