need some advice


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
all im gonna do is give you guys a run down and hope someone gives me some good advice. I have this thing for a girl that hangs around a group of my friends, i catch her staring at me all the time, she finally gave me her number not to long ago and we text back and forth but i cant seem to get her to go out with me. been like 2 weeks now and shes real on and off. The kicker is that she just broke up with her boyfriend about a month ago and shes one of those girls that claims she dosent wanna jump into something. Im not looking for a relationship right now but it would be nice if we could hang out and see if it goes somewhere. any advice on what i should do?


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
More Info needed....

What is your vibe like when you're talking to her in person?

Are you touchy feely with her ? Is she touchy feely with you, or allow you to touch her ? What is your value like in conjunction to hers ? (are u a 5, her a 10 ?)

Without further information, sounds like you don't have enough value. Get that value up (not through text) and then try your hand at getting her out.

Also, what happens when you ask her out ? How many times have you asked her ?

Classic case of raise value IMHO



Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Also, how often are you texting back and forth? If its an all day everyday thing, back off for a bit. Don't be so accessible.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
well honestly, we use to see each other around alot, then we became friends threw facebook, she left me her number and told me to hit her up. So i did and we would talk alot in the begining and then i thought i would play my hand at not texting her for awhile and seeing if i could get her to chase me. well after about 4 days i still didnt hear from her so i just wrote her last night asking her what she was up to and left it at that. As far as touching goes, man there is nothing. even though we talk threw text and on the phone we still dont communicate when we see each other in person. i think think of her as having any higher value than me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
kiddenvy said:
we text back and forth
Stop texting. You'll blend in to all the other chumps that text. Call her.

shes one of those girls that claims she dosent wanna jump into something
She'd jump straight into it if she likes you enough and you provide the opportunity.
Im not looking for a relationship right now but it would be nice if we could hang out and see if it goes somewhere.
Don't tell her that.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
No Contact usually works when the girl relies on you for some kind of emotional support.

You only know the girl for 2 weeks, unless the bond/attraction is very strong, you will be worse off if you stop contact.

Keep talking to the girl, until your presence in her life is clear enough that she'll miss you if you disappear.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Man you guys are all over the place. No contact, contact her alot so my presence is knowin. I dont know what to do. the way things have been happening is that i dont hear from her until i text her but then when i text her we will have long conversations. should i just next this one, this situation seems to be to difficult.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
so thought i would touch this up with a update in the last 20 min! i wrote her a text and said hey lets get together this week if your cool enough and she replied with im prolly not cool enough! yep i guess that just about says i dont stand a chance in hell!


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
New York City
kiddenvy said:
so thought i would touch this up with a update in the last 20 min! i wrote her a text and said hey lets get together this week if your cool enough and she replied with im prolly not cool enough! yep i guess that just about says i dont stand a chance in hell!
You should have backed off for a couple of days and called her instead. I've always found texting to be a waste of time.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
^ ^ texting is only a waste of time if it doesn't get you anywhere, if it gets u what u want, use it

u can't use lines like "hey we should hang out, if ur cool enough" if obviously you don't have enough value in her eyes, that was just suicide, but I think you already knew deep down it was done and now its in your face so thats the upside...

Move on and don't make same mistake again. In person, up your value create attraction as soon as possible, texting and facebook only serve to maintain connections that are already there...



Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
ok so im gonna bump this tread and throw out a challenge! So what i ended up doing was calling this girl a wash, didnt seem like i had a chance in hell so i deleted her from facebook and decided not to call or text her anymore. Well last night i get a text from her asking me if i deleted her from fb and i replied with "yes". long story short i tell her she is a waste of my time and she says that she wishes i would have told her i was upset about something. Now today i get a text from her asking me how i am. SO before i screw this up does anyone think they are good enough to talk me threw this? thats my challenge for someone who is 100% confident in there abilities


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
I was in the same position last week. I cut all contact and suddenly she was back texting. Be very careful with how you proceed. She has lost a source of attention and just wants that attention back. IM me if you need advice.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
kiddenvy said:
ok so im gonna bump this tread and throw out a challenge! So what i ended up doing was calling this girl a wash, didnt seem like i had a chance in hell so i deleted her from facebook and decided not to call or text her anymore. Well last night i get a text from her asking me if i deleted her from fb and i replied with "yes". long story short i tell her she is a waste of my time and she says that she wishes i would have told her i was upset about something. Now today i get a text from her asking me how i am. SO before i screw this up does anyone think they are good enough to talk me threw this? thats my challenge for someone who is 100% confident in there abilities
Firstly, do you understand what is happening here? No, you don't, and neither do most of the other posters. (Captain excluded)
This chica is what I call a Category 1.(def., A woman who has been separated from an LTR for less that one year)
She is recently broken up, and that makes you 'rebound guy'.. Your purpose (to her at least) is to provide attention and affection to re-inflate her ego and validate her . SHe needs you to chase her to provide the assurance that she "still has it". Women who are on the rebound are notoriously flaky, unreliable and gunshy - because they are mostly only interested in what YOU can provide them. Any expectations by you that she will act decently and reciprocate are experienced by her as burdens and therefore restrictive..
You are in a 'transitional' relationship with her and for her benefit - one in which she is getting what she wants but you are not. If you were, you would not feel the need to post here,right ?

OK, having said that, your approach to date has been exceedingly passive. Where and when have you assumed the leader role. It seems more like you are waiting until she 'feels it" for you and runs into your arms.

Category 1 women need firm and assertive treatment - if you do not lead strongly you will be dangled at the end of a long thin rope and discarded in the FZ when she eventually meets a Bigger Better Deal.