Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

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The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
MikeEdward1973 said:

I think you can answer your own question.

If things are this bad, and the prospects of them improving are virtually non-existent, why do you go on living?
Well lets be honest Im forced to arent I? Im the one left in the ****hole, like it or not im stuck with it

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
oakraiderz2 said:
Then what do you want? People have been giving you advice and doing the humanly thing to do, but you CONSTANTLY reject everything everyone wtf do you want? Do what ever you feel you need to, cause honestly, you seem like a piece of sh*t of a person. If i knew you id probably hate you based of of all this bs you post. So if youre not a troll...god have mercy on your sould. If you really wanted to change you would find a way to do something, however youre f*ck yourself.
Go **** you too, all I did is be honest with you, Ill tell you a pack of **** if thats what you want to hear, but will that do any good?
Trying to judge me with no knowledge shows exactly how little you know, the people close to me like me, appreciate me and respect the sort of man I am and know I will do anything in my power to help them.
Ive been lied to and Ill tell you its not a nice experience, maybe you like to be lied to but that would be the biggest ****ing insult to you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2007
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The Damned said:
Well lets be honest Im forced to arent I? Im the one left in the ****hole, like it or not im stuck with it
Sure - let's be honest - you don't have to go on living. You could pull the plug any time.

So, back to the question. If things are this bad, why do you go on living?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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The Damned said:
Well lets be honest Im forced to arent I? Im the one left in the ****hole, like it or not im stuck with it
Like you'l do anything, your an attention *****. You didn't even consider moving away. Killing yourself would bring more pain to your family then moving away, your not very bright are you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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The Damned said:
Well lets be honest Im forced to arent I? Im the one left in the ****hole, like it or not im stuck with it
No youre not could do something about it, but youre a chode.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
Stéphane said:
Like you'l do anything, your an attention *****. You didn't even consider moving away. Killing yourself would bring more pain to your family then moving away, your not very bright are you.
****ing brighter than you lets put it that way. What would be the point of leaving my friends and family behind? As well as money and a stable job and a home?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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The Damned said:
****ing brighter than you lets put it that way. What would be the point of leaving my friends and family behind? As well as money and a stable job and a home?
So your saying your selfish, you don't mind killing yourself, but you don't want to leave your friends behind. Your so selfish, and pathetic, and i'm so tired of talking to you. This is my last reply.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2007
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The Damned said:
****ing brighter than you lets put it that way. What would be the point of leaving my friends and family behind? As well as money and a stable job and a home?
Oh, all of a sudden, things don't sound quite so bad, do they?


I think we've reached checkmate.


a) life really isn't quite as awful as you've made it out to be.
b) If it is so bad you have no hope for the future, then it does in fact make sense for you to consider an exit strategy.

It sounds like A.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Stéphane said:
So your saying your selfish, you don't mind killing yourself, but you don't want to leave your friends behind. Your so selfish, and pathetic, and i'm so tired of talking to you. This is my last reply.
Good well **** off then, lets face it your looking for ammuntion anyway arent you?
Moving Town wouldnt make any sense its like taking one step forward and a hundred back, wouldnt be suitable for me at all.
Suppose im being selfish there as well eh?

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
MikeEdward1973 said:
Oh, all of a sudden, things don't sound quite so bad, do they?


I think we've reached checkmate.


a) life really isn't quite as awful as you've made it out to be.
b) If it is so bad you have no hope for the future, then it does in fact make sense for you to consider an exit strategy.

It sounds like A.
Its more like B just I honestly dont have a exit strategy at this moment in time. Theres nowhere else realistically to go but where I am.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
The Damned said:
Good well **** off then, lets face it your looking for ammuntion anyway arent you?
Moving Town wouldnt make any sense its like taking one step forward and a hundred back, wouldnt be suitable for me at all.
Suppose im being selfish there as well eh?
You idiot i'm only replying because you don't understand why I called you selfish. You don't mind lettting your friends, and family suffer by killing yourself, but you wouldn't consider moving away when this could be your best option. Your illogical, and your a woman.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2007
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The Damned said:
Its more like B just I honestly dont have a exit strategy at this moment in time. Theres nowhere else realistically to go but where I am.

Damened, by B, I meant killing yourself. I'm not telling you to kill yourself, and I'm not suggesting it. But if things really are as bad as you say they are, and your perpetually in pain and in 'hell,' and you're life is as awful as you say it is, I would expect it to be something you are seriously thinking about.

Are you thinking about suicide? What's preventing you from doing so?

I think it's the things you mentioned - a home, stable job, friends, family, etc., correct?


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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The Dämned it really seems right about now from your ORIGINAL post (i'm not gonna pay any attention to the ones you replied to people flaming you) that you are seeking someone else who has gone through shït to piggyback and to get support from people who have been through loss and grief.

Let me tell you now, experiences won't really help you, if they are from other people. Sure, they can tell you "oh, don't make the same mistakes I've made" but the way people have gone through loss and have succeeded as DJs are pretty much all the same. In ever way, whether through medicine or by self-reliance, each person who has gone through a loss of some sort has ALWAYS manned up from the inside. They realize that no one else is going to help them become a man and succeed with women. Its an internal change that YOU have to make yourself go through.

