Why Don't You Guys Read This A Little


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, I get what you are saying and it sounds great, afterall what you are saying is you can be yourself AND get the girl of your dreams.

Basically what you are saying is this

- follow your advice if what you are looking for is a 'soulmate' for lack of a better word. In other words someone that you can have sex with but who also loves you, a woman that will take the day off to take care of you when you have a bad case of the flu,etc, a woman that CARES about YOU. If you just want to get laid and have meaningless sex then PUA will likely get you that.

- So realizing the above, and that you want someone that is a lover and a friend and someone who cares about you then using PUA doesn't work. Why? Because when you do that the women are in love with your GAME not you. She will only dig you as long as you can keep your game up. So the key is just be yourself and look for your ideal woman.

Basically that is what you said....ok?

Now here is the problem...

Many of the guys here did the following...

They were themselves (no fake personas or masks), they found women they liked, they asked these women out, and they got rejected. Then they repeated this over and over and over again with the similar results: They got rejected. And eventually they found this place or other such PUA site.

So why should we expect a different result this time?

Note, in another thread you said this

Put on your nerd glasses, Steve Urkel clothes, and walk in the bar. While you will like just about every sexy thing walking in there, they will avoid you like you have a pile of shyt smeared over your face. I mean, they will probably scream when you walk up to them,
See the disconnect here?

Many here are the real life equivalent of urkel (nerds, nice guys, afc's). And when they act like themselves they get crapped on. You even admit it in the post I quoted. Yet in this thread you are saying they can be themselves and get a pretty woman that meets his checklist of what a woman should be.

See what I am saying? Guys here have tried being themselves, and it didn't work.

Let me know if I'm missing something.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Let's break this down. Because again, you guys are missing what I'm saying.

For example, I'm NOT saying, that I will go to an overweight fat guy and tell him he's "ok" but instead, I need to tell him that he should workout and eat right, because he's taking years off his life. My favorite singer of all time, all time, I mean my mother played his records all the time, just died late last year to a heart attack and he was only 40. Yes, Gerald Levert. And I was highly pissed off.

See, by me telling the overweight guy to workout and lose weight, that's based on scientific and nutritional priniciples, and THE WAY THE BODY WORKS. Period.

But see here's the problem with this site......

You guys see a Steve Urkel guy, and preach to him about tips, techniques, etc, of don juanness, ss, etc. And you say you base your preaching on SOUND principles, evolution, etc. But the problem is that these techniques ARE NOT the SOUND PRINCIPLES of evolution, etc....because time and time again they are proven wrong!!

The fat guy in the first example, when I preach to him to workout and eat right, if that guy did a scan on his heart, the doctor will show him how his lifestyle isn't healthy. So WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO EAT RIGHT AND WORKOUT....or we'll take years off our life.

Make sense?

But WE DON'T HAVE TO USE TIPS, TECHNIQUES, AND SS...AND DON JUAN PRINCIPLES, to get chicks. We just don't need them.

The reason is, these tips, techniques, and principles....are NOT scientific studies of evolution or anything! All of these tips and techniques are just something a "happy confident guy" decided to write one night and blast on the internet!

Yes, yes......these are not solid, scientific, principles.....you are doing nothing but worshipping the commendents of some drunk guy!

Yes, I swear to you....I'm not lying.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score

There is no scientific priniciple or technique created in science, that gives us a "medium to live by" when it comes to women. NONE. But yet, you guys continue to believe this crap that some guy has typed up on the internet. Why?

For health and fitness, we do have a "medium to live by" and that's eat right and exercise, keeping a healthy lifestyle. Or you will age quicker, and die quicker. So you want a longer life, change your lifestyle, if you don't, supersize it all day long!

There is no "medium to live by" there is no "rulebook" when it comes to dating.

This is what I'm trying to tell you guys! Dating is YOUR CREATION!

Dating is one of those areas in life, that you have sole control over. You can choose your chick, you can choose how you want her to act, you can choose how you want her to behave.

After you know what you want.....then go on a Nexting stage (you know like MTV's next) until you run across the chick that meets YOUR STANDARDS.

But see, you guys don't do this...becasue you're looking at dating totally wrong.

You are looking at dating from the perspective, that....."I must BECOME SOMETHING in order to win A WOMAN." So basically, what you are doing...is trying to learn some tips and techniques, to become SOMETHING so you can impress A WOMAN.

You know what the problem with that is? Let's break it down.....

1. First off, there is no ONE WOMAN. While every chick likes dyck, every chick is different. Some chicks want to be roughed up a little, some chicks want to listen to Ne-Yo sing, some chicks want to laugh with Martin. So the first problem with this is, you are trying to impress A WOMAN...that doesn't EXIST!

