Why she is the way she is.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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Igetit! just explained it better than I could have.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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Meh, I think it's generally pretty easy to create options. You don't necessarily have to pretend. Like for example, I don't actively sarge these days because I've been in a committed relationship for awhile, but I've got probably about three women just off the top of my head that I interact with on a regular basis that I could convert into options with little effort if I chose to. We have great banter, and there's an obvious vibe there. But they know I'm taken. All it would take would be a little escalation on my part to push them over the edge.

If you develop the right personality, you don't really have to actively seek out options. You plant seeds in the heads of many of the women you meet just by being you. And you can harvest those whenever you feel like it. So while you might not have any ready made options, you've got potential options lined up everywhere.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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Or you could just get visual images of attractive women and jack yourself to it.

But yeah women generally have way more options than men do.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
PappyS said:
Or you could just get visual images of attractive women and jack yourself to it.

But yeah women generally have way more options than men do.

Thats not gona help anything except for 3 seconds of orgasm then you will be more desperate than before


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
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Mens options vs Attractive Women options.... laughable to even compare

I don't give a fvck who you are, how high your status is as a male, you will NEVER come close to having anything close to the options any regular attractive woman has at her disposal... Any man disagreeing here needs to be medically examined

I'm not talking about planting seeds and then flowering them when we need to, which requires WORK... that's not a viable option... if the girl is hormonal or going through a bad time, its going to take ALOT of work... versus a hot woman who can pick up the phone and I don't care if ur mother just died, can have ur arse over her place in 5 minutes to lick her vaginko

Now this isn't to say you can't get some quality arse and often, but please don't compare yourself to a female... the arse they can get without even trying is insane

Vaginko rules the world, to deny this is utter futility



Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Yeah, but as a guy you can get what you WANT. As a woman, only what's available.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
dicod3r said:
Mens options vs Attractive Women options.... laughable to even compare

I don't give a fvck who you are, how high your status is as a male, you will NEVER come close to having anything close to the options any regular attractive woman has at her disposal... Any man disagreeing here needs to be medically examined

I'm not talking about planting seeds and then flowering them when we need to, which requires WORK... that's not a viable option... if the girl is hormonal or going through a bad time, its going to take ALOT of work... versus a hot woman who can pick up the phone and I don't care if ur mother just died, can have ur arse over her place in 5 minutes to lick her vaginko

Now this isn't to say you can't get some quality arse and often, but please don't compare yourself to a female... the arse they can get without even trying is insane

Vaginko rules the world, to deny this is utter futility

So true.. i like to say that an average woman has options akin to those of a celebrity male. which is why there are so many transvestite males.. Many men would prefer to live as a messed up looking women a than an average looking males cause they get more attention and options that way.. This is all due to the overpopulation of males and shortage of females.. Many men are taking what ever they can get in the form of 400 lbs. fatties and many men are becoming bisexual when they cant find women.. sad times..
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Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
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I agree that women have more options. A couple of weeks ago I took my girlfriend to a Casino where we met her parents and her nephews. She was constantly by my side, and left me for basically 2 minutes to use the restroom. Get this...in the time it took for her to go to the bathroom and back, she was hit on and approached by 3 guys on the floor and I have no reason not to believe her as I witnessed it later on in the bar when we were talking to a couple. The guy turns completely AFC and after the toast my GF made in front of all of us...tells me loudly..."man, if you do not marry this girl, I will...right now. here..." and takes a diamond ring from his finger and offers it to her. Idiot. Just because of a toast.

So...how do we counter our lack of options? Become experts in human psychology by participating in forums like this, have other loftier goals instead of women, interact with many of them, keep a small "pocket" of reserve even with the best of them, study them, never take them seriously...they do not want it anyway, and exercise some self-control (and I believe as men we are and should be capable of it) Remember, they have so much knowledge when it comes to relationships. That's all they do, think, consider when they get together with other girls. They accept us willy nilly as if we are slobering great Danes with a cute red bandana around our necks, in our roughness and primitive knowledge we are endearing to them and they laugh with us as we laugh at stumbling children in a playground…but show me the man who will not display a single sign of jealousy, make her laugh often, never take her too seriously, is secure within himself, studies her, needs no approval from her or anyone else, yet gives her the warmth and closeness she needs as a woman, and still keeps a dark, cool area deep within the cellar of his heart that is unconquered to the very end that she can sense exists…a spot she is happy to attack, and expend her energies on, and I venture to say she will return both love and affection.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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DonGorgon said:
1. The female brain is fully capable of all the same logical though patters as the male brain. BUt the difference in their chemical and hormonal composition is what causes the apparent difference in their modus.
Adding to the complication is that the left and right halves of the brain are more connected in women. Electric signals go back and forth between the logical and the emotional halves even for problems that should require a strictly logical analysis.

When we learned about this in school, our teacher presented this as a good thing, of course. It makes women better than men, she almost said out loud. Women don't use cold, heartless logic only, but also let compassion and love and all things good affect their decisions, as opposed to men.

What it really means: you don't get a fair hearing when you talk to an angry woman. And when a woman looks at a political issue, she will magnify the things she wants to see and ignore the things she doesn't want to see. That's what mixing in the emotional with the logical means, not that they are more moral. In fact, it makes their decisions less moral, by favoring and demonizing in spite of the facts. (Yes, men do this too. Too often. But women do it more.)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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dicod3r said:
I'm not talking about planting seeds and then flowering them when we need to, which requires WORK... that's not a viable option... if the girl is hormonal or going through a bad time, its going to take ALOT of work... versus a hot woman who can pick up the phone and I don't care if ur mother just died, can have ur arse over her place in 5 minutes to lick her vaginko
We need some photographs to illustrate this:

1. American woman:

2. Two gals in Brussels:

3. Who says Asian women can't join in on the fun?

4. Woot, more cammo pants:


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Veridin said:
Yup its all about demand and supply.. Gay men are the only men immuned to the power of PU$$Y.. and even many of them still dip in some every now and then..