Is this normal? Can you guys shed some light on this for me?!


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Is it normal to think about your ex everyday, even after 9 months have passed?

I feel no urge to get back with her, nor do I feel the urge to contact her, I just have this lingering thought of her in my mind that never seems to go away.

I think about her every day, and am curious as to whether it will ever go away, for its extremely exhausting, and Im tired of thinking about her.

I spin a lot of plates, so lets get that out of the way first and foremost.

And I also have a lot of hobbies, and truly am content with where I am at right now. So I don't understand why I would be thinking about her this much still.

She was my first and only girlfriend so that might be the reason. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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I thought about my first crush for I don't know how long, but at least 3 years. I didn't even do anything (besides f*ck up when she was trying to throw herself at me) with her, "it" (because it was never intimate) lasted only a few months. My experience is that the feeling will go away but the memory won't. You'll never really forget her, unless you never felt anything for her to begin with. Remember that emotions strengthen/form memories so don't be so concerned about it, it's just how we work.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Think of it as a habit your brain has. You get a little testosterone surge, your willie tingles and you think of the last piece of trim you had.

Get some new better trim dude...


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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SgtSplacker said:
Think of it as a habit your brain has. You get a little testosterone surge, your willie tingles and you think of the last piece of trim you had.

Get some new better trim dude...

LMAO..Almost spit coffee on my monitor!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
SgtSplacker said:
Think of it as a habit your brain has. You get a little testosterone surge, your willie tingles and you think of the last piece of trim you had.

Get some new better trim dude...

I've slept with like 8 girls since her though, I've had new better trim. So if thats the case, I should be thinking of the other girls I've slept with but i dont. Lol.

Is there any other way i can stop thinking about this girl everyday? Because getting new pvssy and bettering myself isn't quite working, and I've done both of those things relentlessly.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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narcissist said:
I've slept with like 8 girls since her though, I've had new better trim. So if thats the case, I should be thinking of the other girls I've slept with but i dont. Lol.

Is there any other way i can stop thinking about this girl everyday? Because getting new pvssy and bettering myself isn't quite working, and I've done both of those things relentlessly.
I believe there is "the one" for us. I think there's thousands of people out there that are fit for us. And i don't think it has everything to do with looks or personality. Just sometimes we're in the precense of someone and we both get a vibe like WOW! I think that's when that occurs. And I think that's what tends to make us value one person over another. And it probably almost all happens on a chemical level; or deep in our reptilian brain that we have no control over....

I also think "banging 10 other women" to get over a woman is overrated. You'd most likely need to get into a relationship with another woman or change your mindset. The only woman I find myself thinking about a lot was the last woman I had a sort of relationship with, and that was.... 4 years ago... I've since hung out with her and it's not there anymore (on either of our sides). But i still think about her more than any other woman in my current life.

As long as it's not screwing up your life, it might not be such a big deal.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
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New York, NY
bukowski_merit said:
I believe there is "the one" for us. I think there's thousands of people out there that are fit for us. And i don't think it has everything to do with looks or personality. Just sometimes we're in the precense of someone and we both get a vibe like WOW! I think that's when that occurs. And I think that's what tends to make us value one person over another. And it probably almost all happens on a chemical level; or deep in our reptilian brain that we have no control over....

I also think "banging 10 other women" to get over a woman is overrated. You'd most likely need to get into a relationship with another woman or change your mindset. The only woman I find myself thinking about a lot was the last woman I had a sort of relationship with, and that was.... 4 years ago... I've since hung out with her and it's not there anymore (on either of our sides). But i still think about her more than any other woman in my current life.

As long as it's not screwing up your life, it might not be such a big deal.

Its not screwing up my life whatsoever. Im still waking up everyday and improving my life. But its extremely exhausting having her on my mind all the time for 9 months.

Do you think it ever goes away or am I just stuck with her memory forever?


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
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New York, NY
bukowski_merit said:
I also think "banging 10 other women" to get over a woman is overrated.
I also agree with this.

It has done absolutely nothing for me to be completely honest. And all the ones Ive slept with after were pretty good looking and cool.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
The issue is, most likely, that she offered or meant something to you other irls haven't. Lets say she was just down to earth, or you felt very comfortable with her, or maybe she was just especially nurturing or whatever.. none of the other women have had that particular quality, or have made you like them as much. So your brain, when it needs that "thing"" it goes back to the last memory of having it- her.
Figure out what she gave you- real or imagined- that the others have not and you'll help yourself get over it.
For example, my last ltr was with a woman I considered marrying. Even though I left her, and have had many women since- enough to forget their names, she pops up every once in a while and its because I haven't felt any are really marriage material.
Its not about her, its about what she represented to you. Figure that out and whenever she pops into your mind, you'l simply see it as a representation of that thing instead.
Worth thinking about, at least....