2. The second thing, you are trying to become SOMETHING....that doesn't exist either! You call it a Don Juan, hell I could have called it a Donkey's Azz, what would be the difference? You dream of an ideal "Don Juan" you seem him all brave and mighty, he gets all the women, all the women scream over him...and you want to be him! You need to be him! But he's just a fantasy. There's no such thing as that guy! A guy you see with a number of women (let's say 5-9), that guy also experiences REJECTION! You just don't see it! You look at my bank account and think, "John is perfect! John is an excellent sales guy!" But you didn't see the 5,000 business owners who slammed the door in my face!

So over and all.....here's the bottom line. You guys want a safety net that's NOT THERE. You study techniques and tips, so you WON'T BE REJECTED. Oh yes, bottom line....you want ALL THE WOMEN! YOU WANT ALL THE CHICKS TO LIKE YOU! Do you hear yourself?

So you want to be perfect? How in the fvcking hell can ALL THE WOMEN like you? God damn it guys!


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
What if the popular ‘you’ is the natural ‘you’ also? I don’t know, I can’t blame people for wanting to better themselves so they can access the 95% of other women who they miss out on…

Your post focuses too heavily on the sense that all people do is study the theory… theory is a good foundation, but its only really useful when you’re putting it to the test… gradually through experience you learn what works for you, with particular women and you find yourself where you want to be… a better analogy would be learning to drive and sitting a theory and a practical test… studying the theory just saves you from fvcking up too much and learning the hard way…

To call all the posters on here a success is very far from the truth… I’m not even talking about them being successful with women, but in my opinion I think some of their attitudes are stifling… besides the over importance placed on women, an AFC attitude would permeate through to other areas of life and limit accomplishments in many competitive fields… my favorite quote which is loosely related to this is, “life is not about finding yourself… it’s about creating yourself”

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Wrap It Up...Open the Beer

Bottom line.....

Since you now know there's no saftey net and you WILL STILL GET REJECTED...why not just be yourself?

See, when I say be yourself, I really mean be yourself!

This is what I mean.....

If you are a nerd, that means you like to study, like to learn, you love wisdom! WTF is wrong with that? 90% of you are nerds! That's why you are "studying" women! Lol, you went from studying chemistry to studying women....you God Damn Nerds! Still sitting there with a book in your face!

WTF is wrong with being a nerd gentlement? I am a nerd, and I'm God damn proud of it! Being a nerd allows me to live a complete life, to be knowledgable, to live life to the fullest.

Lol, there's something wrong with that? Lol, if so, kiss my azz.

But you might say, "Well John, look at the way the nerd dresses!" Well let me tell you, when you are about to open a business, or when you are trying to do good on a test, you "DON'T GIVE A FVCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK." And that's why nerds don't put much time into their appearance RIGHT NOW....but you see later on, that same nerd who couldn't "dress" is more than likely taking your money so you can wear his clothes!

You guys have been preached the wrong message. Instead of just being yourself and being the nerds that you are, you want to try and be like the dumb azz jocks. The guys that think, just because they are getting laid, that means they are the shyt.

No motafvcka I'm the shyt!

I own 3 businesses at 23 years old, I'm the shyt!

I have over 400 business accounts in my portfolio, I'm the shyt!

I don't just have "pvssy" I have a cycle of 20 WOMEN that are beautiful on the outside and pure as fvck on the inside....I'm the shyt!

I walk in the club WITH BYTCHES ALREADY ON MY ARM! Then we pick up a group of other chicks and go back to my Motel and have an orgy....I'm the shyt!

You don't know who you fvckin wit!

And I want you guys to understand something....when you have a group of women that truly like you, you've just automatically won every other girl in the room!

So you filter through a lot of women to build up your "Real Women Portfolio" drive around in your car with the top down and let all these "Jocks and People" watch you with this fine azz chick on your arm! Then watch as you and your fine azz chick pick up more chicks! Now watch as you drive around with ya top back, wit a beer in one hand, and 4 chicks in yo car! Watch how quickly you become THE MAN!!

THAT MY FRIENDS....is my life! And the reason I come to this God Damn Forum, is to take as many of you as possible, to the otha side. Who's coming?


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Francisco d'Anconia said:
This reminds me of students who complain about certain curriculum saying that it's a waste of time and that they would never use what's taught in everyday life. What these people don't realize is that education is just a framework of what you will encounter in your everyday life. It's not only about what what is taught in the classes, but how you learn and understand the information is equally important.
:up: Absolutely-goddamn-right. I would hear these fvcks complain in school and it's these same lazy pricks who are working the drive thru at Taco Bell at 0400 in the morning.

