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  1. T

    For the Victims

    Just thought Id post this to make guys like me relate to what we have to through in this ****ty little excuse for a planet we call Earth. Well tonight Ive had people yet again teasing me and accusing me of being gay over my lack of success with women. Then a girl Ive really liked for ages Ive...
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    A Man Trying to Escape His Hell

    Whats the point of self-help books not like I need them. I was asking a straight forward question but If Its too hard for you then forget it, it doesnt matter
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    A Man Trying to Escape His Hell

    Two months I dont have, its not that Reading is too much, just if I know the basics of what I have to do I will be a lot quicker rather than taking small steps for the next year and getting nowhere yet again.
  4. T

    A Man Trying to Escape His Hell

    Well Ive read a bit of the DJ Bible and it says you should approach a girl once you get eye contact, problem is I never get eye contact, if I look at a girl she just looks away and is totally uninterested. Also the Bible is huge anyone got any basic pointers for a guy aiming just to start...
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    A Man Trying to Escape His Hell

    Somehow I can never see that happening, Ive tried nearly everything and Ive ran out of ideas now and given up all hope.
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    A Man Trying to Escape His Hell

    Hi Guys, Just wondering your tips on how to help a 24 year old man who has never even got close to a woman, let alone a relationship who the female public find repulsive and have zero interest in. Im at my final straw now and dont know how long I can carry on living in a world where I have...
  7. T

    Strange One for You All

    Hi Guys, Just need your advice and thoughts on something. I was out tonight and a girl came over to me, asked was I single and gave me a piece of paper with her name and number on and then just walked off. Now I need to ask the following * Do you think it was a wind up? * Is it a good...
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    How to approach Girls you dont know

    Hi, As you may know the romantic side of my life(or total lack of it) is totally ruining me and my families life. Im not blessed with looks(putting it mildly) and I have nothing going for me but my personality. Just wondering what your stories are regarding approaching girls you dont know...
  9. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    And are you just stupid or ignorant? Id go for Stupid.
  10. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Now please dont give me that rubbish, Stephane insulted me and thats why we have had disagreements. So if I do get banned wont that be just pathetic? Because I have defended myself against people having the cheek to flame me just because the advice didnt work? Ive listened to the advice, some...
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    You really are a **** arent you? Obviously just on a wind up mission are we? You really know **** all you ****ing idiot.
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Its more like B just I honestly dont have a exit strategy at this moment in time. Theres nowhere else realistically to go but where I am.
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Good well **** off then, lets face it your looking for ammuntion anyway arent you? Moving Town wouldnt make any sense its like taking one step forward and a hundred back, wouldnt be suitable for me at all. Suppose im being selfish there as well eh?
  14. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    ****ing brighter than you lets put it that way. What would be the point of leaving my friends and family behind? As well as money and a stable job and a home?
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Go **** you too, all I did is be honest with you, Ill tell you a pack of **** if thats what you want to hear, but will that do any good? Trying to judge me with no knowledge shows exactly how little you know, the people close to me like me, appreciate me and respect the sort of man I am and...
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Well lets be honest Im forced to arent I? Im the one left in the ****hole, like it or not im stuck with it
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Thats the problem we havent found the advice yet have we? But is that any reason for calling for me to be banned? No
  18. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    So are you saying I should just lie? Make myself and the forum look good? Ive never doubted the knowledge on the forum, just I notice theres a few ****s on here who scream for your head if the advice given to you doesnt work which is totally the wrong attitude to have.
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Go on you carry on with the same ****, just because Im honest. Defeats the object of free speech doesnt it? Go on then tell me are you saying I should come on here and just lie?
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    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Oh FFS im being honest, the majority of people I know have what I have but that can only take you so far. The majority of people have good friends and family, but things still work out for them, something that is still yet to happen for me