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  1. F


    no man keep it. smart phones are incredibly handy - I have iphone...but its more about functionality than image....fvck that sh!t! lol
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    Fair point. In a slightly unrelated point, I find the older I'm getting, the easier it is getting younger girls...I've had three girls recently all around 19 very interested in me! and I'm 24, and making hardly no effort with them. :rockon:
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    I think this thread is complete nonsense! I think girls kinda like it when a guy doesn't sellout to all the trends etc.
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    gf calls too much... getting bored

    Im in pretty much the opposite situation as the OP where my gf of a couple weeks doesn't text hardly at all now or anything.. I've got sick of being the firsst to communicate, so its now 2 days with N/C...I would have thought she would take the initiative by now, but apparently not.. madness!
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    Gallon of milk a day?

    Hi guys, Simple question. Im tall and skinny (6ft 5in, around 168lbs)...I've attempted to bulk up a couple of times but just didn't have the stamina/time to prepare meals constantly etc. I was wondering, if I drank a gallon of milk a day would that put weight on me, because seriously, I am...
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    Girlfriend suffers from depression

    Well, thanks for all the advice guys. Especially Brightys post, as he been through something similar. I think I need to talk to her properly about this issue again. It's a difficult decision for me because when we are together we are fine...But im not happy with the situation as it...
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    Girlfriend suffers from depression

    Ok, so my girlfriend of about a month opened up to me a few days ago and told me she suffers from depression. (I suspect she is bipolar). She also told me she tried to kill herself a couple of weeks ago. I know the mentality of this board, and you will all say run for the hills, shes unstable...
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    Everyone post your 2010 New Year's resolutions here

    haha thats funny! 1. Be more direct and ballsy with women! 2. Try out stand up comedy!
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    my friends younger sister!

    Thanks for reply Othello. For the record I am not interested in dating more than one woman anyways. She messaged me today, so things seem back on track... I kinda feel bad for not taking her out properly...but in this weather its much more cosy to kick back and watch a movie indoors! Meh!
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    my friends younger sister!

    Hi guys, Ok, I met my friends younger sister (she is 18) a couple weeks back. We get on, hit it off...and we have been hanging out. (Her brother "my friend" told me she fancies me)... I like her, shes attractive etc.. The only thing is, the times we have hung out (my place, her place, took...
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    Giving up this pick up stuff for the time being, could use a little advice

    Kal0051 - I urge you not to leave entirely!!! I have read a lot of your posts, and you and I seem quite similar...and yes, Im a virgin at 24! I agree that this forum can be destructive if you visit too much, but there is no harm in logging on every couple days for a little bit...thats what...
  12. F

    Girl I asked out said she will call me back but didn't. Should I call her again?

    Hey man, Ah, that definitely sucks...think weve all been there! The one thing I will say is to forget about both girls...the first one sounds like a complete flake... From my experience I find that if a girl likes you then she will be more pro-active about metting up etc. If you keep...
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    Question about sex.

    Rep added!! It's all about fun. No need to over analyse...just go with the flow and with your instincts!! and like 'Im In The Mood' said, seek knowledge not advice!! :rockon:
  14. F

    Escalate help, I hope I havent ruined this already!

    Hi guys, thanks for all the replies.. I haven't actually check the board since I posted, and I did end up texting her that same day saying I enjoyed last night...she felt the same, and we agreed to do it I guess im gonna get in contact with her early next week and pick another lousy...
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    Escalate help, I hope I havent ruined this already!

    Guys, if you read my previous post, I hung out with this girl I like last night round her place, watched a couple of movies, some alcohol etc. This is the first time hanging out with her, (Im friends with her bro, but hes cool about it!) We have stuff in common, and I enjoy talking to her...
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    Unusual topic on this forum but I'm compelled to reply as the topic is quite close to me... A girl in my class at univeristy killed herself a couple of months ago by jumping infront of a train. It came as a huge shock to all of us because she was always so happy and bubbly....just goes to...
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    age prediciment!! advice pls

    I know its delicate and fragile...but I know what kind of person I am, and I'm not into using and abusing I have no concerns. Also the fact that my friend is so relaxed about it speaks volumes of the kind of person I am...I hope lol :woo:
  18. F

    age prediciment!! advice pls

    Thanks for the responses guys...this makes me feel better about the whole situation. and to JLay87 I can relate to your problem a little seems more difficult knowing where to take them where there is a significant age gap... In my case, I might take her out someplace..maybe cinema...
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    age prediciment!! advice pls

    Ok, Im 24...I saw my friend the other day....and hung out with him and his younger sister. He told me that his sister fancies me...and suprisingly he seemed really cool about it, and gave the impression he wouldnt be bothered about anything between me and her. THe problem is, she is 18!! I...
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    NEED HELP ASAP!! I dont know how to play this!

    Well, I suppose from the DJ ethics Point of view there is nothing wrong with this. BUT, I am pretty inexperienced sexually, so I am a bit apprehensive to proceed to jumping straight into bed with her. Having said that, I dont know whether she is into dating etc. So I dont know what to do...