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  1. B

    6 weeks into the relationship...

    i'm 6 weeks in facebook official we've known eachother 9 months & briefly dated at the beginning of the year. 6 weeks ago she asked for a relationship after I went full DJ over the last few months I'm fully comfortable with initial stages of attraction, but the problem now is real intimacy &...
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    Look who contacted me @ BookOfMatches - I think I'm going to puke
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    Good Beginner's Weightlifting Routine

    does 10 reps (wide grip) easily can 1RM with 50lb weight weighed in at 83kg's today.. this time last year I was 74Kg's ....feels good man. only added 2% bodyfat approx. definatley add pullups (assisted) for noobs.. or lat pulldowns. the best thing to do is hang from the bar, put a...
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    Rate my texting after nexting

    good job not going beta and retaining control over the relationship. *golfclap.jpg*
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    why do exe's do this?

    she's hurt she wants to control you again.. no contact and move on.
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    Girl who got raped, could I have handled this better?

    "raped" ok... I've heard that one before too. Maybe it's true, but much of the time they do something while drunk, regret it and then call it rape so as not to feel like a tramp. If she didn't press charges it didn't happen the way she's saying. anyway, you did well, keep escalating slowly...
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    spinster laments about the "soulmate" she dumped in her youth

    yup... her little hamster wheel has finally reached overload. 3.5 billion other men and she's still so beta about it. This does shake my understanding that women are cold heartless creatures of instinct that monkey-branch over to...
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    i'm 30 I trim mine to look like this (I keep the "strap" a bit thicker) mine is about this thick/dark use a "buzz cutter" to trim the beard & sides to all the same...
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    Women are like Pigeons

    :) thanks Gentlemen
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    you've already wasted 3 years.. you could have been muscular by now already. the only way to build muscle is to eat a caloric surplus, and train hard, heavy and regular. Even on a "cycle" you will need to eat like an animal (but no fats) and train hard and regular. There are no...
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    any tips to getting rid of sexual frustration

    grow some nuts & deal with it or, buy a fleshlight
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    Anal sex w/ random girl- would you wear a condom?

    in the mouth, and hope she doesn't have mouth herpes
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    How to dress yourself nicely!!!

    I got my FWB to take me out clothes shopping. I declined some of her suggestions though. the biggest tip she gave me: CONTRAST if you're wearing light coloured pants, wear a dark shirt & Vica-versa. also, I workout & train alot, so wear slim fitting clothes to help show my shape off.
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    Sacrificing a fvck buddy for keeping it real?

    that old gem.... they say that to every guy. every girl i've ever been with has said something along those lines "omg you're such a good kisser how do you do that" "your c0ck is the perfect size" "no other guy has ever made me kum by going down on me omg"
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    Chick wants to go to movies on first date

    she probably doesn't want to drink with you. drinks = getting loose = doesn't want to feel like a wh0re I never do "drinks" as a first date. Also, she's probably unsure of you so doesn't want to get locked into an hour long conversation with you just yet. I'd go with her wish, but TELL HER...
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    Sacrificing a fvck buddy for keeping it real?

    dunno... you already got what you wanted. good job not going beta in pursuit of the poon.
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    I don't understand what happened

    not sure but a random text about the weather I wouldn't do. You did OK, she probably gotr pissed that you took so long to confirm a time while she was being very specific. You waited from Sunday Arvo to Monday night to set-up a date. I would have told her when and where to meet me sooner...
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    "This date is going to be purely platonic, right???"

    THIS OP regain the control by reminding her you have the choice.
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    Need some advice DJs (im new)

    -she has a boyfriend -she's hitting on you, and you on her -she's a cheating wh0re -you're a phaggot if you do become the ultimate phaggot & get her to leave her monkeybranch over to you & leave her boyfriend, what's going to stop her from cheating on you?
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    having "feelings"

    all truth guys.. :up: since posting I have watched a few videos & done some reading. I realise i fukt up, but I've learned: -never show more emotion than she does, or before she does -she's not special until she makes herself special -always be the leader, in every aspect the funny...