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  1. T

    From pessimist in the US to optimist in the Philippines

    If that is true then that would be something. Could you find the link please?
  2. T

    Intelligence in males = disadvantage?

    Nice post szof Do you recommend any books towards this goal? Obviously this is done with personal experience but reading books on these subjects can help one to make sense of some seemingly irrational things. Evolutionary psychology comes to mind. Can you elaborate on this perhaps...
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    From pessimist in the US to optimist in the Philippines

    You might very well be right ricorico or you might be wrong. I don't know enough as well as the fact that I don't have any personal experience in this department so I can't say whether you are right or wrong but I thought I would point out a few things that seemed a bit inconsistent. Well...
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    From pessimist in the US to optimist in the Philippines

    Someone correct me if I am wrong (as I haven't yet read the book the game) but I vaguely remember someone saying there is a part in the book where mystery sarges abroad ( I think in eastern europe). Can someone who has read the book confirm this?
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    From pessimist in the US to optimist in the Philippines

    Which begs the question is it causative or just correlation? In other words are the countries with nice women only that way because the men there are mean? Put in another way, is it the act of men being mean that causes women to be nice? And conversely women become mean when men are nice to them?
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    The Real Cause of the Pussified Modern Man?

    There has been a lot of discussion on why men today are so afc/sissy etc. The main potential causes people have put forth are.... 1 Feminized media that show men as afc's 2 Single mother households where many of todays men are being raised by women. I have recently done some digging...
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    Keeping Your Leverage in a Marriage / Live-in

    I think this is an interesting topic because in a marriage a lot of the power and advantage over women you would normally have if you were single is gone. She knows everything about you, you can't just say 'next', she lives with you, etc. So it's like fighting with one of your hands behind...
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    Ratio of men to women how important?

    Can you point me to this study? I would be interested in reading it.
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    Ratio of men to women how important?

    I agree with your sentiment jon. I too have noticed similar things. But I am not sure what exactly the cause is and what are the correlations that can be confused for causes. There are, after all, so many variables. Note, Sex ratio male/female : Greece 15-64 years: 1...
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    Why Don't You Guys Read This A Little

    Look man, I feel what you are saying. It's a feel good message and you do make some valid points. I also agree that there is nothing wrong with being nerdy. In fact if it weren't for them we wouldn't have a lot of the medicines and inventions we have today. It's just that I am skeptical of...
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    Why Don't You Guys Read This A Little

    Basically you are saying - Be yourself and if that means being a nerd then be a nerd as there is nothing wrong with that. (and I agree there is nothing wrong with being a nerd) - Love yourself - Approach, approach, approach...because if you approach enough women at least 5 percent will like...
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    Why Don't You Guys Read This A Little

    Ok, I get what you are saying and it sounds great, afterall what you are saying is you can be yourself AND get the girl of your dreams. Basically what you are saying is this - follow your advice if what you are looking for is a 'soulmate' for lack of a better word. In other words someone that...
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    A woman's 7 year secret

    RT, The meerkats you give an example for is an example of kin selection. Meerkat groups are basically one very large extended family so for one to sacrifice for the group makes sense since basically they are all of the same family and genetic legacy. I am not aware of any species of animal...
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    A woman's 7 year secret

    I'm not saying you are wrong per se but there are enough seemingly contrary examples that one can certainly play a convincing devil's advocate. For instance I read a story awhile ago of an act of bravery in Iraq. Two friends who were soldiers were operating a checkpoint. Neither had...
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    reason versus emotion - lets get it on

    Well put, and I see what you are saying.
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    Dealing with Sh!t Tests

    Hey RT, So basically you think the best way to handle **** tests (other than find a chick for whom you can pass **** tests with your natural reaction to them) is to first don't let it bother you, since she is trying to get a rise out of you to begin with, and second start covertly...
  17. T

    Dealing with Sh!t Tests

    So you actually have success reasoning with women? Or did I read that wrong? I agree about not letting women emotionally manipulate you and how nothing scares them like a man that can see through their facades. However, trying to engage women in logical, rational discussion doesn't seem...
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    To yell or not to yell?

  19. T

    To yell or not to yell?

    So what DO you do? Just stand there and look pretty? Just be yourself? But do you have a natural DJ personality or are naturally good looking? Because if you do then of course you don't have to mess with techniques. But if you used to be a afc or aren't very good looking then i...
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    To yell or not to yell?

    lol I'm not saying I do that. I am just trying to ask a question that will spur debate on the subject because when I see the OB, bad boy type guys I notice they tend to yell a lot. And we all know how much women like bad boy OB's. So I was wondering why many say never to yell or get angry...