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  1. D

    Does being ****y work with good-looking dudes?

    According to some female friends, they say if the guy's looking, they get away with it... If they're already good looking though, they don't really need to be ****y but I suppose if they can say it in a joking way, it would probably work in their favour too.
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    Something isn't right.

    Happens to me every now and then too. Particularly when I'm leading a really busy life and other things are distracting me. When I'm in a party mood, it picks up a lot. Oh and I find the more women I flirt with, the more my interest in women peaks.... so obviously I try to make sure I'm flirting...
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    Potential FWB - Need advice on how to initiate

    Thanks captain :yes: great ideas man. Almost seems obvious, but I just didn't think of it like that... LOL... Now i'm thinking to start with a massage to help relieve her stress... which is the easy part and then maybe go in for a kiss on the neck, or is that going in too strong? :crazy...
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    Japanese Girls

    I think you're OK, i think she genuinely has plans, and she said she did want to go. Back off a bit and let her initiate the next contact?
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    Cant turn numbers into dates!!!

    Think you're doing well to get the numbers in the first good job on that mate :) I can hardly even do the "Hi" stage very well so I don't attempt to most of the time. It's like once I've gotten past the hi stage, I'm fine, it's just getting in that I find the hardest. But everyone's...
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    Potential FWB - Need advice on how to initiate

    sosocool: Good question, probably didn't explain it to well, but I believe there is mutual attraction from the body language, and by playing along she flirts back or gives a compliment back. Was with some friends once and I bumped into her... My friends were pretty much saying she's sorta...
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    Potential FWB - Need advice on how to initiate

    My friends, It's been a while since I posted here as I've usually found what I wanted via search... but alas, I've come across a situation that requires your expertise once again. I'll start off by saying I'm a 27 year old single male who's happy to stay single for a few years and have some...
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    Does anybody else enjoy ****blocking? ;)

    YES! when i want a girl, i ****block other guys who are tryin to get with her big time.. dont know if it's a good DJ tactic... but i sure dont give the other guys the chance to get in, i try to step up my game, be louder n make her laugh. funnily enough, in the past if a guy's trying to hit...
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    Need advice - wanna ask a friend out

    anyone else been in a similar situation - and what have you done about it and whats happened? thanks in advance :)
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    Brand new start - what to do?

    if u got a nice bachelor's pad, be a great entertainer and invite ppl over.. that starts making u like the social glue ;)
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    Finally getting with your long term crush

    i really feel for you bro... cosi'm wanting to get with one of my long term friends too.. i think u need to ask urself logically if she is suited for you as a partner... do you think she is? emotions aside, cos emotions impair judgement... i know you at least want to date her to find out...
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    Should I talk to girls that I can get but not attracted to?

    Yes!!! Not so attractive girls can have attractive friends.... expand your network brother!!! HAve you seen that movie "how to be a player"? Hehehe really slack, but they say, go talk to the fat one in the group of girls and her hot friends will think you're a nice guy.
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    Jelousy Issue..

    i can understand that you really like this girl and that u would hate to lose her... but if she is gonna cheat, then she aint worth it... so i guess this isnt so helpful.. but i guess honestly you just gotta live with it i guess... and trust her. that's what relationships are built on...
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    interesting problem

    yeah like the other guys said, i'm not a big fan of IM... cos u can misinterpret a lot of things, and u cant do the kino.. and u cant see her body language.. which for me is key to understanding how she feels for me... flirting on IM looks way too obvious and you cant really be subtle...
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    Need advice - wanna ask a friend out

    hehe yeah i'll try lay low... it's hard though, cos she'll most likely organise something for the weekend... and i guess it's hard for me to say no, i'm busy when i actually wanna see her.. i think the way i'll tell her how i feel, is by asking her out.. i'll ease into it with maybe a casual...
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    Need advice - wanna ask a friend out

    hahahha... she's quite a conservative girl.. so yeah... no kisses on the lips... just hugs and cuddles..! which she doesnt do with other guys.. lol.. but could be still in the friends zone ! yeah :) i might try that, cos you're right, we hang out every weekend.. i've got heaps of other plans...
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    blast from the past

    wait for her to contact, so you'll know she's keener ?
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    Need a new hairstyle

    try hair gel or mud... and spike it... depending on your head shape... u can make it pointy like / \ u can try growing it out a little longer and spiking it with a bit more of a messy style... make the back of your head a bit more interesting by leaving a bit more length at the back and...
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    Brand new start - what to do?

    make an effort to get to know your new work friends... there is lots of potential there. dont give up too much about yourself, i like to keep work friends at a certain level until i know i can trust them. join some classes... dance classes is a great way to meet women. take up some mixed team...
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    Need advice - wanna ask a friend out

    Moto, thankyou for your post bro! Yeah, in the friendzone, and I think I've found halfway out of it... She doesn't flirt with any other guy friends like she does with me, so that is a good sign I may be halfway there. She also said to me that she is willing to try another relationship...