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  1. T


    Anyone here fans? Im quite into it now since it started getting shown in the UK around 2004. Favourite fighters are Nick Diaz(although no longer in UFC), Rich Franklin, Renato Sobral, Tito Ortiz, Randy Couture & Chuck Liddell. The Ultimate Fighter is also one of the best shows around
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    Geeks who have become Playas

    Cant do much with my hair its curly & wirey so I tend to just keep to a short back and sides, and sometimes a skinhead in the summer. Working Out, I train about 3-4 times per week but Im only a scrawny build, naturally very thin, although Im toned my muscle mass isnt very visible. Clothing Im...
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    Geeks who have become Playas

    I can honestly say I dont care, just the sort of people I dont get on with I want to do a lot better than in life. Believe me, people may think Im stupid but not many people will say it to me as they know I dont take crap from anyone. People who know me say Ive got a good sense of humour and...
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    Geeks who have become Playas

    Its weird to describe mate. I see men I know say from Work or Outside of Work, who seem to have women following them everywhere, seem to get women approaching them when they are out, they have no problem getting friends as people want to be around them and they seem to be lucky in every walk of...
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    Geeks who have become Playas

    In the modern day I think people see me as a Geek and a Nerd, although people know Im no coward, I can handle myself, wont let people walk over me and Im quite funny, I dont think any females see me in a sexual sort of way. Is there any guys like me, who were once geeky but turned there lives...
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    The DJ Bootcamp

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    The DJ Bootcamp

    Heard this mentioned on here quite a few times, what is it and what does it consist of?
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    Approaching Women You Dont Know

    Cheers for the advice guys but somehow I dont think its going to work out for me, tonight I went out with the intention of approaching women but again I didnt even get a shred of acknowledgement. People treat me like im a piece of **** and life has treated me like a piece of ****, I havent been...
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    Approaching Women You Dont Know

    Not comfortable doing it mate, dont have a clue what to say and I get panicky and I go blank. Even if someone pointed a gun to my head I probably still couldnt do it.
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    When does Acne go away?

    I started getting acne when I was 18(went through school without a spot on me), I get it more when I let facial hair grow, my face isnt too bad although ive got it bad on my back. Im 24 now so ive had it 5 years, bad thing is the Docs cant put a time scale on how long you will have it, could go...
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    Approaching Women You Dont Know

    Tried smiling, eye contact, tried to make myself noticed, Ive done more or less everything but formally approached them. Dont get me wrong, it is good advice im receiving on here but I cant see it working on me, Ive had days where I thought why should I live like this and Im going to put it...
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    Circuit Training

    Im thinking of taking this up after the New Year as a hobby and I hear its a great way of staying fit. Im trying to change my Fitness Routine a bit as Im getting bored doing the same old stuff, Im wondering if this is a great way of muscle building as well as improving cardio. What are the...
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    Cheers Ill read through the forums and see if I can pick up any success stories, btw whats this boot camp everyone keeps on going on about
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    Zero at the moment mate and never even tried, even if I look at a woman she looks away, maybe if I get one who even glances at me or smiles then it might give me the confidence to approach them, so far not one has even showed me the remotest interest
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    Trust me mate ive never been a quitter. I know it may seem like that but ive been through hell and always find a way of bouncing back, most people I know in life have had opportunites handed to them and people always helped them along the way, for me ive always been on my own and had to find a...
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    Believe me its not the way I want my life to go but its the way it is, even now after all these years it may be too late to turn back the clock. I cant change the way things have gone, ive looked back and thought of how I could have changed it but sadly there isnt a way. Laziness doesnt come...
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    Martial Arts-One Way to Build True Confidence

    Id love to take up something like Jiujitsu or Muay Thai but im not very agile and im worried of making a huge ass of myself going there. If I was agile I would also love to take up MMA but that would take hours of training. Your right though the experience would be truly rewarding, these...
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    DevanE I wish It was a wind up but this is definately true I have the status that LostandConfused is talking about, maybe I have got a negative attitude, but I cant see how things are just going to change all of a sudden, lets face it im a lot older now so I dont have much more going for me, Ive...
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    Is it possible for some men maybe never to attract women? I know this seems like a very strange and random topic, but for the last few years Ive always kidded myself up with the fact that maybe things will change and I will finally get what I deserve. But in reality it never happens and every...