

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
I am 31.

I am carrying too much fat. I tend to cut, and then take time off and never build.

I therefore go from skinny to fat, with no building. Been doing this for 3 years. Cut down to about 15, get fed up with it, go back to 25. never have enough mass to look good at 15%.

I am getting older now and don't have 2 years to build muscle. I want to bulk fast once I get to 15% in a month or two.

My big fear is losing my hair. I have a full head of hair at 31 although it's a little thinner, but no balding or receeding.

Anyone here do a test cycle? All I really want to know is:

If I start to lose hair, can you get off it quick enough before it all falls out?

i.e. if I start notice major thinning after 3 weeks can I get on PCT quick and stop going completely bald?

I wouldn't do it, but every forum I go on just laughs when I talk about packing on some bulk in 6 months and just tell me it will take years to get big arms and chest. I don't want to be massive, just enough to look pretty athletic. Even so, most BB forums just say even looking athletic will take years, and I haven't got years any more.

Advice anyone?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
I don't take steroids so, I cant help you there. If your thinking about taking testosterone boosters, realize once you start taking it, you will probably have to take it the rest of your life and most doctors probably wont tell you that...

I don't really completely understand your question. But if your just looking to bulk "fast" in 6 months your just gonna have to eat everything in sight and probably a lot of junk food, WITH hard training so you don't turn into a complete fat a$$.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
I know nothing worthwhile about roids, so I can't help you there. I would think you'd greatly benefit from building lean mass instead of the whole bulking/cutting nonsense...high protein, low carbs and working out hard with good HIIT too. There are many, many people who get shredded and pretty built without roids, just requires a very strict diet (but I'm pretty sure roids do too if you wanna see the best results). For me, the side effects of steroid use greatly outweigh the positive gains. But that's just me, if you wanna take roids because you think they're your best or only option, then go ahead.


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
@ Kreug: test boosting supplements =/= test cycle. taking testosterone in supraphysiological amounts is incredibly more effective than taking a supplement that will boost your natural production maybe 10-15% at the most.

@ Stig: you sound like a beginner/intermediate lifter, but your thinking is in the right direction. the basics are called that for a reason, PED's become a necessity when you are at an advanced level. but allow me to correct you on a couple things:

- you will never ever find any human who is very big & very lean who is not enhanced, not matter who they are & how convincing their lies are. don't take what i'm saying the wrong way, but what i said here is not to open a debate, it's a fact that you can choose to believe or not instead of wasting time & energy debating it.

- tolerance of AAS side effects or any substance for that matter is something highly individual. some people will have problems from small doses & some people will be just fine with very big doses, just like how with alcohol some guys get tipsy from a couple of beers or drunk from like 3 shots of vodka, and some guys will put down a six pack or a whole bottle like it's nothing. both are extremes of course but it goes to show you that you don't know how something like that will effect you till you try it.

@Fruitbat: given the concerns you're mentioning, your level, & what you're looking for, i'd say look away from test or any injectable for that matter. try to get some legit anavar or some tbol if you can't find var. both are safer on the hairline than test, are orals, are a shorter cycle (which is more befitting for someone at your level & with your goals).


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Clenbutarol, stacked with wristanol and anadrol.

That's a cutting stack that would come reccomended for non injectable.

Clenbutarol is a fat burner, not a steroid. And anadrol is a very mild anabolic but research showed it to make lean hard muscle that lasts longer per cycle..

That site explains some steroids and side-effects.
Have a look.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Purefilth said:
Clenbutarol, stacked with wristanol and anadrol.

That's a cutting stack that would come reccomended for non injectable.

Clenbutarol is a fat burner, not a steroid. And anadrol is a very mild anabolic but research showed it to make lean hard muscle that lasts longer per cycle..

That site explains some steroids and side-effects.
Have a look.
im assuming u mean anavar...not anadrol!! Anadrol is very harsh stuff!

To the OP: im an experienced user. im a former university track/bobsled guy who was a stripper for 3.5 years. ive also dabbled in bodybuilding. Ive been lifting consistently for 14 years...It sounds like you take time off and fall off the wagon once u get lean. Unfortunately its even harder to maintain a good body composition when ur lean and carry a good amount of muscle. I personally dont think u are ready to use gear unless u have trained consistently for atleast 3-5 years and made substantial progress. I put on 50 lbs naturally before i used. You can PM me if u have any questions but I dont think u should consider it until youve got a good diet and routine hammered out. Otherwise althoigh you may make gains, you'll simply lose them all coming off cycle.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
My bad fugly - yep, too many to keep track of them all :D


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know that a test cycle would be the end of the world. With respect to Purefilth, I wouldn't worry about a cutting cycle like he listed... it is too advanced if you have never cycled before. I would also never suggest running any anabolic without some kind of test base. It may be easier to just take pills and skip the injections, but you will be shutting your natural production of test down and for all of the effects unique to test aside, you will probably feel bad without it.

