NEED HELP ASAP!! I dont know how to play this!


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Ok - long story short im 24 and virgin. I go to university, and there is a girl in my class who I have quite liked. Anyway, recently I have been very texty with her, and been flirtacious etc.

Anyway, the girl and her girlfriends were having a house party at the weekend. I kinda said I'd go, but it was my friends bday, so I couldnt make it. NOW - she texted the night of the party sayign I should be there etc. and I was txting her at around 2.30-3.00am, and she was still saying I should come round, and I said "only if u make it worth my while" which she replied it would be worth my while.

ANYWAY, I didnt reply and fell asleep as I was too drunk/tired etc to go round there (dont slam me for that!). Anyway, apparently she admittied to a friend of mine earlier in the evening who was at the party that she fancied me/really likes me.

I dont know what to do now.

I saw her today, and it was a bit awkward...but the problem is I dont know how to play this. I suspect she might feel rejected from me, and therefore be a bit cold if I try to flirt with her again.

I am seeing her again tomorrow, so I guess I shall try and be normal around her, and then perhaps txting her in the evening, have a bit of our usual banter etc. and try to escalate.

If anyone else has ideas then please help, as I do like this girl, she could be good for me etc. But I dont know what to do!!!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
So the girl is interested in you, she has signaled she wants to get in bed with you, you made her wait and not the other way around.

What's the problem again? :)


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Well, I suppose from the DJ ethics Point of view there is nothing wrong with this.

BUT, I am pretty inexperienced sexually, so I am a bit apprehensive to proceed to jumping straight into bed with her. Having said that, I dont know whether she is into dating etc. So I dont know what to do.

I feel the ball is in my court to make the next move, I just dont know what move to make, or whether to do nothing and just keep the same ticking along as if nothing has happened ???


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
Invite her over to your place for a movie or something, and make some nice home-cooked food, and open a bottle of red wine. Once you have finished the red wine and watched the movie, toward the end of it you could flip her ear a bit, and when she asks why you grin and say it's because she has such cute ears. Within a few moments from that you should be able to kiss her. Works for me! Sometimes, anyway.

Another way is to ask if you can practice massage on her back, because you never get any practice, and you are losing your skill. You watch massage videos on YouTube beforehand, of course. Have her turn her back toward you in the couch. Then you ask if she ever had face massage, and when she says no you ask her to lean back against your chest, so you can massage her face with your fingers. Small circles, start from the forehead and work your way down. Avoid the temples. Do that up and down a bit, then run your hands over her arms instead and ask how she feels. Hopefully she'll say, "Good" with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Tell her you were fvckin busy. Your an adult male. It is your divine right to do whatever the fvck you want.. within reason


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
By the time most guys come here asking for urgent help, they have already lost the game. Maybe not in your case.

I smell the fear and desperation from here. The first thing you need to do is forget about being a virgin. Easy now. Calm down. Be cool. Can you be cool? Be cool with her, it's not a big deal, none of this is a big deal. You are making it into a big deal and your gonna blow it if you do that.

Second, You need to learn how to learn. Have you looked through the dj bible? What would it tell you to do in this situation?

Third. What does your gut tell you to do? Once you calm down, what does the little voice tell you to do? You want us to hold your hand but part of being a man is learning how to figure out your own problems. She's not the first girl on earth, or the last girl on earth.

Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
Or just do what I did once when I had a girl over, first time I had really talked to her, a girl from the same college who I asked to fix my computer. We talked for a long time, and then I turned silent because I ran out of things to say for a moment. She asked, "What are you thinking about?" and before I could stop myself I said, "I'm thinking of how to get you into bed."

"Wow. I don't know what to say!" she said. And since I had already gone that far, I just smiled and leaned toward her and kissed her.

It worked.

By the way, before you see her next time, go jogging for an hour and a half. You feel much more relaxed and in control of yourself. Plus that you can then tell her when you see her that you have just been out jogging. That always sounds good.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
BE YOURSELF! Act like nothing happened...

NEVER EVER apologize or make any excuses regarding not going to the party.

You gained respect by not going like a puppy to the party at 3 in the morning.

Be nice, friendly, and completely avoid the subject (the party)... It drives women crazy (in the very best possible way)...
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
F!DELITY says,

Ok - long story short im 24 and virgin. I go to university, and there is a girl in my class who I have quite liked. Anyway, recently I have been very texty with her, and been flirtacious etc.
Okay look, first of all, chill the hell out dude lol. Breathe. It's not the end of the world and her pvssy isn't going to be sold off to a ship of pirates tomorrow, relaxxxx.

F!DELITY says,

Anyway, the girl and her girlfriends were having a house party at the weekend. I kinda said I'd go, but it was my friends bday, so I couldnt make it. NOW - she texted the night of the party sayign I should be there etc. and I was txting her at around 2.30-3.00am, and she was still saying I should come round, and I said "only if u make it worth my while" which she replied it would be worth my while.

ANYWAY, I didnt reply and fell asleep as I was too drunk/tired etc to go round there (dont slam me for that!). Anyway, apparently she admittied to a friend of mine earlier in the evening who was at the party that she fancied me/really likes me.

I dont know what to do now.

You don't know what to do about what?? :confused:

F!DELITY says,

I saw her today, and it was a bit awkward...but the problem is I dont know how to play this. I suspect she might feel rejected from me, and therefore be a bit cold if I try to flirt with her again.
And where do you get that from?? :confused:

F!DELITY says,

I am seeing her again tomorrow, so I guess I shall try and be normal around her, and then perhaps txting her in the evening, have a bit of our usual banter etc. and try to escalate.
Umm...duh! :rolleyes:

F!DELITY says,

If anyone else has ideas then please help, as I do like this girl, she could be good for me etc. But I dont know what to do!!!
Look dude lol, you are giving me a headache.

1.) Calm the **** down. I know you are just talking to "us" right now but you need to practice like you would play, okay, well relax. This is just ONE GIRL out of THOUSANDS that you see EVERYDAY on your college campus.

2.) Don't get all caught up on this girl. MORE THEN LIKELY, she's banging another guy while you are sitting up here typing "what should I do? what should I say? how will she think?"

3.) Read this site. Develop the right attitude you need to have to address women as a whole and get out in the damn FIELD. The FIELD. That means, develop a strategy or plan to meet as many women right now as possible. You go to a university, get involved in some of the social clubs there and socialize and develop those skills. Get some lays under your belt at the university. Right now, just focus on being a player and talking to many women.

The reason I say that is you are WAYYYY too anxicous, excited, and stupid-acting over some "CHICK" that you probably don't even know her middle name.

I'm not saying the chick isn't into you, but what I'm saying is that you can blow your cool by putting ALL OF THIS ENERGY AND THOUGHT into one chick.

At our age (20-30) the only focus should be on meetting as many women as possible and ****ing as many women as possible. YOU DON'T KNOW what type of woman you want yet! You don't know that this woman is the ONE!

So excuse my bluntness, but stfu, log off, and get your ass out in the field meeting as many women as possible and stop putting so much TIME AND EFFORT into this one random chick.