Realize that no one is going to make you better but yourself. If you were a woman, would you want a guy who has depended on other men to surpass adversity, or would you want a man who has seen adversity and jumped over all barriers himself? If your answer is the former, you are only lying to yourself.

I know what you are expecting in "The post that can save The Dämned" You want someone who has gone through worse sh1t than you have to come as your savior and tell you how things should be done. It won't happen. No one is going to turn your life around for you. Listen, EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE experiences adversity. You can't expect someone here to do it for you.

You ask for ways to turn your life around. You let your life turn this way in the first place. You can either move on from a loss or let it hold you down, and you've obviously done the latter. How does the death of a relative even bring down your game in the first place? I don't get it. My grandmother died a couple of months ago, and I respect her more than my own god dämn parents....she's taught me more in a week than my parents have for my whole life. Sure I had a time of grieving, but I don't see how its really hurt my game.

Honestly, you said your tragedies have made you more of a man and have given you more courage. Is that even true? Or are you saying that to try to avoid people flaming you for whining? BAWWWWWW, go see a therapist. You might actually have depression. And if you do, they can help you get rid of depression and change your mentality. Your honestly wasting your time, making threads that are worded differently but say the same dämn thing: Your a guy thats been through alot, and people don't give you the respect you deserve.

Look at yourself. You are asking a forum on seduction on how to cope with your loss and bounce back. And don't say "you don't get it" because I honestly do. Why? Because a couple of years ago, I was in your shoes. I tried to take my life and failed. TWICE. How could you be more of a failure than that? I would go to pathetic emo forums and seek support, seek people who relate to me, and then I stumbled on SoSuave in the middle of 2007, a lost and confused kid. Sure, you will be able to find people who relate with you, people who have experienced such social shutdowns. I've had it bad. But I made myself get better, I realized that no one would help but myself. I'm still lost, but I'm getting there (see the sig).

The truth hurts.

Demand that respect.
Aug 28, 2007
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Hahahahahaha! Why are people still replying to this idiot! Hes just looking for attention. Ignore him and he will dissapear. I mean he even started going on about how tragic his life is cause people lied to him. Hes just trying his hardest to come up with stuff now. Dude even said hes thinking about killing himself and then said why would he wanna kill himslef cause he has a great family and friends and sh!t. He probaly is a troll. Be gone with this fool. Hahahaha. What a dummy!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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TonyWongButOhSoRite said:
Hahahahahaha! Why are people still replying to this idiot! Hes just looking for attention. Ignore him and he will dissapear. I mean he even started going on about how tragic his life is cause people lied to him. Hes just trying his hardest to come up with stuff now. Dude even said hes thinking about killing himself and then said why would he wanna kill himslef cause he has a great family and friends and sh!t. He probaly is a troll. Be gone with this fool. Hahahaha. What a dummy!!!

Don't think I don't know this. I've read all his other threads and chosen not to reply to them for that very reason. But I'm going to copy-paste that reply because it really should help him if he listens to what they say :up:

Hell, he'll probably be banned after a couple more of them anyways. Felt I should say something that helps before he does.

Also, whatever happened to "Rising from the Ashes"?

It seems Stephane tried to help you there. Now you turn your back on him and neglect him?

You are no better than the "friends who have backstabbed you."


Oct 22, 2006
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DJVladdy said:
Now i might not be 100% right but im just taking a guess here:

You are sitting in a nice chair
in a warm room of a house/apartment
with your stomach full
in front of a computer...

Bro shut the **** up, there are billions of people out there that have it worse than u do, and they are not *****ing

Some of your family members passed away, ur dog is sick, and ur mom was in a bad situation, im sorry it is very unfortunate, but that's life

People question your sexuality?
Take you for a joke?
They dont respect you??

That's not tragic, that because YOU ALLOWED them to treat you like ****. Do something about it and stop crying.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
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First of all you probably need to gain a more aggressive attitude towards the other people that seemingly treat you like a pushover. Think to yourself SCREW EVERYONE ELSE as many times as possible when you feel low. Eventually this will make you more confident in your abilities to turn things around, and the people you already know will see you differently.

Indifference and aggressivity/arrogance are treated with more respect and serious than niceness or passivity.

When my existence was hellish that's what finally allowed to turn the tide.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
TonyWongButOhSoRite said:
Hahahahahaha! Why are people still replying to this idiot! Hes just looking for attention. Ignore him and he will dissapear. I mean he even started going on about how tragic his life is cause people lied to him. Hes just trying his hardest to come up with stuff now. Dude even said hes thinking about killing himself and then said why would he wanna kill himslef cause he has a great family and friends and sh!t. He probaly is a troll. Be gone with this fool. Hahahaha. What a dummy!!!

You really are a **** arent you? Obviously just on a wind up mission are we? You really know **** all you ****ing idiot.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
LostAndConfused said:
Also, whatever happened to "Rising from the Ashes"?

It seems Stephane tried to help you there. Now you turn your back on him and neglect him?

You are no better than the "friends who have backstabbed you."
Now please dont give me that rubbish, Stephane insulted me and thats why we have had disagreements.
So if I do get banned wont that be just pathetic? Because I have defended myself against people having the cheek to flame me just because the advice didnt work?
Ive listened to the advice, some of it good, some of it bad(like ****s like Krazyboy and wind up merchant Wong) and just because it hasnt worked for me yet I may get banned?
What happened to honesty and free speech?
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