I know guys who have not lifted a whole lot that have cycled successfully and did not lose all of their gains. If you PCT correctly, you should be able to keep most of them. However I will say that if you don't have any kind of legitimate training experience (at least a few years) you won't appreciate what it is that you attained with the test cycle. It takes a lot of discipline and consistency to put on muscle naturally... insomniac9 is incorrect when he says this is not possible.

If you want the test to "jump start" your efforts so to speak, as long as you are in good health and have fully researched how to cycle and PCT, I don't think it will be the end of the world. I think it would be better to spend at least a year or 2 training to develop your disciplines and habits. If you don't have those, it won't matter what you do on cycle because when you go off and stop training, you will become small again.

Also, if you decide to cycle, don't skip blood work... get your testosterone levels assessed before you cycle, during cycle (to make sure your gear is legit), and after PCT (to make sure your levels are back to where they should be).


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
@ purefilt: i'm guessing you meant winstrol & anavar, because anadrol is a harsh AAS as fugly said, plus it can be a little wet so it's better suited for someone who's lean trying to bulk, and there's no such thing as wristanol lol
as for clen, it works but it's sort of a dated PED, & at effective fat burning doses, it's adverse effects on your cardiovascular system are noteably worse than any AAS. albuterol or ephedrine are better choices.

@ fuglydude: you sound like you know your stuff, i agree with the points you made.

@ ebracer5: no one said a test cycle would be the end of the world. however, if he is concerned with hair loss, you don't recommend something that undergoes 5a-reduction, which test does.
also, test bases are a nice addition to stacks but even then are not absolutely necessary, & not every cycle needs to be a stack, especially for someone who's a 1st timer. many people starting AAS run very successful cycles of dbol solo or anavar solo without any issue.
anavar is minimally suppressive & very safe overall in terms of sides on top of being pretty darn effective if you can score legit stuff. the only thing that's gonna be real bad on bloodwork results is lipid profile, but that will sort itself out soon after the cycle is over if your diet is clean & you're consistent with your cardio.
lastly, i don't know what you understood from what i said, but i never said one can't put on muscle naturally. but you need to understand that there are limits to what can be achieved naturally, & those limits are significantly lower than the supplement industry & fake naturals would like you to believe. hell there's even limits to what can be achieved with just AAS.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
insomniac9 said:
@ Stig: you sound like a beginner/intermediate lifter, but your thinking is in the right direction. the basics are called that for a reason, PED's become a necessity when you are at an advanced level. but allow me to correct you on a couple things:

- you will never ever find any human who is very big & very lean who is not enhanced, not matter who they are & how convincing their lies are. don't take what i'm saying the wrong way, but what i said here is not to open a debate, it's a fact that you can choose to believe or not instead of wasting time & energy debating it.

- tolerance of AAS side effects or any substance for that matter is something highly individual. some people will have problems from small doses & some people will be just fine with very big doses, just like how with alcohol some guys get tipsy from a couple of beers or drunk from like 3 shots of vodka, and some guys will put down a six pack or a whole bottle like it's nothing. both are extremes of course but it goes to show you that you don't know how something like that will effect you till you try it.
Definitely not a beginner when it comes to the actual lifting side of things...but I am a total noob when it comes to anabolics. When I said built and lean, I don't mean IFBB built, I was thinking more along the lines of someone who has a solid muscle base who is also fairly lean. Thanks for the info though.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Fruitbat said:
I am 31.

I am carrying too much fat. I tend to cut, and then take time off and never build.

I therefore go from skinny to fat, with no building. Been doing this for 3 years. Cut down to about 15, get fed up with it, go back to 25. never have enough mass to look good at 15%.

I am getting older now and don't have 2 years to build muscle. I want to bulk fast once I get to 15% in a month or two.

My big fear is losing my hair. I have a full head of hair at 31 although it's a little thinner, but no balding or receeding.

Anyone here do a test cycle? All I really want to know is:

If I start to lose hair, can you get off it quick enough before it all falls out?

i.e. if I start notice major thinning after 3 weeks can I get on PCT quick and stop going completely bald?

I wouldn't do it, but every forum I go on just laughs when I talk about packing on some bulk in 6 months and just tell me it will take years to get big arms and chest. I don't want to be massive, just enough to look pretty athletic. Even so, most BB forums just say even looking athletic will take years, and I haven't got years any more.

Advice anyone?
Steroids are for people that have reached their genetic limit....or for those who want to take a shortcut. Point in case, the influx of late teen/early 20's "kids" that are juicing.

It won't take you 2 years to look athletic. What are your body stats, lifting numbers (Squat, bench, deadlift) and your current routine and diet?


