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  1. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    I think it may be better if I stay in the same city as I have a good bunch of friends, a steady job and my family here. But apart from that everything else you say pretty much makes sense as long as I dont have anymore setbacks some of that advice you gave me may prove useful :cheer:
  2. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Again im not spamming the forum, just telling you the way it is. Honestly do you expect every member on here to live in a perfect world where everything is all dandy? Sadly there is no God, either that or he is too ****ing lazy to help the people he claims to care about, what ive learned is...
  3. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Dude your a ****, ive been honest with you 100% and told you the way things are, I cant change the way things are, I dont decide it :down:
  4. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    You really are getting boring now Stephane. Btw to the ones who have genuinely tried to help, thank you, your thoughts and efforts I will never forget :up:
  5. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Trust me your so wrong, Im a realist, I dont bury my head in the clouds, what you see is what you get. The only crime Ive committed is being myself and 100% honest with everyone I meet, I give the truth nothing more, nothing less.
  6. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Im not the one who decided that so many members of my family would die or get Ill, Im not the one who decided to allow so called friends and even family to stab me in the back, Im not the one who decided that people would spread rumours about me. Although Im not perfect, Im not to blame for...
  7. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    I had it worked out years ago just it didnt work out for me and other people it did. Not a case of who is better than who and whatever, Im a very intelligent person just I tried it all and came away with nothing(like some other people I know), not that we did anything wrong but its just the...
  8. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    The reason I was asking was because Im 24 and Ive been through 8 years of this. Some people on here are about 17 or 18 when their lives have turned around, for me it hasnt been a barren spell but more of a life sentence.
  9. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Seriously mate how old are you? Are you as old as me? Im 24 years old and Ive been lying to myself for the last 8 years that things will get berter. Guess what despite all my efforts they never do.
  10. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    If only it was that straight forward
  11. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    I wish I could make a fresh start but I come along with this same ambition every year yet nothing ever changes. After whats happened over the last couple of days has made me realise that if anything im even further away and its never going to happen. Im probably better off dead as bad as that...
  12. T


    Surprised Liddell won although Im glad one of my favourite fighters. Im backing St.Pierre to be the next Welterweight Champion and to have a long reign as Champion. Hope Nick Diaz returns to the UFC soon as well, hes one of those fighters who goes in and leaves it all on the line.
  13. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Lets be honest it cant be fixed? Can all the wrongs be put right? No
  14. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    No again sorry I dont, Im not to blame for any of this but just the situation ive been stuck with, afterall am I the one who decides who lives and dies?
  15. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Err Nooo again you go on about this sympathy ****, ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID OR JUST PRETENDING? Again Sympathy wont help me, wont make the wrongs right will it? So if you think Its funny? Do you think Cancer is funny? Do you think Death is funny? Do you think Disfigurement is funny? Sorry...
  16. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Why because Im telling the truth? As Ive said before attention wont help me. Despite what you think Im a realist.
  17. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Its not that im not taking action just getting hospitalized wont change anything thats happened, it wont put anything right. It might give me a few different ways at looking at things but thats about it.
  18. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    Now thats just ****ing lame and you know it is. Tell you what Ill just brush everything under the carpet and pretend all is good that will work eh? Live in some sort of fantasy world
  19. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    I just think its pathetic how you can brand someone with a tag despite knowing nothing of them. I wouldnt do it to anyone as I know I dont know anything about them so I dont see what gives you the right to do so.
  20. T

    Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

    I appreciate the advice its better than the ****e that Stephane and the other **** Tony Wong whateverhisname is but the things that have happened to me are a lot more than a kneescrape. Even if things did turn out okay as people have said I cant turn back the last 8 years of my life, so I will...