Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

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The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
oakraiderz2 said:
You have a choice...b*tch about the last 8 years or get over it and look forward. Youre have plenty of time to create happier memories. You choose to live in shut up and deal with it, unless you change something.
No again sorry I dont, Im not to blame for any of this but just the situation ive been stuck with, afterall am I the one who decides who lives and dies?

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
spiff said:
No whats lame is you coming to a forum to cry about a bunch of problems you have no intention of fixing.

There is no ****ing magic word, or number that is suddenly going to fix your life, but tell you what i'll help you out.

Lets be honest it cant be fixed? Can all the wrongs be put right?


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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When I've seen the thread title, I thought you're in Iraq.

I'm very serious. There are literally millions of people who have it worse than you. Think about that. I know what I'm saying seems trivial to you, but positive mentality is a major thing. The sequence is: our feelings influence our thoughts and our thoughts influence our behavior.

You are in a victim mode. As long as you're in it, things won't get better. And it's entirely up to you whether you'll stay in it or break out of it. It will be tough though.

I liked when Mystery concluded one of the seminars with: "It was done before, it can be done again. Only question is, will it be you?"

Do you think there weren't any people in the history of mankind who had similar problems but managed to come on top in the end? They didn't have anything you don't have. If they've done it, you can do it too.

Good luck and better new year.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
I wish I could make a fresh start but I come along with this same ambition every year yet nothing ever changes.
After whats happened over the last couple of days has made me realise that if anything im even further away and its never going to happen.
Im probably better off dead as bad as that may sound whats the point of living a life where the odds are permantely stacked against you and you have no chance of ever turning it around


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
The Damned said:
I wish I could make a fresh start but I come along with this same ambition every year yet nothing ever changes.
After whats happened over the last couple of days has made me realise that if anything im even further away and its never going to happen.
Im probably better off dead as bad as that may sound whats the point of living a life where the odds are permantely stacked against you and you have no chance of ever turning it around
everyone goes through a period of time where they think they are less than they are, it's part of progress, but at the time you think you are sliding down some ladder to a pit of doom.
if you want to change your mindset, you will, in time.
the point of life, is to simply make it through the best you can even when the stakes are stacked as high as mountains.
the point of life, is to just keep going and help others up when you see them fall, until you reach the finish line.
the light that shines on you, is the same light that shines upon your brothers.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
Tampa bay, Florida
The Damned said:
I wish I could make a fresh start but I come along with this same ambition every year yet nothing ever changes.
After whats happened over the last couple of days has made me realise that if anything im even further away and its never going to happen.
Im probably better off dead as bad as that may sound whats the point of living a life where the odds are permantely stacked against you and you have no chance of ever turning it around
Holy god, shut the hell up, get out of your own fvcking mind, go out there and create the world you WANT! You are turning down so much good advice it's making me sick, because the answers are right in front of you but you're too much of a dumb sh!t to realize it because you're stuck in your own little world. Guess what, life isn't fair, nobody will give you anything, if you want something then you go out there and take it. You want happiness? go take it. You want success? go take it.

What do you want? happiness? What makes you happy? money? women? cars? adventure? find out what it is, figure out how you're going to get it, then go get it!

Simple in words, but you need to work your ass off to get it. Better get started, you already wasted the past week being sorry for yourself, and what have you achieved? nothing.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Bricka said:
Holy god, shut the hell up, get out of your own fvcking mind, go out there and create the world you WANT! You are turning down so much good advice it's making me sick, because the answers are right in front of you but you're too much of a dumb sh!t to realize it because you're stuck in your own little world. Guess what, life isn't fair, nobody will give you anything, if you want something then you go out there and take it. You want happiness? go take it. You want success? go take it.

What do you want? happiness? What makes you happy? money? women? cars? adventure? find out what it is, figure out how you're going to get it, then go get it!

Simple in words, but you need to work your ass off to get it. Better get started, you already wasted the past week being sorry for yourself, and what have you achieved? nothing.

If only it was that straight forward


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
Tampa bay, Florida
The Damned said:
If only it was that straight forward
Hell yes it is! I've been through a lot of what you're talking about. Do you know how many times i've contemplated suicide since I was 14? too many to count. Whenever I thought life was a b!tch, that it was unfair, that I was so convinced that there was no way things could get better , guess what? it always did, always. Because it's not about achieving your entire lifes goals in 1 days. it's about taking baby steps. About looking back on the day before and seeing just what you accomplished. There's no magic pill to make you happy, no special secret to getting what you want. It's all right there, in front of you, screaming at you "come get me you motherfvcker, come take what you want if you're man enough!" . Are you going to let some other douchebag sleep with your woman? some other jackass start your company and take all the money that could have been yours?

Right now you have a choice, you either sit there and wallow in your own misery. Or you get up off your ass, tell yourself "enough of this sh!t" , and go out there and LIVE. LIVE YOU FRIGGING JACKASS!!!

