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  1. D

    You know what the hardest thing about chasing women when you get older?

    i find the hardest thing about dating as i get older is the fact that i have so much money. when i was young and poor and in a relationship or meeting girls it was about nothing more then the time we spent together. now that i have money $hit is compicated. you get to thinking if the girl...
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    Winning Girlfriend BACK!

    I love this thread! It has inspired me to change my goals. Instead of trying to get my ex back, I am going to try to mess with her mind and have her literally stalk me. bwwaaaaahahahahha
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    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    this advice is golden and it is what i have been starting 2 weeks after she left. i've been camping out in my apt ordering dominos and drinking soda for weeks (but playing it off like i am just perfect - her friend and her have been checking up on me aon AOL away messages). thank you victory...
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    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    thanks guys. i'm going to pull myself out of this sooner than later. :)
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    Can someone explain why this guy at my college gets so much a$$?

    yes.. as long as you make use of your reptilian brain anything is possible, no matter what..
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    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    damn man. thank you for the lenghty and thoughtful reply to my situation. i really appreciate the insight. i understand what you're telling me and i realize it makes sense but i'm stuck in that stage where i cant help but think about if this chic is going to try to come back. am i fooling myself...
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    not doing so hot 1 month after breakup

    so i posted on the DJ forum and then i realized this one is specifically for older people (i'm 28 my ex is 23 ). so i was hoping some of you could give some different advice. as i said in my original posting, the love of my life left me about a month ago after 5 years on and off and began...
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    how to get a woman to stalk you

    i love how this thread is about how to get a woman to stalk you.. and we are all chatting away and trying to help each other achieve our goals. :up:
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    For the engineers: use your money!

    i am currently a solutions engineer for a rapidly growing software company and man oh man do i make some serious cheddar. i love it. i cant wait until i get my head straight from my recent breakup and get back on the dating circuit and really tear $hit up. i have to be careful though, i do not...
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    has anyone else had issues with codependency or been with someone who has? i tend to go through stages in my life where i am very confident and in control of who i am and all that is going on in my life. and then when something happens, like a woman leaving a relationship with me - i lose my...
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    how to get a woman to stalk you

    :yes: it makes sense. if you live your life like in such a way that you give off positive vibes and are healthy phsycially and mentally, people will naturally want to be around you because it feels good. thats when you reject them a little bit so they can get a taste of the loss.. pull...
  12. D

    when a woman checks up on you

    as some of you may know i recently had an ex walk out on me and so after about 2 weeks i stopped trying to contact her (ganji games, etc). i suspected her and her friend were checking up on my AIM away messages so i put a spylink ( in my profile and come to find out they have...
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    how to get a woman to stalk you

    reptilian brain.. thats my new line :)
  14. D

    ex left - same old song and dance

    hey listen i appreciate all the advice from everyone on here including the vets. i have really taken it to heart and am following the suggested guidance. just as an added update to the situation that was, with the ex: i've told my buddy that i dont want to hear any more gossip that his girl...
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    how to get a woman to stalk you

    from my own experience if you have already developed some sort of connection with a girl over time and then start pulling away maybe even to the extent of ignoring them, this is one way to lead them to stalk you.
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    how to get a woman to stalk you

    ok i'm a little sick i admit it. maybe i haven't been getting enough attention lately. regardless, i have heard through ross jeffries teachings about creating the fatal attraction, and i am interested in learning more about this phenomenon. what steps can i take in my life each day to cause a...
  17. D

    Proof that NEXTING will bring them back

    i had my GF of 5 years walk out on me in kind of a nasty breakup from her end. inteerestingly enough there was/is no other guy involved. without getting into the symantecs of the situation (which i did on the other forum in one of my threads), i can say that i did 1/2 of what i was supposed to...
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    how do i get back in?

  19. D

    Proof that NEXTING will bring them back

    very interesting. does anyone else have any experiences with nexting a girl and having them start calling or come running?
  20. D

    ex left - same old song and dance

    ok i think i am starting to understand what you all have been telling me. i cant help but want her back though, but i think thats only natural right now since i am still trying to detach myself from her emotionally. i have one last question regarding this nonsense. even if i wanted her to...