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
The point is if you take roids and get bulked up then do not support it with a SOLID and constant workout program you will never stay bulked, there are no easy shortcuts in body building, the ones that exist will just **** you up

The thing is, or you have gifted genetics or you just workout it

Haywood Jablome

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
Winny and var are good. They promote fat burning while adding lean muscle. I am actually having better results with ephedrine than I was while on you can order it online from Canada and have it shipped relatively cheap. And no, you don't have to worry about customs snatching it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Not sure if any of the other guys have tried, but I've been on HGH for a couple of months now, and LOVE it!! Its expensive, but it gives me AAS-like effects (low doses obviously) w/o any of the side effects!

I work 60-70 hours a week in a very high acuity area in the hospital as well as run my own business so I only average 4-5 hours a night of sleep. The HGH has made it much easier for me to maintain a higher body mass (I'm 185-190 lbs at 5'8"), and get stronger despite inadequate nutrition and rest. Don't get me wrong I aim for 4000 cals/day but only get 3-3.5 k on average. Getting jacked would be easier if life didn't get in the way...

To the OP: Consider HGH once you've been training/eating right for a few years. It can really help you once you're in your 30s'... there's also many docs in anti-aging clinics in the US that will prescribe it to you, or so I've been told.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Not to highjack the thead but Fuglydude, have you ever used any of the IGF derivatives out there? I knew a guy who claimed IGF DES was as good as HGH but I have never tried either.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Run Epistane/which is legal) for 6 weeks and loved it, despite eating like a pig I got bigger and leaner, almost a six pack while putting about 12 pounds which I still have.

Diet wasnt great actually and it worked anyway just imagine what it may do if properly planned.

Hair line was receiding anyway so didnt bother much to lose a month or two, libido dropped altought I didnt have many girls around that time and my libido is very sensitive to stress and annoyment in general.

Increased aggression but cold one, I felt fine with people but tolerance to bvllsh1t was much lower, somehow girls seemed more interested in me, could be less interest from me or improvment in posture due to different mood.

below 20mg didnt do sh1t, at 30mg started to feel it on my body but the real deal were the weeks at 40mg daily, didnt move above 40 to avoid stress on liver.

Bench press increased of a good 20% in all sets same with dead lift and shoulder press, no special inprovement in arms weights.

If you have any question just ask.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Fruitbat said:
I am 31.

I am carrying too much fat. I tend to cut, and then take time off and never build.

I therefore go from skinny to fat, with no building. Been doing this for 3 years. Cut down to about 15, get fed up with it, go back to 25. never have enough mass to look good at 15%.

I am getting older now and don't have 2 years to build muscle. I want to bulk fast once I get to 15% in a month or two.

My big fear is losing my hair. I have a full head of hair at 31 although it's a little thinner, but no balding or receeding.

Anyone here do a test cycle? All I really want to know is:

If I start to lose hair, can you get off it quick enough before it all falls out?

i.e. if I start notice major thinning after 3 weeks can I get on PCT quick and stop going completely bald?

I wouldn't do it, but every forum I go on just laughs when I talk about packing on some bulk in 6 months and just tell me it will take years to get big arms and chest. I don't want to be massive, just enough to look pretty athletic. Even so, most BB forums just say even looking athletic will take years, and I haven't got years any more.

Advice anyone?
you've already wasted 3 years.. you could have been muscular by now already.

the only way to build muscle is to eat a caloric surplus, and train hard, heavy and regular.

Even on a "cycle" you will need to eat like an animal (but no fats) and train hard and regular.

There are no shortcuts and you can't take a "break"
you either love the BB lifestyle & stick to it long-term, or you're just wasting your time.

When you've cut down to 15% (make sure you ALWAYS lift during your cut, or you lose muscle mass)

make sure you eat 500cal surplus a day. (any more and you're gaining more fat than necessary)

get 1gram Protein per 1lb of LeanBodyMass.
0.4grams fat per 1lb of LBM
make the rest up with carbs

meal timing is irrelevant
what you eat is irrelevant (IIFYM)

Just get loads of natural proteins and LIFT HARD with good form.

You can REALISTICALLY gain a maximum of around 1lb of LBM (muscle) per month, thats if you hit your training and diet just right.

I've gained 14lbs in 12months... and at 175lbs @ 14%BF

there are no shortcuts, just hard-work and determination.

I'll have my first 6pack and adonis belt in my life after my cut.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
ebracer05 said:
Not to highjack the thead but Fuglydude, have you ever used any of the IGF derivatives out there? I knew a guy who claimed IGF DES was as good as HGH but I have never tried either.
Sorry bud, didn't see your question here at all...

To answer your question, no, I haven't. At one point when I was training w/ an IFBB pro, he suggested I take GHRP-6, to stimulate appetite during a bulk phase. I never did it though.

I'm really liking GH so far!