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Bricka said:
Hell yes it is! I've been through a lot of what you're talking about. Do you know how many times i've contemplated suicide since I was 14? too many to count. Whenever I thought life was a b!tch, that it was unfair, that I was so convinced that there was no way things could get better , guess what? it always did, always. Because it's not about achieving your entire lifes goals in 1 days. it's about taking baby steps. About looking back on the day before and seeing just what you accomplished. There's no magic pill to make you happy, no special secret to getting what you want. It's all right there, in front of you, screaming at you "come get me you motherfvcker, come take what you want if you're man enough!" . Are you going to let some other douchebag sleep with your woman? some other jackass start your company and take all the money that could have been yours?

Right now you have a choice, you either sit there and wallow in your own misery. Or you get up off your ass, tell yourself "enough of this sh!t" , and go out there and LIVE. LIVE YOU FRIGGING JACKASS!!!
Seriously mate how old are you? Are you as old as me? Im 24 years old and Ive been lying to myself for the last 8 years that things will get berter.
Guess what despite all my efforts they never do.


Oct 22, 2006
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The Damned said:
If only it was that straight forward
lol if you'd just listen to my shi t rather than look for an argument, you'd be somewhere. I take it that you went passed all the helpful advice straight to the sht you could argue with. My opinion is thats probably one of your problems and why people don't like you, your too argumentative. YOU DONT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE RIGHT, YOU NEED TO LEARN TO BE WRONG AND HAPPY. In this situation you should have nothing to say back since you asked for our advice and opinions. READ MY **** AND PUT IT INTO ACTION, that **** truly helped me.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
Tampa bay, Florida
The Damned said:
Seriously mate how old are you? Are you as old as me? Im 24 years old and Ive been lying to myself for the last 8 years that things will get berter.
Guess what despite all my efforts they never do.
1 year younger.

Edit: forgot my birthday

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Bricka said:
1 year younger.

Edit: forgot my birthday

The reason I was asking was because Im 24 and Ive been through 8 years of this.

Some people on here are about 17 or 18 when their lives have turned around, for me it hasnt been a barren spell but more of a life sentence.


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
It doesn't ****in matter how old they are. All that means is that they are smarter than you cuz they were able to solve the problem years before you.

READ MY SHT AND COMMENT on it its true sht

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
trojanman88 said:
It doesn't ****in matter how old they are. All that means is that they are smarter than you cuz they were able to solve the problem years before you.

READ MY SHT AND COMMENT on it its true sht
I had it worked out years ago just it didnt work out for me and other people it did. Not a case of who is better than who and whatever, Im a very intelligent person just I tried it all and came away with nothing(like some other people I know), not that we did anything wrong but its just the path that life has chosen for us.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
Tampa bay, Florida
The Damned said:
I had it worked out years ago just it didnt work out for me and other people it did. Not a case of who is better than who and whatever, Im a very intelligent person just I tried it all and came away with nothing(like some other people I know), not that we did anything wrong but its just the path that life has chosen for us.
First mistake. You choose your own path. The path you're choosing right now is a path of misery and defeat.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Bricka said:
First mistake. You choose your own path. The path you're choosing right now is a path of misery and defeat.

Im not the one who decided that so many members of my family would die or get Ill, Im not the one who decided to allow so called friends and even family to stab me in the back, Im not the one who decided that people would spread rumours about me.
Although Im not perfect, Im not to blame for what has happened in my life so far, I hope that very soon my life will change so at least their will be some joy in what so far has been hell and unrepairable.
But im not too optimistic, hopefully if a slight bit of joy happens in my life it will give me some optimism and a sign that maybe things will change.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
Tampa bay, Florida
The Damned said:
Im not the one who decided that so many members of my family would die or get Ill, Im not the one who decided to allow so called friends and even family to stab me in the back, Im not the one who decided that people would spread rumours about me.
Although Im not perfect, Im not to blame for what has happened in my life so far, I hope that very soon my life will change so at least their will be some joy in what so far has been hell and unrepairable.
But im not too optimistic, hopefully if a slight bit of joy happens in my life it will give me some optimism and a sign that maybe things will change.
You are choosing to let it end your life. Everybody gets ill, everybody gets stabbed in the back, and everybody has rumours started about them. I dont see any of them quitting their lives because of it.

Go get help. Now! Find a psychiatrist, and let him help. You are depressed, probably clinically depressed.


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
The Damned said:
I had it worked out years ago just it didnt work out for me and other people it did. Not a case of who is better than who and whatever, Im a very intelligent person just I tried it all and came away with nothing(like some other people I know), not that we did anything wrong but its just the path that life has chosen for us.
Nope your wrong, i'm smarter cuz I figured it out at a younger age. Everyone can figure this **** out, quit thinking that you thought of everything cuz obviously you have'nt. This **** is easy as pie as soon as you get passed that little unforseen detail thats holding you back. LITTERALLY I went from geek to sheak in one night, now i'm the ****ing boss. I'm going to give you another chance to read my **** and stop arguing with these losers. ANd make sure you look at the videos at the bottom if you think seeming gay can hold you back...don't be a lost cause

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
spiff said:
this is a troll

Trust me your so wrong, Im a realist, I dont bury my head in the clouds, what you see is what you get.
The only crime Ive committed is being myself and 100% honest with everyone I meet, I give the truth nothing more, nothing less.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Guys just ignore him this thread went long enough, it went on for 4 pages.
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