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  1. I

    Respectable 2nd Job?

    Does anyone know any respectable 2nd jobs for college graduates? The reason I ask is that I work from my house and it gets rather boring. I could also use a little extra money, but that's not my main motivation. I just want a job that's fairly sociable and easy, but you don't feel like a HS...

    Yeah, dude, those chicks were ugly, but the sad thing is 1 or 2 of them had nice enough faces that I'm sure they could trick me on their profiles then I'd show up and see all that junk in the trunk.
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    cold pickups in the UK discussion..

    Re: Defensiveness seems to have something to do with the weather There is absolutely no doubt....ask anyone who has travelled a bit. The old cities of the USA, Canada, and UK have *****es, but women are so much more friendly everywhere else!
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    cold pickups in the UK discussion..

    You have to copy it and paste it into a new window. He's a decent looking guy...definitely not the problem.
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    cold pickups in the UK discussion..

    It depends on the area. I know women from DC up to Boston are very defensive, but southern chicks aren't and I don't think midwest or western girls are either (though I haven't been there). I think that the ****tier the weather the tougher cold pickups are and thats why UK DJs always struggle...
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    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    Try a starbucks doubleshot I think that might help you before you sarge. "Jay, Jay, Jay, Today's a new day!"
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    How to game a girl that just walks by you

    "Damn I wanna tap that ass" is just kidding, there is nothing smooth you can say in that situation so you have to say something stupid and hope she goes for it.
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    Unleash Your Ideal Personality

    "Just be yourself!" Such is the wonderful advice given by intelligent, well-meaning people everywhere, including this forum. I have no problem with this advice, whatsoever, however it is incomplete. It is semantically inaccurate. Why is it incomplete? In short, it is impossible to be your...
  9. I

    Internal Game, External Game

    "Just do it!" So says Nike, so says many Don Juan apprentices. "Do what?????" Grab your balls and [ask her out/kiss her/approach her/etc]!! Enough of that! How does one learn to swim? One does not jump off the deep end and risk failure. That wouldn't make sense. The poor man...