Geeks who have become Playas

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
In the modern day I think people see me as a Geek and a Nerd, although people know Im no coward, I can handle myself, wont let people walk over me and Im quite funny, I dont think any females see me in a sexual sort of way.
Is there any guys like me, who were once geeky but turned there lives around and not only became successful with women and improved themselves both physically and socially and improved their overall luck in life.
If theres anyone who was in that Geek status beforehand and are living the life they finally want to lead, let me here your stories and how you did it.


The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
In the modern day I think people see me as a Geek and a Nerd,
Why do you think people see you as a geek or a nerd? Do they tell you that they think you're a geek/nerd? Or you assume that because of the way they act or talk to you?


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
I played starcraft all day then went out to lunch. By the end of lunch I had a phone number. Does that count for anything?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Reminds me of Family Guy. Either your a jock or your a nerd. I wasn't a jock. But in reality I was like in the halfway point between geek and jock.

What makes you think people see you as a geek or nerd?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
The Damned said:
In the modern day I think people see me as a Geek and a Nerd, although people know Im no coward, I can handle myself, wont let people walk over me and Im quite funny, I dont think any females see me in a sexual sort of way.
Is there any guys like me, who were once geeky but turned there lives around and not only became successful with women and improved themselves both physically and socially and improved their overall luck in life.
If theres anyone who was in that Geek status beforehand and are living the life they finally want to lead, let me here your stories and how you did it.

Here is my life story in a nutshell. Growing up I was being beat up by my dad, humiliated in every way possible and he even beat me into hospital once. My mother was an alcoholic and almost died when I was 16 because of that. Needless to say I didn't develop any confidence so kids tried to walk all over me and I didn't have any real friends, let alone girls. I got into a vicious circle and everything got worse. My life was one big fight. However I never ever backed down. Having said that one day I hit rock bottom. Then I read a bunch of self help books on the internet. I tried to put into practice what I read, but everything got worse. I realized that I couldn't help myself, because myself sucked. From that day I stopped reading and decided to take action. I let go of my ego and tried to figure out things on my own. I created my own rules and principles which I started to live by. I didn't make any friends during that time or got chicks because my reputation was already at the bottom of the barrel. However I became a completely new person. I realized that I can only control my thoughts and not outside events. After a while I moved away and went to a new school where I became the ultimate top dog. During that time I found myself. I became a master at dealing with people and making friends. I still acted like a pu$$y around women though. Currently I'm working on that part of my life and I'm seeing success already.

To any geek out there, here is some advice.

- always look your best (clothes, style, haircut etc.)

- workout 3x a week

- learn how to interact with people and especially women

- push your comfort zone and do cold approaches. Even if they don't lead to anything they'll definately give you confidence.

- make yourself more interesting (watch the news, sports etc.)

- leave the house

- develop a passion for a sport and a career field

- have fun and enjoy life
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Another thing. I gotta give credit to that DJDan dude. He should post in this thread and show his before and after pics.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Maxtro said:
Reminds me of Family Guy. Either your a jock or your a nerd. I wasn't a jock. But in reality I was like in the halfway point between geek and jock.

What makes you think people see you as a geek or nerd?

Its weird to describe mate.
I see men I know say from Work or Outside of Work, who seem to have women following them everywhere, seem to get women approaching them when they are out, they have no problem getting friends as people want to be around them and they seem to be lucky in every walk of life.
Then theres me, although now I bother with a good bunch of lads(who the majority seem to have the same low self esteem as me but are the best bunch of mates ive ever had), in society I dont seem to be accepted and ignored by people, despite Im a Intelligent guy people have always treated me like im stupid and friends and even a small minority of family have lied to me and **** on me at every opportunity. Although I feel im slowly getting back on my feet in certain areas, people although nice to me seem to avoid me like im some sort of embarrassment.
Although I know Im no geek(i think im a inbetween, not afraid to be me and I dont care what other people think), the impression I get is that im seen as a geek and a loser, one of those guys that nothing ever seems to go right for.
If you put me in Football terms I suppose Id be like Bolton Wanderers, very unpretty, scrappy but plenty of fight and I always seem to scrape by....Just.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
(i think im a inbetween, not afraid to be me and I dont care what other people think),
Sounds like you DO care what other people think.

Anyway, if people like treat you stupid, then call them out on it. Realize that you don't have to take crap from anyone.

Stop feeling so bad about yourself when you compare yourself to work friends.

How's your sense of humor and wit? In my opinion, those two things are just as important as intelligence if you want to succeed socially.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
The Bat said:
Sounds like you DO care what other people think.

Anyway, if people like treat you stupid, then call them out on it. Realize that you don't have to take crap from anyone.

Stop feeling so bad about yourself when you compare yourself to work friends.

How's your sense of humor and wit? In my opinion, those two things are just as important as intelligence if you want to succeed socially.

I can honestly say I dont care, just the sort of people I dont get on with I want to do a lot better than in life.
Believe me, people may think Im stupid but not many people will say it to me as they know I dont take crap from anyone.
People who know me say Ive got a good sense of humour and Im very quick, its only what I look like from the Outside that damages my prospects in every walk of life.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
That's what I'm saying though. Sounds to me like you do care about what other people think of you. You think that people think you are stupid. You think that your "outside" is damaging your prospects.

Stop worrying about whether or not people think you're an idiot or not. Until they tell you what they think of you, don't make assumptions.

And if your "outside" bothers you so much, then do something about it. Get a new haircut, new clothes, work out, etc.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Cant do much with my hair its curly & wirey so I tend to just keep to a short back and sides, and sometimes a skinhead in the summer.
Working Out, I train about 3-4 times per week but Im only a scrawny build, naturally very thin, although Im toned my muscle mass isnt very visible.
Clothing Im always very clean and tidy, many clothes my fashion sense is a bit mixed though.
I dont think theres nothing wrong with my appearance as such, just my overall looks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
The Damned said:
Cant do much with my hair its curly & wirey so I tend to just keep to a short back and sides, and sometimes a skinhead in the summer.
Working Out, I train about 3-4 times per week but Im only a scrawny build, naturally very thin, although Im toned my muscle mass isnt very visible.
Clothing Im always very clean and tidy, many clothes my fashion sense is a bit mixed though.
I dont think theres nothing wrong with my appearance as such, just my overall looks.
PM me a pic of you, I'll help you out.