Good Beginner's Weightlifting Routine

Wolfgang D

Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2011
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I will give credit where credit is due and direct you to the forum, to read what the experts have to say. First, read a sticky about the most common mistakes made by beginners:

Basically too many exercises in your program, too much weight, too much focus on the chest and upper arms when you should be training your whole body both for looks and durability. Too much isolation when you should be doing compound exercises.

Now for a good beginner's program, stickied at You can do other programs too, but remember that what works for an athlete might not work for you. This program will definitely give you results when you start working out. And you can do it with either barbells or dumbbells, which are the best pieces of equipment in the gym - or at home.

In short: Squats, bent-over row, overhead press, bench press, deadlifts, curls, calf raises.

Feel those squats! Feel those deadlifts! And the rest. A short but efficient program that takes about an hour.

(You are not too lazy to click on a link, are you? This is your body we're talking about, and I won't copy someone else's excellent post, nor the good answers to that post. Check it out at, it is worth your time.)


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
you missed the two most important exercises known to mankind

meet ms.chin up and mr.pull up

they improve your grip, forearm strength,biceps,lats,shoulders you name it.
do you know why the pullup bar is always FREE? because its difficult. ive never seen anyone go at it for more than 5 reps.

i use a tree to do pull ups and chins.i love them.

Wolfgang D

Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
switch said:
you missed the two most important exercises known to mankind

meet ms.chin up and mr.pull up

they improve your grip, forearm strength,biceps,lats,shoulders you name it.
do you know why the pullup bar is always FREE? because its difficult. ive never seen anyone go at it for more than 5 reps.

i use a tree to do pull ups and chins.i love them.
True, true. Pullups and chinups are great. I didn't include them because they are not in the beginner's program I link to, and I want to keep it short - it is a real problem for people, that they pile on too many exercises in the beginning. Also I was thinking of what you can do at home, and most people won't install a pullup bar at home or have access to a good tree nearby. But they are definitely also good exercises.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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switch said:
you missed the two most important exercises known to mankind

meet ms.chin up and mr.pull up

they improve your grip, forearm strength,biceps,lats,shoulders you name it.
do you know why the pullup bar is always FREE? because its difficult. ive never seen anyone go at it for more than 5 reps.

i use a tree to do pull ups and chins.i love them.
100% correct mr switch.
Lat pulldowns to build the starter strength though. When I first started lifting, i could barely do 5 pullups close grip.

Lat pulldowns to get started and now do I wide grip pull up sets with 20 or 25 kg plates on my belt. I weigh 92kg, so thats a pretty good bit of weight right there :D
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Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
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does 10 reps (wide grip) easily

can 1RM with 50lb weight

weighed in at 83kg's today.. this time last year I was 74Kg's ....feels good man. only added 2% bodyfat approx.

definatley add pullups (assisted) for noobs.. or lat pulldowns.
the best thing to do is hang from the bar, put a swissball under your feet & try not to use your legs to get you up.. but use them as necesary to complete the set.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
100% correct mr switch.
Lat pulldowns to build the starter strength though. When I first started lifting, i could barely do 5 pullups close grip.
The best way to get better at something is to do it. There are plenty of different methods to get better at doing pull-ups/chin-ups but they all involve the actual exercise--not doing other exercises to "build up strength". Certain compound exercises transfer over into other compound exercises but lat pulldowns don't increase your pull-up/chin-up strength. I can understand why someone would think that but it's simply not true.