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  1. 6

    friend zone rule needs to be updated

    I think women ahve been largely successful at redefining the friendzone so that it no longer means anything anymore. Bein in the friendzone was never about not having any female friends. FZ always meant something fairly specific: 1. A guy who was smitten for a girl and she knew it 2. A woman who...
  2. 6

    Girls telling you that you have coldness in the stare...

    Tell her its because all the heat is in your pants
  3. 6

    in need of some RELIABLE advice

    Nobody here, hopefully, will tell you how to regain power- its like telling an adict were to get that last hit of heroin after he's convinced himself all he needs is to control his habit. Here is the only advice you need- leave her. She is toxic, she has already done pa number on your psyche and...
  4. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    Well there will definitely be much more pain and difficulty in that situation. Neither indifference or NTIP will really erase that because you are dealing with a true loss- no matter how crappy the situation was, your brain will react as if it has lost something essential. But.... Not taking...
  5. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    Well there will definitely be much more pain and difficulty in that situation. Neither indifference or NTIP will really erase that because you are dealing with a true loss- no matter how crappy the situation was, your brain will react as if it has lost something essential. But.... Not taking...
  6. 6

    Doing NC. Help me out brothers, my ego is taking a serious hit

    Not enough info here about the breakup to tell why its bothering you. Why did you become friends? and did you really want to? and once you decided that it was stupid, the fact is it seems like you secretly wanted more and even though you had the final say, your hand was forced into it. Again...
  7. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    There seems to be a few neative reactions to this post. First off, I am not trying to reinvent the wheel or act like some huge DJ, I am simply trying add something I ahve learned along the way. Many are saying I am basically talking about indeifference- and I will admit, there is alot alike...
  8. 6

    Gf going distant. Time for me to be more distant?

    Yeah, ASA is right on this. She flipped the script on you. Think about this, you are "needy" but she doesn't feel "wanted" Does that make any sense? She doesn't feel wanted, but you were the one trying to get her to tell her what was going on with her Does that make sense? She doesn't feel...
  9. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    That you took something I wrote personally and now feel the need to come to another thread and troll. You are free to take or reject advice given. * just read some of your old threads.. lol. I get it now
  10. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    Just pointing out the obvious.
  11. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    I see your problem, you think that because I judge others I have determined another persons sense of value. No, I have determined their value to ME. Nothing more. And its not personal, just what I choose in the moment for myself. By the same token I can accept another persons judgement of me...
  12. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    The cold hard facts of human beings is that we are a fickle bunch, women especially. Just look at the need to buy a new car every year or cell phone and you'll see it. I tend to look at womens selections like I see their proclivity for fashion. This is "in" so that is what they want.. and...
  13. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    You insinuate I am a narcissist for posting a thread then pretend you are not trying to offend. If you're going to offend, be a man it about and leave the passive agressive crap to the girls. And I think you missed the point of the thread..Yes the world will judge you, and you will judge the...
  14. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    Well, what can I say... you've decided to put the power of your self worth in someone elses hands and nothing I say is going to change your mind. Enjoy the results.
  15. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    I have noticed it depends on the contrast.. some women have the alpha bad boy and just get tired of it and some come to the realization that its not all that reat. This is alot like the uy who bangs HB9s and gets it out of his system and decides that its just not that important. It happened to...
  16. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    For me the answer is right there in your post if you read it riht. What you are saying is that her view, her values, her tastes, her priorities, her feelings and her desires are all a better indicator of value than your own. You are deferring to her. Why? Just because a woman decides something...
  17. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    Well to be fair it's one of those things I've had to learn and relearn.
  18. 6

    My Advice- Never Take it Personally

    I'm fairly new here but not to women and after reading alot of old posts here I have noticed a bit of a pattern here- most men think that if a woman flakes, if a gf loses interest, if a woman sneezes its because of something the guy did wrong. This is usually phrased in the sense of you not...
  19. 6

    Gf going distant. Time for me to be more distant?

    I agree with the majority here.. Women going distant like that is THE sign that it is over. In a way, you are lucky, a girl with better game would have you thinking everything was cool right up until she pulled the rug out from under you. This one is showing her hand, don't pretend you don't see...
  20. 6

    Is it me or should I dump this girl?

    Another warning sin you start to see is when you are completely different from the guys she usually dates. If she was dating D'bags and partiers and players, and all the sudden she is onto a guy who isn't, its a sign that she will eventually go back to what she knows. Think about it anyway- 39...