Is this normal? Can you guys shed some light on this for me?!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score

It seems quite natural what you're describing man. Especially for one so young :up: You get a bit hardened to it after my long years!

But I still think about mine too, most of them. Some less than others, for obvious reasons. There's only one who I don't have particularly fond memories of, but I still think about her most days, but then I am one who thinks about most people I know most days.

You'll still think about her once you met someone else too. The secret is to not let it show, nor to even draw comparisons. Your NEXT will be even hotter, smarter and more entertaining than you ex anyway, so you might not even think about the ex much at all.

Six months ago, I thought I'd never get over my last gf. Now I have met at least one plate who seems in many (most) ways more appropriate, while having a couple more on the go.

Stick with it friend.