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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6stringer said:
The issue is, most likely, that she offered or meant something to you other irls haven't. Lets say she was just down to earth, or you felt very comfortable with her, or maybe she was just especially nurturing or whatever.. none of the other women have had that particular quality, or have made you like them as much. So your brain, when it needs that "thing"" it goes back to the last memory of having it- her.
Figure out what she gave you- real or imagined- that the others have not and you'll help yourself get over it.
For example, my last ltr was with a woman I considered marrying. Even though I left her, and have had many women since- enough to forget their names, she pops up every once in a while and its because I haven't felt any are really marriage material.
Its not about her, its about what she represented to you. Figure that out and whenever she pops into your mind, you'l simply see it as a representation of that thing instead.
Worth thinking about, at least....
Agree with this completely, this is it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
6stringer said:
The issue is, most likely, that she offered or meant something to you other irls haven't. Lets say she was just down to earth, or you felt very comfortable with her, or maybe she was just especially nurturing or whatever.. none of the other women have had that particular quality, or have made you like them as much. So your brain, when it needs that "thing"" it goes back to the last memory of having it- her.
Figure out what she gave you- real or imagined- that the others have not and you'll help yourself get over it.
For example, my last ltr was with a woman I considered marrying. Even though I left her, and have had many women since- enough to forget their names, she pops up every once in a while and its because I haven't felt any are really marriage material.
Its not about her, its about what she represented to you. Figure that out and whenever she pops into your mind, you'l simply see it as a representation of that thing instead.
Worth thinking about, at least....

Absolutely. This is most definitely the issue I think. Thanks for sharing this information. I appreciate it a lot.

I think she gave me a narcissistic supply, a big one. Im going to have to meditate on this, and figure out the root cause.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2013
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its nearly 10 months since i split with my ex or exes.......[ very long story ] and there is not a day goes by were i dont think about them both....but one thing i have done is try to heal from all the bs that went on without chasing any other chicks , as i stand right now i just can not be bothered getting involved with any more chicks for the time being , and the feeling of attachment is fading slowly .

i have improved my life in lots of ways , and my thoughts are this.......i want to be over any shytty ex girlfriends and have my mind totally clear before getting involved with any female .......banging them is great , but iv done loads of this stuff in my younger days , i nailed that many old boilers i had to get corgi

but seriously guys i know just what you mean. its tough each day still having the thoughts of an ex , but if you had feelings for them i would say its only natural to be fair....

as each day passes it will get easier , i can feel my old personallity coming back , and i am so glad to see it again.........

good luck fellas


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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9 months doesnt seem like that long really how long were you together? It will fade with time as everything else does. Seems to be the mortal flaw in our species that our baseline existence is an unfulfilled grasping ego that will be happy if "it can just have that one thing". Though you have taken good steps to diminish that trait, dont get down on yourself narcissist!


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
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New York, NY
tripod23 said:
its nearly 10 months since i split with my ex or exes.......[ very long story ] and there is not a day goes by were i dont think about them both....but one thing i have done is try to heal from all the bs that went on without chasing any other chicks , as i stand right now i just can not be bothered getting involved with any more chicks for the time being , and the feeling of attachment is fading slowly .

i have improved my life in lots of ways , and my thoughts are this.......i want to be over any shytty ex girlfriends and have my mind totally clear before getting involved with any female .......banging them is great , but iv done loads of this stuff in my younger days , i nailed that many old boilers i had to get corgi

but seriously guys i know just what you mean. its tough each day still having the thoughts of an ex , but if you had feelings for them i would say its only natural to be fair....

as each day passes it will get easier , i can feel my old personallity coming back , and i am so glad to see it again.........

good luck fellas

I can see my personality coming back as well, in fact all the people I surround myself with have been claiming that I've become a much happier person and a more positive person to be around, everyone is telling me I am on the right path and often times come to me for life advice. This makes me feel good, and tells me that I am on the right path and not letting any of this affect my inner core. I have definitely come out of the relationship a better more positive person, and use it to fuel my motivation and determination on my path of self improvement!

Just disheartening when you try and get over someone but haven't gone a single day in 9 months without thinking about them. But I will be using this, as i use everything else, in a positive light. Im going to be introspective and try and figure out what Im lacking in my inner being that is causing me to latch on to her. Hopefully I can figure this out and learn how to deal with it and in the end become a better person.

jurry said:
9 months doesnt seem like that long really how long were you together? It will fade with time as everything else does. Seems to be the mortal flaw in our species that our baseline existence is an unfulfilled grasping ego that will be happy if "it can just have that one thing". Though you have taken good steps to diminish that trait, dont get down on yourself narcissist!

