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  1. V

    Calling for second date

    I usually wait 2-3 days or the Friday of that coming weekend. Lets me get in there before she makes other plans. You don't want to wait too long because it might seem your not interested. Go with your gut!
  2. V

    Asking girls out to formal events...

    Nice!! Implication: Go for it, worst she can do is say no.
  3. V

    E-mail or in person

    Alright guys, I need your advice on this one. I happen to meet this girl in class and we sort of became acquainted throughout the class. We exchanged e-mails, but we never gave out our numbers. Anyway, something came up this weekend and I wanted to invite her to come with me. However, I won't...
  4. V

    Sweaty Palms

    I am actually a med school student and I also at times have the same problem. However, mine only occurs when I am nervous. Anyway, what I have gathered regarding that condition is that it's normal in the sense that it's not a serious medical condition, just something your kind of born with...
  5. V

    My Current standing...

    Well first of, I think you should organize your post a little better. It was all over and didn't exactly run smoothly. On a second note, I am not exactly sure what your asking. Do you want to just get her in bed or are you asking for something more?
  6. V

    Is she interested?

    If she likes you, then it doesn't matter if you call her tonight as oppose to tomorrow, she's going to do something with you regardless. And while your at it, refer to the dj bibile in case you have not.
  7. V

    Is this fair game?

    I have been seeing this girl now for some time (about a month) and we do pretty much what couples do (hookup, go out, etc). However, I have NOT yet been exclusive with her. Meaning, neither of us has brought up the "title" or agreed on being officially in a relationship. I know she is not seeing...
  8. V

    Nonverbal sexual clues

    What are some discrete signs a woman shows when she is in the mood to take the night a step further? Any specific non-verbal signs you guys have caught that have been successful in you getting play, as a result of being able to read her? Share your knowledge and experiences!
  9. V

    Kino: Moving past Hugs and Cheek Kisses

    My best advice to you is to bring up that kino. If you haven't kissed her yet, a 3rd date is fair game for AT LEAST a goodnight kiss. But definetely, bring up that kino!! If you don't really soon, your going to end up getting sweeped into the friendship container. Unless that's what you want, I...
  10. V

    Calling it a relationship

    Okay, after reading all your posts, I must say I have sort of a mixed opinion. I definetely don't want to straight out ask for a relationship because for some reason I don't like to hand things to easily on a plate. I only like challenges, so I also like to give challenges myself. But at the...
  11. V

    Calling it a relationship

    After seeing/dating a girl for one month, when does the dating become a relationship? I have been with this girl for a month now, and even though we go out and spend time together all the time, I am not sure if she thinks we are in a relationship or not yet. Should I talk to her about or just...
  12. V

    Chics complimenting and buying you stuff

    Alright, for those for haven't read my previous posts, I have been dating this chic for about a month now and there are a few things that confuse me about her or at least that I am not use to. Now, we have hooked up and we are always displaying affection with each other, but one thing she never...
  13. V

    When the girl got a social life and you dont.

    Very well put! I completely agree with this. If she really cares about you and has her priorities straight, then she will value the fact that your not a freshman anymore but rather someone of more maturity. Now, I am not saying not to go out and be social. Women like a guy who is exciting, but...
  14. V

    Making the move

    Actually, we have kissed execpt it has only been after we have been drinking. Then again we don't see much of each other throughout the week because we are both busy. But she is coming over tonight to watch a movie at my place so I am going go ahead and at least kiss her sober for once. That's...
  15. V

    Making the move

    Ok, so I have been talking to this chic for about 3 weeks now and I must say things are progressing greatly. So far we have been to the gym together a few times, gone out clubbing, and have talked quite a bit. However, from what I got on the first date and now she seems to be a "conservative"...
  16. V

    what's a good place to meet and talk to women?

    Believe it or not, it think it depends on the kind of girl your trying to find. If you want someone who will probably be a good hookup then I would go with a club, bar, or party. However, if your looking for something a little more than that, I have found coffee shops and stores like barnes and...
  17. V

    What is she thinking?!!

    Okay, so I met this Hb not too long ago and we been pretty much hanging out and talking whenever possible. However, unlike the other Hb's I have talked to, this girl seems to like a challenge. I don't know what to draw from this, but she loves to be sarcastic with me. For example, she'll take...
  18. V

    When is the right time? Is there a right time?

    Okay, so I met this Hb the other day at a coffee shop (on one of my pickup attempts) and after shooting the sh*t for a little, I decided to go for her #. As expected from you dj's I called 3 days after I got her digits and we decided to meet up and go to the gym (since we both go to the same...
  19. V

    Let it begin!

    Okay, so I decided to hit up Chili's tonight with some friends for some drinks since it's 2-for-1. After being there for some time I noticed a really cute girl walk in (about a 8.0) and sit down by the bar alone. I waited about 10 min. until she ordered a drink until I went for the kill. Once...
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    Let it begin!

    First of all I want to say that I have really enjoyed reading the threads, especially the DJ Bible. It has never been as motivating as now. Although I hate to admit it, my game has gone from prime to none. After getting out of an LTR about a few months ago, I have been pretty much accepting the...