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  1. I

    That SLVT on that show "Hooking Up"

    I've seen the show. Is Amy the girl from South Dakota? She's made it known she's looking for marriage so she's trying to use sex to latch onto a guy. The guy who had the girl wash his car in a bikini was pretty suave, though.
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    Sick of the board jockeys

    I think it would be worthwhile to call out these individuals by name.
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    How to stop being a cheapskate?

    No, no, heck no, I tip about 20% on average so I'm a good tipper. I'm just cheap on everything else. Are you a server?
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    How to stop being a cheapskate?

    Awesome. I've got 5 figures for ya, just gotta liquidate my stock portfolio first.
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    I want financial freedom by the time I'm 21

    Page, Since you're giving so much advice, why don't you disclose the properties you own and other investments you have? This thread is hilarious. I remember you, Page, a few months ago trying to learn everything you could from STR8UP about how to invest in real estate. Now, you've gone...
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    How to stop being a cheapskate?

    I'm sick of this. I grew up with a mom who was so frugal that it has worn off on me. I am in very good financial shape, probably better than 95% of people my age, but I still worry about my finances way too much. Don't get me wrong - I don't want to waste my money on ridiculous purchases and...
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    Too Many Fuglies On

    I'm not sure what to do now, guys. I've gotten 2 #s of myspace, but now I've got 100 friends and I'd say they are all pretty fvckable, but they aren't e-mailing me. Should I write them an e-mail?
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    Don Juans Chat (Live on AIM)

    DonJuanChat again?
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    My Space Chicks

    I wasn't having any luck on myspace until I put up a shirtless pic and added like 100 girls. I got 2 #s last night.
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    Too Many Fuglies On

    Another number off myspace, this time from a HB6. She looks like a good, country girl on the outside, but we were talking about clubs and she likes to dance and drink. I swear myspace is a *****house.
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    Too Many Fuglies On

    Probably not. There are some decent women, but they are probably too jaded by the myspace thing to expect to meet a decent guy. I'd only use it for FBs or party friends if you're up for that. TCU, what do you usually do to transition to nasty talk on IM or phone? I'm not so good at that.
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    Too Many Fuglies On

    I just # closed a girl off myspace. I have to admit I was skeptical of getting anything off there, but this one looks promising. No coincidence that this happened today when I put up some shirtless pics of me working out. I think the # is real. She didn't want to trade messages on myspace...
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    Myspace Profile -- Too Funny!! Ok, read her description where she says "I think that "classy" would probably be the best way to describe me." Then look at her pic! :crackup: :crackup:
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    Summer: How everyone spending their time?

    Well, since this is a seduction forum, why don't you go pick up girls? I wish you students would get back in school, run way too much interference out in the field.
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    I Finally Get It

    Bingo. Post of the Century! :up: Too many people here think the DJ Bible is the answer. :rolleyes:
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    The running of the bulls: Would you go?

    Sissies! Hah, yeah I'd definitely do it. My friend did it 2 years ago...he told me most of the runners aren't even close to the bulls. It's not dangerous unless you're dumb and think you need to be near the back of the pack.
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    Development plan starts in a little over a month

    Cool, I think that would work. I'll PM you what I am planning sometime in the next few days.
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    Question about sign of interest... do girls show this alot?

    GGTW, I thought you had a girlfriend?
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    Respectable 2nd Job?

    That looks interesting, Joe. Have you done this before? I don't understand what a vendor rep actually does...what is involved here?
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    Development plan starts in a little over a month

    Nice. I am doing the same thing starting at about the same time you are.