Ive known her for 4 years. I lost my virginity to her and her to me. She was my first girlfriend and I was her first boyfriend.

Yeah theres no doubt in my mind that I have used the last 9 months to my benefit. Definitely tackled it in a positive way.

At the end of the day I dont want to be with her, nor do I feel the urge to talk/contact to her. I just cant seem to get her off my mind. Whenever I am doing something I wonder what it would be like if she was with me doing it. Or If I'm at the gym, my motivation is to get stronger, more fit, and more aesthetic so if she sees me she will be like "wow". Or If I am about to sleep I imagine holding her beside me etc., etc., I know I know, its weird as fvck but I cant help it. I even jerk off to her still -.-

But I really don't want to be with her, I broke up with her, and don't want to get back with her. I just want to stop thinking about her, and will make aims to do just that. But it may very well be the case that I will never stop.

This is the plan

What I am going to do is meditate tonight and figure out what voids she filled in me when we were dating and why she continues to pop up in my mind. I am going to post it all here and hopefully you guys can help me figure out a way to fill those voids in a more positive way rather than dealing with it vicariously by referring back to the memory of my ex. I already know that she was a massive narcissistic supply to me. But there is more obviously.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
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New York, NY
6stringer said:
The issue is, most likely, that she offered or meant something to you other irls haven't. Lets say she was just down to earth, or you felt very comfortable with her, or maybe she was just especially nurturing or whatever.. none of the other women have had that particular quality, or have made you like them as much. So your brain, when it needs that "thing"" it goes back to the last memory of having it- her.
Figure out what she gave you- real or imagined- that the others have not and you'll help yourself get over it.
For example, my last ltr was with a woman I considered marrying. Even though I left her, and have had many women since- enough to forget their names, she pops up every once in a while and its because I haven't felt any are really marriage material.
Its not about her, its about what she represented to you. Figure that out and whenever she pops into your mind, you'l simply see it as a representation of that thing instead.
Worth thinking about, at least....

So far tonight after truly thinking about it I believe I have come up with a few things that I believe were voids that she filled in me and things that she represented that no other woman in my life have ever represented, which contribute to the continuation and perpetuation of the memory of her.

1] Narcissistic Supply

This I believe is the main one.

I think that throughout the relationship one of the number one reasons why I was drawn to her and loved her deeply was because she had such an admiration for me. An admiration that I never received from my parents. I could safely say that this lack of admiration from my parents is most definitely the main reason for my narcissism. Well she showered me with admiration. She wanted me to teach her things because she was extremely "naive". She always told me I was brilliant and that just being around me changed her life, and her perspective on existence.

It was almost like a teacher/student dynamic between me and her. She was always looking up to me for advice and wisdom. This feed my narcissistic need for greatness VASTLY. Not only that but she was at the beginning of our relationship semi suicidal, because she was sort of depressed, and I got her help and she consistently thanked me over and over again through the relationship, which I guess made me develop a saviour-complex towards her (more egoistic supply)

Clearly I have not found a new source to feed that egoistic need. I believe a more realistic healthy solution would be to get rid of my narcissism. Deal with the fact that I don't NEED admiration.

2] Marriage consideration

Up until I was 15 I was naive about my family. I thought I lived in a perfect household and never had any issues. Then suddenly my dad divorced my mom and moved to a different city with this other chick. I had a lot of anger towards him and started resenting marriage ALOT. (I resent it now as well but for WAY different reasons, the right reasons).

Anyways. When she came along she was the first and only girl that I ever considered marriage with (back in my AFC days). She took my whole notion of "marriage is flawed and bound to end up in ruin" (which I got from the representation of my parents marriage) and turned it into something that I would actually be up for. Changing the fabric of the paradigm/filter I had for my own parents is HUGE. Clearly, by doing this, she had a major impact on my psyche which most definitely left an imprint.

I so far have not been able to find another girl that has been able to have that ability. And I suppose whenever I think about my parents and their marriage, she is always in the periphery of those thoughts, acting as almost the bandaid to it. I don't know if that makes sense.

3] The crumbling of my family

After my parents divorced I realized that My parents weren't all what I had made them up to be. I realized my my dad was never a strong male figure in my life, and my mom was overbearing, and erratic (she actually has mental issues).

I started realizing that Im sort of in this life on my own and it scared the sh1t out of me when I realized that.

Well my ex came along and her family was very similar to mine.

