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  1. V

    I am back! And in need of all your advice on this one

    I was currently sort of in a LDR but it didn't go as smooth as I anticipated. I had been in a LTR with this same girl for a while but I ended up feeling less for her simply because I just felt our relationship didn't carry that spark as it once did. Anyway, Thursday night a girl I met the other...
  2. V

    Terms under LD relationship

    A random question. To all those who have been or are actually currently in a LD LTR, what would you say are some conditions that are typical for a successful LD LTR? What are some common red flags to get out of one? Let me know your opinions.
  3. V

    Sex and intimacy during LTR

    Good advice! Since I started medical school, lately I have been getting a lot of attention from the nurses and female med students, so maybe it could be that she feels insecure. Although, that has never really been an issue with her. I mean we do stuff, she just isin't as crazy as she once was...
  4. V

    Sex and intimacy during LTR

    For all you who have been in a LTR or even a hook-up relationship that's long term, after 4 years is it typical for the girl to be less into sex and intimacy? I mean she still does it but its harder to get her started. Meaning you have to do more work to get her in the mood as oppose to before...
  5. V

    Sex and intimacy during a LTR

    For all you who have been in a LTR or even a hook-up relationship that's long term, after 4 years is it typical for the girl to be less into sex and intimacy? I mean she still does it but its harder to get her started. Meaning you have to do more work to get her in the mood as oppose to before...
  6. V

    Should I break it off?

    Break it off NOW!! I want to give you an advice that a friend of mine told once, and makes a lot of sense. If she has not seen your worth in the time that you two were dating, she especially won't see it now. Besides, why would you want to be with someone who you have to make love you. She...
  7. V

    what to do of it

    I got a question that evolved from one of the last posts. If your in a LDR and realize that the relationship is reaching a low point as a result of her becoming more occupied with work. And you feel your getting less attention, is it selfish to break it off since she is not giving in her part...
  8. V

    Beginning to an end??

    I also forgot to add that we decided to break up when I left but we after some time we eventually got back together.
  9. V

    Beginning to an end??

    I have a question maybe some of you can help me with. I have been in a 4 year relationship, however, it has finally reached a rocky point in my book. Due to medical school, I have moved away about 5 hrs. away from my gf. Now, I am currently trying to do the long distance thing, however, I don't...
  10. V

    Best Cologne?

    The colognes that has always gotten me a compliment is fierce (abercrombie) and platinum egoiste (chanel).
  11. V

    Fake/invisible boyfriend ploy?

    Yeah, she's full of it. Pull a move, that will answer all the questions.
  12. V

    am i supose to feel?

    I have but one advice: IGNORE HER! Worst thing you can do to someone is show them you don't care. If you walk by her say what's up and keep on walking. Shows your cool and you don't give.
  13. V

    Fake/invisible boyfriend ploy?

    Sounds to me she's full of it. Either that or she's a terrible gf! Sounds like a confussed girl too because most of the time this would mean she's not interested. However, since you both spend a lot of time together I can't say that's the case. When does she exactly state that she has a bf?
  14. V

    Getting hurt and dealing with it.

    cheers to that!
  15. V

    2nd date, girl wants me to hang out with her friends..

    If she invited you, it's obviously not an all-girls night. If she wanted it that way, she would have never asked you to come. Like I said earlier, bring at least one of your friends. Best way to score with the friends is to get one of her friends to like one of your boys. She'll immediately give...
  16. V

    2nd date, girl wants me to hang out with her friends..

    To me it seems like she is a girl who is really close to her gfs. Thus, she is more or less waiting for their approval, so she can cast the final judgement on you. Sort of like a second interview for a job. You got approved by one boss, now you need a final approval from the rest of the...
  17. V

    Long distance or end it

    I have been seeing this girl for a good amount of time now and I just found she might be moving as a result of a graduate program she got into in another state. I must admit I like her a lot, however, it's a good opportunity for her and she choose to accept. Now, to make a story short, I am...
  18. V

    SP: Shy/Inexperienced/scared but attracted girls!

    Well thanks for those replies, no such thing as a late tip, I'll defienetly take it into consideration! With regard to your post, that's the approach. Don't move too slow, but you also don't want to go to fast in getting to know her as to look desperate. Just go with the flow. Remember, you want...
  19. V

    SP: Shy/Inexperienced/scared but attracted girls!

    For some reason most of the girls that I have dated have been like that. They are either inexperienced or are very selective on who they date. Either way, they are both pretty much the same in the sense that they are observant and careful. As a matter of fact these are the girls that usually end...
  20. V

    too old for no LTR?

    First of all I want to say that there is nothing wrong with with saying you have not had a LTR. Even if a girl asks, you can always say that you have just not found the right girl, doesn't mean you have not dated. Also, it shows that you know what you want which gives you a nice head start of...