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  1. F

    please, urgent advice needed, girl is going away!

    Hi Guys, really need some advice in preparation for tomorrow night. Basically come to the end of my college course. A girl is having a party - birthday drinks round her crib, and a few of us are going. The girl I like is the birthday girls real close friend. (I know them both well, cos...
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    tall and skinny. (photos included) I'm determined to change, but I need help!

    awesome. So should I exercise and diet along the lines of the rippetoes? e.g - monday, weds and fri workout....and eat sh!tloads constantly? And how long before results would be seen?...or is it hard to say? Thanks
  3. F

    tall and skinny. (photos included) I'm determined to change, but I need help!

    I appreciate you are saying it is better to start off slow, but I really want to do quite the opposite. For once, I've got the time to commit fully, so I intend to make the most of that. drum&bass, is it possible for me to bulk up without joining the gym?
  4. F

    tall and skinny. (photos included) I'm determined to change, but I need help!

    Ok, University has finished for 4 months. I am determined to use this summer break to totally bulk up. I have tried before, but haven't been able to commit fully, but now im GONNA DO IT!! I'm 6ft 5in. My weight is 12 stone (approx. 168Ibs). As you can imagine; that makes me skinny and...
  5. F

    30 days without porn, I did it and so should you

    To the OP, this is a great inspirational thread. I am a few days into a porn free life, and you do feel sharper with the ladies, and generally hornier!! there is definitely more positives than negatives on dropping porn! :woo:
  6. F

    Weird Situation....

    Hmmm, that is definitely a strange one. I think if I really liked the girl, I would persevere...but I think it would eat away at me slowly - I enjoy kissing a lot. I think you need to talk to her more about it, express your feelings about it, and see if its something she wants to work at...
  7. F

    LTR diagnosied with BPD

    To the OP, you have definitely done the right thing, I had a similar experience a couple months back. GF told me she has BPD and suffers from depression sometimes etc. BUT she was in a good spell when we met, and she felt she was over the worst of it so I persevered...... Sh!t hit the fan...
  8. F

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    To JLay87 - Just for clarification; we are doing the bootcamp as normal? Are we posting our experiences in this thread? or will a weekly progress thread be created?
  9. F

    I'm hurt!

    Well, I've gone into self destruct mode. Completely wasted, drowning sorrows....been very stressed lately with work etc. and my "girlfriend" who is bi polar broke up with me sunday...but then text to say she changed her mind...and now just doesn't seem to want to see mee....every time I try...
  10. F

    I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for

    Well, its major oneitis if you ask me. But like many before him (including myself), at least he has found this site! To the OP. Read the dj bible!!!
  11. F

    Sleeping with the hottest girl is certainly not the best, choose wisely gentlemen

    I pretty much disagree with everything in your post. Firstly, Odor...WTF is that all about, and how did you come to that conclusion!? Secondly, you are making huge generalisations in my opinion. You cant lump all 7's and 8's and all 9's and 10's into a particular category. I've found...
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    I turn 26 this year and time is running out!

    surely not a troll @ 144 posts
  13. F

    How to Score with Middle-Aged Women?

    Ok - First of all, don't be afraid. You will be perceived as the handsome young man. You have the advantage over the older woman, because you are in your prime. They are not. And dude, women will ALWAYS welcome compliments/flirtations!!! ALWAYS!!! - they're not gonna suddenly call the cops on...
  14. F

    How to Score with Middle-Aged Women?

    I TOTALLY agree with the OP. I'm 24, and fvcking woman in her 40's would be amazing...and its definitely on my to-do list!!! I'm interested to see where this thread goes.. A question to the OP, have you tried going to bars that are more well known for having older women in? Chances are, if...
  15. F

    Family Members

    what he said!
  16. F

    Is this a rather radical way to cure oneitis?

    It's certainly innovative. You do kind of have a point. When I suffered oneitis a couple years back, it got so extreme to the point where I was completely drained mentally and physically from it, and after that I was completely over it. It's strange.
  17. F

    Should I back way off?

    To the OP, im in virtually the exact same position...only my relationship is only a month. Like you, I feel completely sick of this **** hard is it for a girl to make the effort to contact you every once in a while!? its as if she doesn't care, right? Im currently my 3rd day of...
  18. F

    This has got to stop! Seriously.

    I actually think this is a good post! There is far too much overanalysis which is uneccessary most of the time!! However if you are interested in approaching a girl, or doing something outside of your comfort zone, I definitely think the 3-second rule is crucial!