We worked together and pushed each other to become better people, and worked on self improving each other. We acted almost as parents to each other, the ones which we lacked at that given time. So we helped each other out of the rough and used each other as crutches.

So now every time Im in that state of perpetual betterment, which is always, because that is the path I have chosen to be on, she is also in the periphery of my mind, because we jumped on the path together in a time of turmoil. And she represents a little part of self-improvement in the fabric of my psyche i suppose.

Let me know if these three make any coherent sense. Do they correlate?

Im sure there are a lot of other beneath the surface dynamics at play here but I assume that these are the most prominent ones.

Would you guys be able to help me figure out some ways to deal with these? So I can move past her, and actually stop thinking about her so often?


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2014
Reaction score
A lot of your story makes sense. When we attach emotions to thoughts those thoughts often become recurring thoughts. Often times the more we have the thought the more emotion we will feel towards it and it snowballs. Although there are many unanswered questions such as: How did you feel when you were in the relationship with her? How long were you in the relationship? How did the relationship end? What were your exact feelings when the relationship ended?

Odds are that if you are still thinking of her, you still probably have emotional attachment towards her. From my own experiences, The emotional connection that we sometimes achieve with the opposite sex is a lot different than other emotions and attachments in life. Over time those feelings will be completely gone and you will ask yourself -- how could I have even liked her. Because you will feel absolutely nothing for her. You are young and your heart is young, and the world is more fresh to you, so you will experience these things. Keep doing what you are doing. You gave me some good words tonight that I took to heart. But it is important to acknowledge that you still do have feelings for her and this likely means that you are burying your emotions; it has been told to me from an accredited source that when you bury your feelings they are still there.

Now I am going to heed my own advice and ponder.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
narcissist said:
So far tonight after truly thinking about it I believe I have come up with a few things that I believe were voids that she filled in me and things that she represented that no other woman in my life have ever represented, which contribute to the continuation and perpetuation of the memory of her.

1] Narcissistic Supply

This I believe is the main one.

I think that throughout the relationship one of the number one reasons why I was drawn to her and loved her deeply was because she had such an admiration for me. An admiration that I never received from my parents. I could safely say that this lack of admiration from my parents is most definitely the main reason for my narcissism. Well she showered me with admiration. She wanted me to teach her things because she was extremely "naive". She always told me I was brilliant and that just being around me changed her life, and her perspective on existence.

It was almost like a teacher/student dynamic between me and her. She was always looking up to me for advice and wisdom. This feed my narcissistic need for greatness VASTLY. Not only that but she was at the beginning of our relationship semi suicidal, because she was sort of depressed, and I got her help and she consistently thanked me over and over again through the relationship, which I guess made me develop a saviour-complex towards her (more egoistic supply)

Clearly I have not found a new source to feed that egoistic need. I believe a more realistic healthy solution would be to get rid of my narcissism. Deal with the fact that I don't NEED admiration.

2] Marriage consideration

Up until I was 15 I was naive about my family. I thought I lived in a perfect household and never had any issues. Then suddenly my dad divorced my mom and moved to a different city with this other chick. I had a lot of anger towards him and started resenting marriage ALOT. (I resent it now as well but for WAY different reasons, the right reasons).

Anyways. When she came along she was the first and only girl that I ever considered marriage with (back in my AFC days). She took my whole notion of "marriage is flawed and bound to end up in ruin" (which I got from the representation of my parents marriage) and turned it into something that I would actually be up for. Changing the fabric of the paradigm/filter I had for my own parents is HUGE. Clearly, by doing this, she had a major impact on my psyche which most definitely left an imprint.

I so far have not been able to find another girl that has been able to have that ability. And I suppose whenever I think about my parents and their marriage, she is always in the periphery of those thoughts, acting as almost the bandaid to it. I don't know if that makes sense.

3] The crumbling of my family

After my parents divorced I realized that My parents weren't all what I had made them up to be. I realized my my dad was never a strong male figure in my life, and my mom was overbearing, and erratic (she actually has mental issues).

I started realizing that Im sort of in this life on my own and it scared the sh1t out of me when I realized that.

Well my ex came along and her family was very similar to mine.

We worked together and pushed each other to become better people, and worked on self improving each other. We acted almost as parents to each other, the ones which we lacked at that given time. So we helped each other out of the rough and used each other as crutches.

So now every time Im in that state of perpetual betterment, which is always, because that is the path I have chosen to be on, she is also in the periphery of my mind, because we jumped on the path together in a time of turmoil. And she represents a little part of self-improvement in the fabric of my psyche i suppose.

Let me know if these three make any coherent sense. Do they correlate?