Observation, critical thinking and analysis is all used when learning any subject. Unfortunately relating these skills to everyday life is seldom done. These skills are the common traits that the well known posters of this forum share. This is how they can easily substantiate the theories or framework exhibited on sites like Sosuave and are able to seemingly make adjustments effortlessly when roadblocks come up.
Correctamundo. Again this comes down to pure laziness and guys who are unwilling to spend the time and effort to learn from every point of view.

Guys who don't use these skills find themselves always coming into situations which are the exception to the rule. Of course there will be a myriad of different situations however the framework is exactly the same most of the time. Without using critical thinking the ability to recognize that common framework will be very difficult. This is why there are so many posts in this forum asking about very specific situations whose framework has been discussed more times than not in the DJB or some previous thread in the forum.

So I see no problem learning the framework. Understand the principles and customize them to fit your personality and make adjustments when necessary depending on the situation. It's unrealistic to expect to find a definitive answer to every situation imaginable. Life and your experiences are dynamic and if there is information out there that gives you a general understanding, why not use it?

If you feel that the information doesn't cover every type of situation, why not add to the information by filling in the missing areas yourself. Just be sure that you are even more thorough and cover every single situation; fair is fair.
Because all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. It's easier to guess and make up sh!t than truly dig through the muck and find the answers and assimilate it into practical application for oneself thus ensuring your maturation and self growth. Good post brother.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Ashley, come on....

You say,

"I can’t blame people for wanting to better themselves so they can access the 95% of other women who they miss out on…"

You still don't get it! It's the 5% of women that you get the most out of! You get pvssy and love, but....but....listen...when you have that 5% in your circle Ashley, you AUTOMATICALLY attract the remaining 95%!! 95% of women ONLY WANT A GUY "that other women want." Who the hell do you think the "the other women are?" 95% of women don't even LIKE YOU as a person, they just want to look "cool" by being around you!

You say....

"Your post focuses too heavily on the sense that all people do is study the theory… theory is a good foundation, but its only really useful when you’re putting it to the test…"

You sound like a tape recording of this site. Erase that tape buddy. "Theory" is not a good foundation, because "theory" is not FACT! Theory is a person's opinion, stated in a process or procedure, that...that particular person "predicts" will lead to a result. A theory is nothing but a man's own unique way of doing something. The guy selling you his "seduction theory," you try to match his "theory" but don't do that! Instead...match his ATTITUDE. No, I didn't say his personality....I said his ATTITUDE! And under all the seduction theorists, and all the don juan bull crap, there's one underlining attitude...and you know what that attitude is? It's a little voice on the inside of that man saying, "I'M FREE."

You say,

"Gradually through experience you learn what works for you,... studying the theory just saves you from fvcking up too much and learning the hard way…"

What are you fvcking up my friend? What? Have you ever really gotten laid before? If not, let me share with you the results of the next show....you will have an organism, she will have multiple, you will fvck a couple more times, and more than likely never see each other again. Why is that? Because women like sex too, you just think that you're the only one wanting it, lol! Just like a chick will bounce her azz to make you want to fvck her, a guy can turn up his seductive and sexual state to make a chick horny as hell. 95% of the time Ashley...it's just sex.

But see my strategy Ashley, it saves you from chasing sex, into sex chasing you! When sex is chasing you, you get more quality sex, you get it more often, and you even get PAID OFF IT! Oh yes, oh yes.

With my strategy Ashley, you will have a group of women in your life who care deeply about you, and those women will be beautiful. Now guess what, because you got those chicks, you just opened up Heaven's door to all the pvssy around you. Now watch how all the chicks around you throw their pvssy at you! Watch my friend! And it won't stop either! You have a couple wifeys, and now you have all the chicks in town throwing their azz at you! That is called, Success in the Personal World.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
You sound like a guy that has had 3 Gf in his life and 2 one night stands. Are you really experienced with woman, or are you one of these PUA salesman such as neil strauss, and asian playboy? TO be honest you sound like a repressed nerd that is not good with woman.

Can you post something on getting laid:up: ........ If you ever got laid?????

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Karma let it go buddy! Cut the rope! You don't need it! If you fall, there's no depth between you and the ground.....cut the rope and be free my friend.

You say,

"It's easier to guess and make up sh!t than truly dig through the muck and find the answers and assimilate it into practical application for oneself...."

Is it Karma? Are you sure about that? Is it really easier to "make up shyt" (or follow your guy instincts) then to dig and find the answers?

See Karma, I think you got it twisted. It's easy as fvcking hell to just read a David Deangelo book and copy David Deangelo. Oh yeeeeaaah Karma, it only costs me $20 bucks and $4 bucks of gas!

