Weird Situation....


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
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Ok, me and this chick have been going out for like a couple weeks, one date a week cuz we both work all day during the week (and she has a 3-month-old).

After getting her number I ended up calling her 5 days later. We flirt and end up going out. We go get dinner and a movie, have a great time, click amazingly, she plays footsie with my leg under the table, and after the movie we hug and go separate ways.

Well we work in the same building, so the following week I don't go out of my way to communicate with her and just talk to her when we cross paths. At this point she was txting and calling me frequently just to see what I'm up to. She ends up insisting we go out again, and I tell her I MIGHT let her pick the movie this time.

Jump to date #2 last night. We go to eat and she's cold, so she goes and gets my jacket, and wears it for the remainder of the date. Head to the movie and I let her pick (chick flick). Get into the movie, and it's actually not too bad, and she's cuddled up near me the whole time. Seem good so far right?

Well after that we leave and head to my car, and I try and kiss her.... and I get the pull back. She then says and I quote "I don't do kissing".

Turns out this chick has a kissing/saliva phobia, weirds her out. We talk more and I start touching and rubbing her instead, which she doesn't mind at all.
She said the father of her child (who she was with for 3 years) only kissed her a handful of times on the lips.

She asked me if she was too weird for me and I said "Yeah, your weird... but it's defiantly manageable." and she was relieved.

I'm still not sure how I feel about this no kissing thing. I looked it up and turns out it's a legit phobia that's well known and documented. I like this girl a good amount, but the kissing thing is gunna be a HUGE barrier, cuz I LOVE kissing.

What do you guys think?
Would you date a girl with a kissing phobia if you really dug her?


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hmmm, that is definitely a strange one.

I think if I really liked the girl, I would persevere...but I think it would eat away at me slowly - I enjoy kissing a lot. I think you need to talk to her more about it, express your feelings about it, and see if its something she wants to work at.

On a sidenote, make sure it is a genuine phobia, and not linked with a mental disorder like bi-polar (which has symptoms including being very distant and non-physical). Im sure thats not the case, but just putting it out there!



Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
F!DELITY said:
On a sidenote, make sure it is a genuine phobia, and not linked with a mental disorder like bi-polar (which has symptoms including being very distant and non-physical). Im sure thats not the case, but just putting it out there!
I convinced her to let me kiss her on the forehead, but after I did she kinda made a face and wiped it off. She's grossed out by saliva. She doesn't kiss family members, not even her baby girl. And she hates when dogs lick her, she even trained her dog to never lick anything but her toes, which she tolerates.

During the convo I was rubbing her bare leg and was making a lot of physical contact, so that doesn't bother her, and she said sex doesn't bother her at all..... just the kissing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
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A 3 month old baby and already dating??? Wow major red flag.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
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Evil_Muska said:
Ok, me and this chick have been going out for like a couple weeks, one date a week cuz we both work all day during the week (and she has a 3-month-old).

After getting her number I ended up calling her 5 days later. We flirt and end up going out. We go get dinner and a movie, have a great time, click amazingly, she plays footsie with my leg under the table, and after the movie we hug and go separate ways.

Well we work in the same building, so the following week I don't go out of my way to communicate with her and just talk to her when we cross paths. At this point she was txting and calling me frequently just to see what I'm up to. She ends up insisting we go out again, and I tell her I MIGHT let her pick the movie this time.

Jump to date #2 last night. We go to eat and she's cold, so she goes and gets my jacket, and wears it for the remainder of the date. Head to the movie and I let her pick (chick flick). Get into the movie, and it's actually not too bad, and she's cuddled up near me the whole time. Seem good so far right?

Well after that we leave and head to my car, and I try and kiss her.... and I get the pull back. She then says and I quote "I don't do kissing".

Turns out this chick has a kissing/saliva phobia, weirds her out. We talk more and I start touching and rubbing her instead, which she doesn't mind at all.
She said the father of her child (who she was with for 3 years) only kissed her a handful of times on the lips.

She asked me if she was too weird for me and I said "Yeah, your weird... but it's defiantly manageable." and she was relieved.

I'm still not sure how I feel about this no kissing thing. I looked it up and turns out it's a legit phobia that's well known and documented. I like this girl a good amount, but the kissing thing is gunna be a HUGE barrier, cuz I LOVE kissing.

What do you guys think?
Would you date a girl with a kissing phobia if you really dug her?
I stopped reading right there :crackup:

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Next time the subject comes up, open your pants and whip "it" out. Tell her theres no saliva on Evil Muska Jr. What (I think) she does will help you tolerate her better :eek:


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
If she is freaked out about kissing, say good bye to oral sex as well, Muska.
There's probably a reason why the ex isn't around anymore and it could very well be linked to that, or the fact that he found someone else who will kiss.

If her phobia is linked to saliva, she'll probably never want to have oral sex on her or given to you.

Are you ready to subject yourself to all of that? And it MIGHT be a phobia, but as human beings we feel the desire to be close to someone and kissing is one of those outlets. You say it's "manageable", but is it really? You're asking US for some reason, and it's because deep down inside, it DOES bother you. Face YOUR reality, not hers.

And are you ready to start changing diapers?

Because honestly, a mom of a 3 month old?


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Evil_Muska said:
Ok, me and this chick have been going out for like a couple weeks, one date a week cuz we both work all day during the week (and she has a 3-month-old).
Strike one... [this one would have been Strike 3 right off the bat with me but...]

after the movie we hug and go separate ways.
WHY!? You don't hug women after dates. You kiss close to find out if they dig you!

I try and kiss her.... and I get the pull back. She then says and I quote "I don't do kissing".
Strike... Oh fvck this sh!t!! She doesn't do kissing!? See ya! I would have just left her on the parking lot! :D

What do you guys think?
LOL! So she exchanges genital fluids with some dude and gets pregnant and yet she's "grossed out" by saliva? Something doesn't add up! ;)

Sounds to me like she meant "I don't do kissing... with you!"