Im sure there are a lot of other beneath the surface dynamics at play here but I assume that these are the most prominent ones.

Would you guys be able to help me figure out some ways to deal with these? So I can move past her, and actually stop thinking about her so often?

Let redefine this a little, before I get to the other stuff. Thinking about her really houldn't be a much of an issue. After all, you will not erase associations and memories, the main problem here is that you attached a negative connotation to thinking of her. When you think of her you feel bad in some way. This kind of perpetuates the cycle. So lets not make ever thinking of her the goal, lets make not caring about her when she pops into your mind the goal.. when you think less about her and don't feel affected when you do, you will be good, right?

You figured out alot already, now you just have to allow yourself to admit that you miss those things she gave you... your narcissistic supply, etc. Admitting those feelings of missing those things and with it her, are not a bad thing. They won't set you back, to feel your feeling about it.

From now on, when she pops into your head tell yourself this- "I miss having someone who almost worships me, someone who I can be special to, etc etc" In other words, begin detaching the feelings of missing from her, to the things you like and desire. Its as if a guy misses a girl because of the sex. He can think of her and say "I miss her, she was great in bed" thus reinforcing scarcity in his mind.. or he can tell himself "I miss having hot crazy sex" thus freeing his mind to find it again with someone else.

Either way. Congrats, you're learning about yourself and deciding what you want and making a conscious choice about who you want to be. It really does pay to think about these things.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Its normal when you don't have a lot of experience under your belt. I still think about my ex sometimes, but I honestly believed she was at least seeing some one else, and or full on cheating. That made me feel like I wanted to beat her a$$. Seriously I used to feel like I wanted to beat her for cheating (and I dont even know she did). Now thats fvcked up huh?
Any ways, it will fade.

I also had a lot of substance abuse problems leading up to the break up, during the break up, and after. Which led to low self esteem, lack of rational thinking, even thoughts of suicide. I really, really prolonged the healing process, I made myself a bit crazy.

Had I been sober, and had a sober social circle during all this, I would have handled it a lot better. But I had no one. I was on my own, no support system. Understand women at all times have a support system. As men we are really on our own. Sure we have ss, but its really just writing on a screen.

When it comes to dealing with things of a mental nature, it really is what you believe. If you believe learning math, or violin will be hard, it will be. But if you believe its easy, no matter how much work you have to put in, it will still seem easy.

If you think, thinking about your ex is unhealthy and damaging it will be.

It's fine to think about your ex, just don't let it bother you. Don't try to avoid the thoughts either. If you get the urge to think about her, just think about her at full force and eventually your mind will get bored and go to something else. Trust me it will.

Look at it this way. When you were a kid there was probably something that was a HUGE deal to you then, but now you look back and think about how its funny you even cared about it. The same will happen with this situation. You will eventually not care at all.

Self fulfilling prophecies man.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
6stringer said:
Let redefine this a little, before I get to the other stuff. Thinking about her really houldn't be a much of an issue. After all, you will not erase associations and memories, the main problem here is that you attached a negative connotation to thinking of her. When you think of her you feel bad in some way. This kind of perpetuates the cycle. So lets not make ever thinking of her the goal, lets make not caring about her when she pops into your mind the goal.. when you think less about her and don't feel affected when you do, you will be good, right?

You figured out alot already, now you just have to allow yourself to admit that you miss those things she gave you... your narcissistic supply, etc. Admitting those feelings of missing those things and with it her, are not a bad thing. They won't set you back, to feel your feeling about it.

From now on, when she pops into your head tell yourself this- "I miss having someone who almost worships me, someone who I can be special to, etc etc" In other words, begin detaching the feelings of missing from her, to the things you like and desire. Its as if a guy misses a girl because of the sex. He can think of her and say "I miss her, she was great in bed" thus reinforcing scarcity in his mind.. or he can tell himself "I miss having hot crazy sex" thus freeing his mind to find it again with someone else.

Either way. Congrats, you're learning about yourself and deciding what you want and making a conscious choice about who you want to be. It really does pay to think about these things.
That is good. This explains a lot to me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Thanks for all of the advice you guys!

I have made a decision today that I will not dwell on this girl anymore and that I truly don't care anymore about her. I am done dwelling on all the past memories and living my life vicariously through her memories as though I still have her as a girlfriend.

It is not healthy and I do not want to live my life like this. So everytime I think of her I will stop. I will tell myself that she is part of my past and that I must move forward into the future by living in the present and CONTINUING to better myself every single day.

9 months is enough. I am done. No more thinking about her. I have made a conscious decision to actually get over her and her presence in my life.

Anyone have any useful tips on how to do this?