Something isn't right.



I'm still attracted to women, but it seems my attraction to a woman could be here today and gone tomorrow, here the day after and stay for a week before disappearing again. I met a girl, was interested in her, spoke to her a few weeks and I made my intentions clear by saying that we should hang out sometime, she seemed interested, a few days later I lose interest and the thing is dead in the water.

I'm not depressed, but sexual mojo has slummed, these past two weeks I haven't craved sex much, if at all and thats never happened to me before. At the moment my mind is pre-occupied with my hobbies, drinking with mates and going into my country's Army, could these be reasons for my slump?


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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Well, I suppose a lot of men who really found out the stupidity of women kind of experience that. I see women as tools for sex, can't really see them as a lovable beings.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
moneyisking said:
Well, I suppose a lot of men who really found out the stupidity of women kind of experience that. I see women as tools for sex, can't really see them as a lovable beings.
So in other words, a woman = your d!ck?
Your mother would resent that.

OP: My best guess is that you're not feeling an emotional connection. Another possibility would be that you aren't turned on enough or don't have strong libido. Working out and not masturbating, while checking women out a lot should fix this problem.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
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How old are you?
This happened to me. Actually it happens every so often and isn't much reason for it, except I think its just a part of growing older.
Some men have told me that they never lost their sex drive ever, but face it, many people do. Maybe because we know we have other things that need to get done and spending time thinking/chasing sex just isn't worth it.

dj trainee

Don Juan
Oct 7, 2007
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Ridingthelightning said:
How old are you?
This happened to me. Actually it happens every so often and isn't much reason for it, except I think its just a part of growing older.

Happens to me every now and then too. Particularly when I'm leading a really busy life and other things are distracting me. When I'm in a party mood, it picks up a lot. Oh and I find the more women I flirt with, the more my interest in women peaks.... so obviously I try to make sure I'm flirting with multiple women on any given night, or have dates with different women in the same week if possible :) I find that you dont necessarily need to be wanting anything with them, but just the dating helps keep the interest alive overall.

Another thing to get checked out is your testosterone levels... but it could just be normal.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
I'm in the Mood said:
So in other words, a woman = your d!ck?
Your mother would resent that.

OP: My best guess is that you're not feeling an emotional connection. Another possibility would be that you aren't turned on enough or don't have strong libido. Working out and not masturbating, while checking women out a lot should fix this problem.
I mean you come to one point where women seem so fvcking stupid and worthless. Why would they choose abuse over kindness? That's fvcking stupid. stories of cheating on husbands/bfs, fvcking men over etc, living a fake life b/c they are too scared of social labels, etc piss me off about women. I can't really "love" a woman; I would want to fvck her, but I can't really love her and care for her much.


I'm 20 which is lame age to feel this, it's just recently, I haven't been all that bothered with women, granted 2009 has been mixed bag where I have little action except a handful of one nighters. I just seem a tad lazy, like pursuing a woman is more hassle than I can be bothered to put up with, maybe it's because winter has rollin in, but it's percuilar. I'll probably change later tonight when I'm off to party, I'll report back later.