Wierd Situation... Listen up


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Wat's up guys ? Need some opinions on this one...


Met this girl out with co-workers and friends, just about the hottest girl in the place, did my thing leading the guys, shut out the guy that was trying to talk to her and led her throughout the night (made her my beer pong partner, then isolated to talk at bar, some neck kissing, smelling, lil stuff like this)

Got the # no problem and met up with her that next week... we had drinks and it was alot of fun, laughing touching and finally some making out in the back.

Met up again the next week, movies and same good touching and making out some feeling on the chest (she pushed away some tho) dinner after at a diner and was good, she's good with PDA... she offered to pay for dinner and did.. I was surprised actually

Anyway... after the 2nd time seeing her I felt like this chick is ready for sex and probably is waiting for me to come with it, I actually think she might be little bit of a slut... so I tried to set up a meet on a fri night and well she gave me ALOT of attitude about it and insisted on thurs. but thurs I had a long-time other girl planned so I pushed for Friday...

Long-story short she sent me a text saying... "Whatever" and hasn't answered my texts since then... until today...

I admit I kind of messed up I joked on her after she said whatever saying... "u sound like my 3 yr old cousin", she didn't answer.... then I drunk texted her after a night with this other girl some bull **** that doesn't make sense... no answer.... then today I texted her with... "what am I in time-out or something?" and she replies.....

"I don't even know what to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Basically I don't understand what's going on... things were smoothe and everything going according to plan... wtf did she switch up for ? I know I over-reacted a little bit but is this just normal chick behavior or something else ?? I am TAD invested in this girl because she's hotter than any chick I've had in a while and its not easy to just go out and meet someone hotter to take my mind off....

Do I just back off and let some time run and see what happens... or do I suggest another meet ?? I'm tad fearful backing off... she's got ALOT of other guys that she can just go to so its only hurting me... confused help out !!!

Thanks guys...!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Sure bro...

me: "Nice seein u again, u paid for dinner, takes u to another level... lets rock out again, this time my plans"

her: "sure whatever you wanna do, u lose points for saying 'lets rock out'"

me: "im maxed out on the points, can't hurt to lose a few... friday nite, decision time"

her: "why friday ?? Date on thursday ??"

me: " " <--- sent nothing by mistake lol, was with another girl n lil nervous

her: "is that a yessss???"

me: "y ru concerned with my thurs plans? I want to cu fri... not complicated"

her: "Cuz i might have plans on fri... duhhhhhhh"

me: "break them lol... or not i'm a big boy i won't cry... keep me updated"

her: "depends on what you got planned out..."

me: "fun"


I noticed she don't like when I answer like that... even in person, she give me some attitude... "explain urself".... "that's annoying when u do that" ect... I didn't take it seriously, haha maybe i should eh

So its like she's willing... but now i got myself into a pickle.... losing little face here, help bro


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
I noticed she don't like when I answer like that... even in person, she give me some attitude... "explain urself".... "that's annoying when u do that" ect... I didn't take it seriously, haha maybe i should eh

Um your chance is slowly sliping away.

Why are you f'in around?
You want her don't you? Ya well then go get her.

Call her on the phone (don't txt her) and say
hey I got thursday open (or whatever day you got)
lets hook up.

Now STFU and let her talk.
If she asks you about other dates or tries to pry into love life
say (why do you ask?)

Seriously bro ask her out rightaway.

Report back here after you have talked to her
and tell us what she said.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Um your chance is slowly sliping away.

Why are you f'in around?
You want her don't you? Ya well then go get her.
Definitely f'n around... I could have had her thurs and had the other girl whenever, wanted my cake and eat it too I guess... gettin big head lil bit


Only thing about calling her (she NEVER answers) beein seein this chick 2 weeks now and never once talked on the phone.. so its kind of established text is communication between us....

I like my control and after she basically just made me seem like a little bi$@h i'm reserved against coming crawling back and asking to see her.... do u think backing off she'll withdraw complete ??? I do see your point though that a sure thing might just completely be gone if this continues.....

Yes I want to fvck this girl, but not at the detriment of my pride... would suck tho to miss out on that ass because of a technicality...

I really want to know if she'll come crawling back if I put her on ignore... do hot chicks do that ??



Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
OK so she doesn't answer the phone
Well now she does if she wants to be with you right?

Txt her and say that you want to talk to her on the phone
and if she gives u any sh1t about it then ignore her.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
The way you text you seem like jackas*. Texting suppose to be friendly, fun and flirty, seductive.. I mean she already agree to hang out with you but then you had to be annoying.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
^ ^ I tend to require alot out of girls I date, she's pretty hot so she's used to getting her way, wanted her to submit to what I wanted.... I'm just wierded out how chicks can switch up so quickly... still surprises me

JDA70 -- I really feel I *****ed out with these last couple texts, I'm definitely not calling her man, just against my morals, thanks though for the advice

It's ok, I'm out again this weekend I'll try to replace eventho that's definitely hottest girl of 08 and so far 0'9 :( I'll update if anything interesting happens.



Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
You arent cool enough for her to devote the weekend to. Its a rule of thumb around here to avoid weekend night dates. Chicks want to go party, and they assume guys do to. It lowers your value in her eyes that you want to date her on a friday. You shouldnt have been pushing so hard for friday. Did you really want her to tell you about who she was gonna bang on friday night? you should tell her you got tuesday open next week.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
dicod3r said:
^ ^ I tend to require alot out of girls I date, she's pretty hot so she's used to getting her way, wanted her to submit to what I wanted.... I'm just wierded out how chicks can switch up so quickly... still surprises me
You tried to assume a 'control' position before you established your value .
Your attempts at C&F and talking tough were a little primitive and they backfired.
This is a hot woman- therefore she KNOWS her market value and she knows how much you want her by the way that you are talking to her.

The whole point of getting to know a hot woman is to SLOWLY pierce her shield and SLOWLY establish your value so that she will comply with your wishes and want to be with you over her orbiters. That takes as long as it takes. You bulldozed her and it was unnecessary.

You do need to be different, and not like the other zillion guys who want her, BUT you do it graciously and with sophistication. YOu did the opposite...Think George Clooney or a younger James Bond. Can you imagine either of those guys texting her like you did?


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
You arent cool enough for her to devote the weekend to. Its a rule of thumb around here to avoid weekend night dates. Chicks want to go party, and they assume guys do to. It lowers your value in her eyes that you want to date her on a friday. You shouldnt have been pushing so hard for friday. Did you really want her to tell you about who she was gonna bang on friday night? you should tell her you got tuesday open next week.
I guess I thought I was cool enough.. point taken. And I assume she is banging some other dude fri night:yes: Our first couple 'dates' have been on the weekdays... but look at this ??

First time meet, I had for thurs and she cancelled and suggested a Friday night... I said I was busy... so its not like i didn't have ANY value...

You tried to assume a 'control' position before you established your value .
Your attempts at C&F and talking tough were a little primitive and they backfired.
This is a hot woman- therefore she KNOWS her market value and she knows how much you want her by the way that you are talking to her.
I mistakenly thought I had value established.... and I def. think she ****-tested me with my C&F and I failed... lost some face. OK, I mesed up with the texts so what to do ??

I'm 90% sure I can establish a meet next week, but the question is will this young lady come to me at all, or do I have to do the chasing ?? I have a big party going down this saturday with ALOT of my friends, female male ect... and can establish ALOT of value if she sees me there... trying to get her out then...

tips for getting this weekend thing hooked up... ?? Tks for the advice so far, its great (been out the game a while, still tryna get back to old form)



Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Weekends are for meeting new girls, and getting numbers. Weekdays are for following up. Go to your party on saturday, and game other chicks, and get numbers. monday, call all your numbers and set up a date with the most interested one for a weekday. Put girl #1 on the bottom of the list. She turned down your date idea, she goes to the back.

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
sit back a bit, if she makes contact, say you were playing with her. then grab her for a date whenever she is free


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score

Here's an update of this situation...

I texted her with some nice words, "smile if ur thinking of me" type of crap and she instantly replies and we build some good feelings and she agrees to meet on Tues....

Tues we meet up and it was ON ! She explains to me (admits) she ignored me before because of my '****y' texts, and man she took it hard like visually upset by the way I was talking to her, she knew my texts by heart, i was shocked.

