Hanging out with girls


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Last month on the first day of college I made friends with two girls in one of my classes. These two girls are freshmen and they don’t really know anybody else at school yet besides each other, and they’ve only known each other a month longer than I’ve known them. They aren’t really my type but at this point I’ll take anything. They are also both single. They haven’t mentioned boyfriends in our conversations and when they found my Facebook and added me, both their pages say single.

Usually we talk and goof around before class starts. After class I have to quickly run to my next class. Last week one of them gave me and two of her roommates a ride to school after we missed the bus. After class we walked together and took the bus back to our apartments. We mostly talked about her, where she’s from and how she’s handling college and stuff like that. I was with her for about 20 minutes. I got her phone number then said bye to her.

Mon and Wed of this week were pretty much the same. Talking before class with both of them, though they did tell me when and where they hang out on campus. But I never bothered to visit them. Today was different. Since all of us only have one class on Fridays, we went to the Student Union together. It was mostly a bunch of idle chatter about nothing. Eventually I ended up playing DDR with the girl whose number I haven’t gotten yet. The whole time I was there I kept getting the third wheel vibe. I didn’t feel any real interest from any of the girls. But the girl I played DDR with talked to me more than the other one she was asking me random questions. After DDR the two of them started walking somewhere else and looked back at me. I felt it was time to go so I said bye and left.

So here is the deal it was our first time hanging out and it was a bit boring since they didn’t really know what they wanted to do. I now realize that I should have taken charge and done more stuff but honestly I was nervous as I haven’t been around girls in a long time. If we hang out again it will be different. Also there are two of them so it makes the situation more complicated. It would be easier if it was only one girl so I could have gotten more personal.

I’m not sure what to do next. I could go with either girl but if I don’t make the right moves I’ll end up with nothing. I would like to lean towards the girl whose number I got simply because I can walk to her apartment. But I was disappointed in the vibe I was getting from her. Also her friend is cuter and talked to me the most today but she lives 20 minutes away, that doesn't really matter since she lives with her parents and would be coming to my place.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
You know, I would just keep these girls as friends. They sound pretty chill, and besides, if you really wanted anything more than that you would've went for it. Girls as friends can introduce you to more girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah they are pretty chill and it might also be the vibe I'm putting out. Basically in every class I have. There are at least one or two girls that I talk to on a regular basis. One girl in my Salsa class is single so I'm trying stuff with her but I'll save that for a later thread.

And yes I do want more from these girls. For the past few days I've been waking up with the thought of having a threesome with the two girls. I haven't tried to make a move yet because I fear that if I do I might screw up with both of them. LOL I just wish one of them would call me and tell me that the other one likes me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds to me like you are mostly into these girls because you percieve them as safe. I mean if you really wanted these women you would've made your move a while ago. It's like when you have a platonic female roomate, after a while you start be attracted to her. Same with you, and these two girls.

You should either make your move now, or just keep them around as friends and find someone else.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
SharinganUser said:
Sounds to me like you are mostly into these girls because you percieve them as safe. I mean if you really wanted these women you would've made your move a while ago. It's like when you have a platonic female roomate, after a while you start be attracted to her. Same with you, and these two girls.

You should either make your move now, or just keep them around as friends and find someone else.
I don't think of them safe. I'm afraid of making moves and screwing up. Then ending up with nothing.
L.A. Tripp said:
That says it ALL. Reaking of desperation, which is NEVER good.
LOL :crackup: Excellent point. Yes I am desperate. You are new here and do not know me. But yes I have been desperate for a VERY long time. Either way the girls are about 6's but I got to start somewhere. Another way to look at it is that having sex with a 6 is much better than not having sex at all. I'll eventually work my way up to the girls that I really want.

But before I start going after the really hot girls. I need to be the kind of guy that is cool with girls in general. But even if I don't screw either one of them. I will still grow as a person by simply hanging around them and learning how girls are.

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
I don't think of them safe. I'm afraid of making moves and screwing up. Then ending up with nothing.

LOL :crackup: Excellent point. Yes I am desperate. You are new here and do not know me. But yes I have been desperate for a VERY long time. Either way the girls are about 6's but I got to start somewhere. Another way to look at it is that having sex with a 6 is much better than not having sex at all. I'll eventually work my way up to the girls that I really want.

But before I start going after the really hot girls. I need to be the kind of guy that is cool with girls in general. But even if I don't screw either one of them. I will still grow as a person by simply hanging around them and learning how girls are.
Right, I don't know you, and I picked up on it . . . lol, so, what do you think these girls will pick up on? haha. They see you . . . I don't, lol. Anyway, you DO have a point in that starting with these 6's is better than having nothing, and WILL increase your confidence for later. I help a guy that had his confidence TREMENDOUSLY boosted after finally finding one f.ck buddy, so yes it makes a difference. I also call this a step ladder principle, and I use it frequently in the clubs as well. Start with a not so attractive girl, then bounce your way up to the more attractive girls just by using the pre-selection and social proof from the previous girl(s).

Yes, you do need to be the kind of guy that is cool with girls in general, very much so, because they will pick up on that or the lack thereof. And, YES, you will learn a lot simply by hanging around with them.

If you're that afraid of screwing something up with them by going after both, choose the cuter one and push the boundaries with her, since she's giving you a better vibe at this time anyway, and at least turn her into a f.ck buddy. That will fill both of your temporary needs and help you to move on to what you are looking for at the same time, while also helping her to do the same thing.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not doing anything that tells them I'm desperate. I've already made that mistake several times in the past. Right now I'm acting a bit indifferent towards them but still friendly if that makes since. The way that I feel I'm coming off is as a guy who just wants to make some friends. But not being pushy.

You have the same thought I do. Working your way up. I've honestly never had a girl that I've had regular sex with. Thank you for reassuring me that getting a fuck buddy would boost my confidence. The use of tremendously is nice.

Ok so I'll try to do a little extra flirting with the cuter one. I wish the other girl just doesn't show up one day.

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
I'm not doing anything that tells them I'm desperate. I've already made that mistake several times in the past. Right now I'm acting a bit indifferent towards them but still friendly if that makes since. The way that I feel I'm coming off is as a guy who just wants to make some friends. But not being pushy.

You have the same thought I do. Working your way up. I've honestly never had a girl that I've had regular sex with. Thank you for reassuring me that getting a fuck buddy would boost my confidence. The use of tremendously is nice.

Ok so I'll try to do a little extra flirting with the cuter one. I wish the other girl just doesn't show up one day.
No problem man. That's what I'm around for, is to help others with what I've learned.

Sometimes you can start right out with the 9's and 10's, sometimes you do have to work your way up building up the social proof and pre-selection. As far as the regular sex, some guys don't like that with one person, some guys do. I'm one of those that likes it. I've had ONS's before, but it isn't something I set out to do. I've had short flings, but it wasn't something I set out to do. Of course, now I know how to do both, lol. Yes, getting a FB will boost your confidence, just remember that AS SOON AS you have that FB, CONTINUE to sarge, DO NOT put everything into her immediately or the whole thing will backfire on you. If she's a FB, then that's what she is, not a g/f.