Women are like Pigeons


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Women are like pigeons - 3 points to improve your odds attracting women

never chase after them
You have exactly what they want in your hand, you both know it, but the pigeon wants to have it on their terms.
You have the emotional energy she craves, time, compliments, attention, gifts, great personality & potential for sexual satisfaction.
This is your “feed”, and you know she wants it.. but why does she run away?

The first rule of attracting pigeons is never run after them. If anyone has ever fed pigeons, ducks or chickens, you will know that if you move too quick or chase after them they will run away from you.
She needs to check you out properly first and play the instinctive games birds play.
This is why you never talk about commitment, how you feel, or show excessive amounts of interest before she does.
If you double-text or “please respond’ her, you have given her the choice in the relationship. You must be the one who has the choice!
It’s your choice to throw her a Reeses, or to withhold. Men seem to act as if women “deserve” to be showered with compliments & attention.
This is the primary reason you have failed thus far.

Here’s where guys make another huge mistake. You throw a bird some food and they don’t eat it.
Will throwing more really help the situation? This is why you never double text and never try re-schedule a date if she says she can’t make the one you’ve already agreed upon.
Wait for her to re-schedule, and don’t make things too easy for her. If she’s interested she will let you know when she can get together.
They have the choice to fly away at any time, you need to regain control of the situation by not rewarding behavior you don’t want.

don’t throw your feed too far

They want what is in your hand, so by throwing it far and wide do you think it will attract them closer to you?
All you have done is rewarded them all equally and they have no incentive to come to you. By making it easy to gain your affections you nullify the chance of seeing them ever put in any effort.
You're focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of trying to get them to lap up your attention, you need to use small amounts of attention to bring them closer to you.
The feed is just a way of bringing them in, but most guys think that the more they throw out the more chance they stand. wrong.
You don't want them to eat your feed you want them to sit on your face & eat out of your lap. (like the next picture).
Giving compliments, time, communication & emotional energy is a means to an end, not an end in itself. This is why you see so many guys in the friendzone.
They are being used like an emotional tampon, but the woman they want is having steamy sex with a guy she actually needs to work for.
To bring them close you only reward the pigeons that put in the effort, and show initiative.
If you are acting like a phaggot throwing your effort, time, compliments and emotional energy at everything that moves you’re going to be exhausted, disillusioned and have no women anywhere near you.
You will know which pigeons want what you’ve got, because they will come to you.
Most of them will almost ask you to feed them, if you don’t play their games or buy into this “pursue her” crap.

they are more likely to come to you if they see other birds around you

If you can attract a few pigeons close to you, other birds will see that you’re not so bad after-all.
They will wonder what’s so good about this guy and come in for a closer look.
After-all, you must be OK if the other birds are hanging around you, right?

“girls who are between 7-10 want to know that you get other girls who are 7-10. its an ego thing. I'd say spend more time around your more attractive female friends or go to parties/pre games with better looking girls and then the ones you try to bag might be more receptive.”
Follow these rules, especially when you start to get “feelings” and you’ll be doing the following in no time:

now you betas will never get it wrong, if in doubt, treat her like a pigeon.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Hahaha Great post OP!

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Misogynist! Imagine that...thinking of women as flying rats!!

Just kidding. Excellent post. Repped.

Looks like Mr. "bluejay" keeps a bird's-eye view of things.