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  1. D

    laying a HB 10 - whats it like?

    I might not be qualified to comment but... The best sex I've ever had have been the girls that i wouldn't be seen with in any sort of light (dim or not). Those are the type of girls you can do all the stuff you masturbate to and not feel anxiety thinking shes going to think ur odd or...
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    What the Hell is Going on !??!

    Thanks for the advice man and the mini-lecture, appreciate both Not trying to be 'pimp' just searching for what I really want to be happy and I thought having the other girl would make me happy but it hasn't. I don't feel good or proud about cheating on the woman I love trust me... im being...
  3. D

    **** test?

    Girl seems like a slut to me, if the other girl is hot bang her too then move on... My advice Don't get caught up in the type of situational drama, u've already banged the spanish broad move onto greener pastures and escape from this 'days of our lives' highschool musical... if ur...
  4. D

    What the Hell is Going on !??!

    Sup Fellas, I post on here every once and a while when something interesting comes up or spread advice around a bit to those in need, and well now is a time where something is going on and I need some advice from u old-heads that have been around for a while... Quick situation, I've had...
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    Wierd Situation... Listen up

    No Yes, and she did not give me the 'i'm busy line'... I did not set-up an exact time to meet up, but rather suggesting the possibility of her sleeping over my place sometime during a weeknight... and no she didn't suggest another time, but she takes direction really well, we're meeting up...
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    People who think it's easy to get girls annoy me

    Getting girls has nothing to do with confidence... only illusion of confidence Truth is, i'm still not confident with women but I can show you pictures of the last couple of girls I've been with and u'd ask me how I got with them and the answer is.... FAKE THAT SHVT... lol I've got a girl...
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    Why she is the way she is.

    Mens options vs Attractive Women options.... laughable to even compare I don't give a fvck who you are, how high your status is as a male, you will NEVER come close to having anything close to the options any regular attractive woman has at her disposal... Any man disagreeing here needs to be...
  8. D

    Wierd Situation... Listen up

    ***Quick Advice*** I tried to hook up coming back to my place this week to chill but she denied saying shes swamped at work, all good most women not going to agree to get fvcked via text message:crackup: so I have to do that in person... me: u ever had a sleepover on a school nite ? her...
  9. D

    Wierd Situation... Listen up

    ^ ^ It also could mean that she rathered be sitting in a dark corner sticking her tongue down my throat, than ice-skating, which she could do with her girly friends...:rockon: -Cod3r
  10. D

    "you look like a player"

    I used to think this was golden... then after the 10th, 11th... nth time it happened and I did NOT get the girl it became annoying... I'm guessing you're still in the 2nd, 3rd time where its still 'cool':cool: The reason you get this response is because you are generating attraction...
  11. D

    Is she branch swinging?

    Do you guys have to actually catch these *****s in bed with other men before you put two and two together.... ? WTF
  12. D

    girl put off by my ****y nature or arrogance

    If you admit you had AFC behavior for a long time and then ur mixing in ****y and wiseguy know-it-all pretty obvious to me that you're incongruent... Girls want a guy who isn't ashamed or scared to be what he is and not bend for anyone. If a guy is in a group of people and the pretty girl has...
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    Calling On The Master Don Juans

    Basically agree with advice already given, its important to be non-needy and fun (laughter, get her smiling). What girl would deny the opportunity to laugh ? I say, if you can naturally on the fly generate laughter all the best to you but most guys (especially those just starting) need some...
  14. D

    Best friend's gf drunk txts "i think i like you"... proper course of action?

    Save yourself the drama and ignore it and her.... ur boy probably already knows his relationship is in the crapper, doesn't need ur opinion about it Happened to me once, same situation, my best friends girl said she wanted to screw me while her best friend was my gf! My boy was cool and...
  15. D

    Wierd Situation... Listen up

    I have had no contact with her since tues. night we hooked up, just hit her up on wednesday to cancel our plans for thursday because i forgot it was thanksgiving and also cancelled this weekend because I went home to spend time with family.... She went with a good friend of hers, so hopefully...
  16. D

    Wierd Situation... Listen up

    Ok guys... I'm overthinking this but engage me.... The night we went out on Wed. I at first suggested we go ice skating and she did not want to do it, she said she was unprepared and blah blah, we still as you can see above had a great night.... but It looks like she went out to ice skate...
  17. D

    she cancels a meeting but says 'can we do it some other time?'

    Nope.... If you suggest and she replies.... "can we do it some other time?" to me that means not interested... I've had girls that were interested and declined my invite, but what they did wa suggest another day or time... Can't hurt to suggest again, but her interest is low, work on...
  18. D

    dating a jpn girl-i see her like every 2 wks

    Why would you want a girl like this ? Trust me man, there are alot of women out there that know how to treat guys and are pretty great, don't settle for one that has a bf and is selfish...
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    need some advice

    ^ ^ texting is only a waste of time if it doesn't get you anywhere, if it gets u what u want, use it u can't use lines like "hey we should hang out, if ur cool enough" if obviously you don't have enough value in her eyes, that was just suicide, but I think you already knew deep down it was...
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    need some advice

    More Info needed.... What is your vibe like when you're talking to her in person? Are you touchy feely with her ? Is she touchy feely with you, or allow you to touch her ? What is your value like in conjunction to hers ? (are u a 5, her a 10 ?) Without further information, sounds like you...