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  1. L

    She tries to hold eye contact, but can't... IOI?

    Overall, yes, it sounds like she is interested in you. If she has a slight smile when she looks away, that's an even bigger sign of attraction. Yes, I would assume it's attraction and run with it.
  2. L

    After being an AFC can you make girls see you differently

    Viking, it is possible to change her perception while you are with her, but beware, it will shock her system. She won't know what to do at first, how to handle you, etc. Only if she is SERIOUSLY into you will you not take a chance of blowing her out if you change rapidly. It's best to make...
  3. L

    "You should give average girls a chance."

    No, these two definitely aren't average, lol. Fattest nations, eh? Well, I believe America would be considered the fattest, considering how most people here eat, but fattest nations? I wonder where Europe ranks in that? lol
  4. L

    "You should give average girls a chance."

    They are not all like that, I assure you. In fact, both women I'm involved with are built better than that. What are Aussie women like, if they aren't built this way?
  5. L

    "You should give average girls a chance."

    Average is indeed in the eye of the beholder. There are those hollywood type girls that most guys would consider 10's, which I consider maybe 8's, or even such as Pam Anderson, who USED to be hot, but these days isn't even average to me. Then there are the ones that are more natural beauty...
  6. L

    Friend is dating my ex behind my back, what should I do?!?

    Your "ex" cheated on you. Do you mean she f.cked around AFTER you split, or CHEATED while you were together? Either way though, at this point, you're done with her, right? So, what WOULD change?
  7. L

    Help with body language

    Yes, the Body Language Project book is very good and geared to the PUA community. If you don't know how to get it, let me know. There are other good ones as well, such as The Power of Body Language, but it's not geared to this community.
  8. L

    Friend is dating my ex behind my back, what should I do?!?

    First of all, sure the guy definitely should have let you know first, but if you were really over her and didn't want to be with her again, as you say, it shouldn't bother you THIS much. Obviously you are not over her to the extent you say you are. If she has all those issues and you feel...
  9. L

    Should you respond to a 'thank you for a great date last night text'?

    There are good and bad things about texting, but overall, today, texting is a big part of picking up girls/women. I know of several guys myself that had trouble getting women to talk to them after number closing. They wouldn't answer the phone. Yet, once they actually started texting them, on...
  10. L

    Should you respond to a 'thank you for a great date last night text'?

    Good to see there's a concensus from the other side as well ;) guywhoneedshelp, do you mean Tripp himself or who is hosting the website?
  11. L

    Should you respond to a 'thank you for a great date last night text'?

    LOL, wow, you guys are really something here. I guess that means all of the pick ups I've had, including the one last night, really mean nothing? I guess that also means the two girls that were texting back and forth with me constantly yesterday while I made these posts, don't know the...
  12. L

    Find your confidence

    orly, as far as the girls LJBFing you, it could be that you are simply not building their attraction to you, which very likely is a lack of kino or something simple like that. However, on your confidence, your inner game, it's just like what's been said. It comes from within YOU, not from...
  13. L

    Hanging out with girls

    No problem man. That's what I'm around for, is to help others with what I've learned. Sometimes you can start right out with the 9's and 10's, sometimes you do have to work your way up building up the social proof and pre-selection. As far as the regular sex, some guys don't like that with...
  14. L

    Hanging out with girls

    Right, I don't know you, and I picked up on it . . . lol, so, what do you think these girls will pick up on? haha. They see you . . . I don't, lol. Anyway, you DO have a point in that starting with these 6's is better than having nothing, and WILL increase your confidence for later. I help a...
  15. L

    Hanging out with girls

    That says it ALL. Reaking of desperation, which is NEVER good.
  16. L

    I'm trying to get laid

    Nobody, your inner game sucks. Sorry, but that's first obvious observation. You can be a virgin and still come across as the type of guy a woman would fawn all over to ****. You do NOT want to be drinking or getting drunk, anyway, when at the club. You will NOT find the kind of girl you want...
  17. L

    Should you respond to a 'thank you for a great date last night text'?

    I agree with #41. Why is this such a bad thing to you guys? Why is texting so . . . wussy to you?
  18. L

    Should you respond to a 'thank you for a great date last night text'?

    I agree, don't overanalyze it. That's one of our major problems, us guys in this community, overanalyzing everything. thechallenger, what do you do if a girl texts you since it's just for girls? Just ignore her every single time? That will sure build attraction, lol. I text all the...
  19. L

    Two women, which way to go?

    A friend is involved with two women. MLTR's. One he has been with for a few years, the other for almost 5 months. Having kids with both possibly. Neither woman is exactly what he is looking for. At times he feels like cutting them both loose and starting fresh, while of course keeping...