Wierd Situation... Listen up


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
I have had no contact with her since tues. night we hooked up, just hit her up on wednesday to cancel our plans for thursday because i forgot it was thanksgiving and also cancelled this weekend because I went home to spend time with family....

She went with a good friend of hers, so hopefully she's thinking about me while she was there, I def. gave her the idea. Maybe its nothing, we'll hook up again this week and i'll update again.



Senior Don Juan
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
denying ice skating with you and then going on another day is not a good sign
IMO it means she only wanted to ice skate once that week -- not two days in a row. and she preferred to do it with the other person/group of friends.

obviously it isn't necessarily a huge deal -- could be with just a group of girlfriends -- it just means you aren't first on her list


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
^ ^ It also could mean that she rathered be sitting in a dark corner sticking her tongue down my throat, than ice-skating, which she could do with her girly friends...:rockon:



Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
***Quick Advice***

I tried to hook up coming back to my place this week to chill but she denied saying shes swamped at work, all good most women not going to agree to get fvcked via text message:crackup: so I have to do that in person...

me: u ever had a sleepover on a school nite ?
her: lol yeah, but not happening...crazy swamped at work, thats what i get for taking the week off !
me: don't assume, juss a quest...want to show u smthin.. meet wed
her: lol i was usin my imagination, but whatevr!
me: im imaginin wha ur imagination is like... give me a clue

Meeting up this wed. and my idea was to take her to a place in the city with CRAZY view (very quiet and alone) and bring red wine, snuggle up kinda chilly weather, alchohol and beautiful view to build the comfort up, sure to be lots of feeling on intimate parts and such... to build up comfort for eventual trip back to my place (not necessarily that night, but i see it as possible) let her see if she's comfortable with juss me and her expressing herself sexually like she does when we're out in lounges/bars etc...

This idea is high risk as it has potential to backfire by seeming tryhard, all of our 'dates' have been lounge type, movies, typical things.... this would be ALOT different... what do you guys think ?? Other ideas... don't want to get bored doing same shvt over and over again

Also a girl that has basically expressed her want to sleep with me, can I just talk 'real' and in normal terms state... or do I still have to be subtle about the sexual tension and give her excuse to sleep with me type of thing... confused a bit



Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Did you ever tell her "how you felt" like you said you planned to a few days ago?

dicod3r said:
***Quick Advice***

I tried to hook up coming back to my place this week to chill but she denied saying shes swamped at work...
Hmm. She told you she's "busy".

Is this the first time she's given you the "I'm busy" line when you tried to spend time with her? And also,did SHE SUGGEST another time for you two to hangout after she told you she couldn't make it?

dicod3r said:
Also a girl that has basically expressed her want to sleep with me, can I just talk 'real' and in normal terms state... or do I still have to be subtle about the sexual tension and give her excuse to sleep with me type of thing... confused a bit

This is confusing. How has she "expressed" herself that makes you think she wants to sleep with you?

What has she done or said?

Also,your question about talking "real" and in normal terms...what does that mean?

You want to start talking real to her,well how have you been speaking to her up til now?


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Did you ever tell her "how you felt" like you said you planned to a few days ago?

Hmm. She told you she's "busy".

Is this the first time she's given you the "I'm busy" line when you tried to spend time with her? And also,did SHE SUGGEST another time for you two to hangout after she told you she couldn't make it?
Yes, and she did not give me the 'i'm busy line'... I did not set-up an exact time to meet up, but rather suggesting the possibility of her sleeping over my place sometime during a weeknight... and no she didn't suggest another time, but she takes direction really well, we're meeting up wed. night and that's what I need help with bro !!!

This is confusing. How has she "expressed" herself that makes you think she wants to sleep with you?

What has she done or said?

Also,your question about talking "real" and in normal terms...what does that mean?
Trust me when I say she wants to sleep with me, she basically said she'd fvck me last time we were out and wanted to go back to my place (she did not have work next day), but I had other girls clothes all over the place and denied as i didn't want to risk it

The problem isn't that she doesn't want to have sex, its just me putting the circle in the circle peg, square in the square peg etc....

Oh and the "real in normal terms" just means stating the obvious.... "I want to fvck you, lets get it done" versus.... "lets go back to my place and watch a movie" or "I have a nice art collection, come check it out".... when is it ok to just be real about intentions ?? She's basically given me the real via her actions and words but I haven't stated anything outright....

For example today....

Her: Ha nice try! Although you should know that I don't get highly aroused by paintings.... 'assuming' thats what u wanted to show me

Me: What does get you highly aroused ?

no answer.....

My typical response would be something c&f like... "who said anything about being aroused... back off" but i'm tired of that and seems like its going backward and I want to get this thing moving.... want to know when u guys get serious with a girl like... YO LETS GO, NO GAMES, ITS ON

Anyway, doesn't matter if she answers or not, i'll see her on wed and up the sex tension....but as per my last post, can someone assess ?? Is the wine, city-view, outside alone, can it backfire or is that a good plan to get this thing done at last... my plan is to simulate us alone, escalating sexually, make sure she has enough comfort, then later this week or wknd get her to my place... she has the attraction, no prob

Ideas are welcome, thanks guys ??!!!