Anyhow Tuesday we did some lounge hopping and ended up in full hook-up mode, lots of intimate touching and ended in a subway tunnel getting some dirty looks from onlookers. She promised to meet me next weekend at my place, wants to see me more than once a week, its just on

***Moral of Story***

Be careful with ****y attitude, no matter how hot a girl is, not all chicks are spoiled and so game-ridden that they respond. Sometimes its cool to just be nice. Tks for the advice guys


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
dicod3r said:
Be careful with ****y attitude, no matter how hot a girl is, not all chicks are spoiled and so game-ridden that they respond. Sometimes its cool to just be nice. Tks for the advice guys

Not all hot woman are bratty and uppity, and not all hot women need to be elbowed off their pedestal.
Even some of the MM guys who should know better make the mistake of treating all hot women as 'entitled brats' who deserve a nuclear blast of C&F .

Secondly, if your particular style tends toward the abrasive end of the C&F range, then start off with a sample or two and test its effectiveness. Is she laughing or squirming ? TEST YOUR DELIVERY !
Many guys work on the "more is better" principle and wind up overwhelming a new woman with their entire repertoire in twenty minutes. C&F is a lot like hot chili sauce. Just a little is usually effective. Too much acts like repellant.

You will develop the skills to 'grade' hot women after you have spent time with a few of them. Many are emotionally frail under all that gloss and attitude. Many have a paper thin 'baiytch shield' and it is easily penetrated. Many are quality women from "good" backgrounds who have chosen their parents wisely and are blessed with 'model hot' looks, and some of these very woman are quite shy and reserved.
Remember that most women are more fearful of being rejected and ignored by you than you are of them.

Thirdly, sometimes it is cool to be QUIET- learn when and how to be SILENT, and hold her attention with your eyes while she talks. Learn to 'speak' with your eyes and your facial expressions. Watch Clooney, Watch Bond ... they do it expertly.

Women love to talk- let her impress you with her stories too.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
^ ^ and end up in the same position as before ? Thanks but no thanks.

I am thinking about her alot though, and her revealing her vulnerability to what I did and how it affected her, kind of has me wanting to reveal that I want to be around and near her as man she really is pretty fun and caring....

Thanks for the advice guys


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
dicod3r said:
^ ^ and end up in the same position as before ? Thanks but no thanks.

I am thinking about her alot though, and her revealing her vulnerability to what I did and how it affected her, kind of has me wanting to reveal that I want to be around and near her as man she really is pretty fun and caring....


Personally,I wouldn't do this,but if it's what you want to do,it's what you want to do.

Just don't be surprised if after doing it she seems "distant" or "different".


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
^^ Advice duly noted

I don't plan on saying anything about it, but just stating how I feel


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ok guys... I'm overthinking this but engage me....

The night we went out on Wed. I at first suggested we go ice skating and she did not want to do it, she said she was unprepared and blah blah, we still as you can see above had a great night.... but

It looks like she went out to ice skate on saturday, i dunno who with btw. Is that a good thing or a bad thing ?? Maybe it means nothing, and i'm merely awaiting our next hookup but it did seem odd that she denied me but then went on saturday night... dunno friends or not


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
dicod3r said:
Ok guys... I'm overthinking this but engage me....

The night we went out on Wed. I at first suggested we go ice skating and she did not want to do it, she said she was unprepared and blah blah, we still as you can see above had a great night.... but

It looks like she went out to ice skate on saturday, i dunno who with btw. Is that a good thing or a bad thing ?? Maybe it means nothing, and i'm merely awaiting our next hookup but it did seem odd that she denied me but then went on saturday night... dunno friends or not

It's hard to say whether this really means anything or not.

What I'd like to know is whether you went through with your plan of telling her "how you feel".

If you did,then this happened,it shouldn't be a shock.

Like I said in my previous reply,if she seems "different" or "distant" after you tell her how you felt,don't be surprised.

Now,if she's acting this way and you didn't tell her how you feel,again,it may not be such a big deal not wanting to go ice skating.

The thing you need to be on the lookout for is if she starts flaking a lot suddenly,giving you excuses NOT TO spend time with you,and a decrease in being sexual with each other.

If all that happens,you got a problem on your hands.

It's a problem,but no biggie though. It can be turned around...as long as she has some interest,even if it's low.

As long as there's something there's,there's hope.