But see Karma.....it's hard as hell to follow your gut. It's hard as hell to allow your inside and your gut to be your leader and not an E-book from a site called, www.sosuave.com.

You don't develop into YOUR OWN MAN Karma by reading techniques! You run away from yourself when you do that! You don't develop yourself, you run away from yourself! You run from your soul, that very being on the inside of you that knows more about your life than ANYBODY!! EVEN YOU!!

You lose out on the spoils of life Karma, because you are too chicken shyt to follow your gut.

See, lol, 99% of the time Karma, your gut will tell you to do something that's not in the "Rule Book."

And when you date women without using the Rule Book, you eventually learn that I never really needed the Rule Book, all I needed was....

>>> To calm the fvck down.
>>> Love life.
>>> Add a sexual flavor and touch to my life.

At the end of the day, what did I just do? All I did was relax and be sexual. Hell, my 7 year old nephew does this, what the fvck is wrong with you guys?

See, understand something, I'm not like most of you. I'm in the 1% of America, I'm financially free, and I have success in all areas of my life. So when you guys read my posts, it won't sound like the usual religion, and what you end up doing is trying to get confirmation from somebody else on this site, and since majority of you are fvcked up with theory, everything I say goes over your heads.

You say, "It's no way it can be that easy!"
You say, "There's no way I can just be myself and get chicks."

If you eliminate the theory and go back to being YOU......then learn your gut and learn YOU.....add in a little sexual and seductive touch.....write down the qualities a chick must have (get this from your inside, not from other guys)....then filter through the 95% of women and build up a database of these chicks......then go out in the world.....and enjoy your chicks, and the town's chicks too.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
LookYoung quite honestly, if I post something else tonight on getting laid, I'll probably have enough to start an E-book!

Have you NOT seen all that shyt I just put up there?

I am showing you how to get laid! Why don't you read it? Why, because it's not a dumb azz thread telling you to walk like this, and speak like this, and try this trick, and lick her like this......is that why you figure it's bullshyt? What if all those other threads are the ones that's bullshyt?

Remember, 1% of Americans are actually free. Meaning, that just about 99% of the information you read and get from people....will be bullshyt. When you find information that's different from the tide...I would pay close attention and try to understand what this guy's point is.

But at the end of the day, guys...it's your decision. Lol, most of you think this entire thread is bullshyt, I know it! You compare it with the "rules and regulations" that you have been thought in the Seduction community, and disregard everything I'm saying. Hey, that's ok! Remember, I make no commissions off of this, there's no mortgage on the line here.

So why do I post this? Well, because I figure I should give back to this site like this site gave to me. There's excellent posters from this site that are great guys, and no I'm not talking about the guys preaching the techniques.

So what you guys do with this information is up to you. Print it out and whip your azz with it for all I care. But I just feel, that I should give back.

Hmmm....I'm wondering if this could be a tax write-off?


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
I understand what your saying but what your saying is really basic. Be confident in yourself and who gives a fvck about woman. For me I like sosuave because of the motivation and sense of community. It gives me the motivation to sarge girls. I am already everthing u state on your thread.

But what about the guy that is a 400 pound 30 year old virgin? Never kissed a girl. What is he supposed to do with your advice? Stay 400 pounds and be a virgin.. No he needs self improvement.

Overall your thread is good:up: . But is not useful for guys that are big time Afc's.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score

Just to clear up a few things.

the gurus, yes i have read alot of them i find this stuff intresting.

always, state if your a fat/geek/look like shi* guy, no amount of tricks will get you *****.

So yes Guru's are saying the same things except they dont drag it out to 4 pages of furum space to prove a point.

Nice ideals, but the point still stands.

Drop the bone of tips and tricks even the Fattiest dude in the world knows he has to get off his ars* and get it in check if he wants more women, never mind the health issue, people dont come here for health advice they come here on how to fuc* more women or find that special one.

Tips tricks and advice encompas all areas, sadly i dont think you realize that.

I am not advocating gurus' there advice is easy to obtain, but i am not going to agree for the sake of agreeing either.

As a matter of fact DD and mystery state 'get your as* into shape and look as good as you can'. Even style will repeat the same line.

so telling some uber geek its cool to be some skinny rake with bottle rimmed glasses is cool and just be 'You' is not imo wise.

It is far better to simply state as guru's do.

Get in shape you skinny as* dude.
Get contact lense.
Stop playing D&D
Learn to socialize with people.
Wear cloths that do not scream 'i am a nerd'!
Transform from geek to sleek.

Is far better even in those few lines then constantly stating 'just be you' your great, sadly your not great if your a geek, if your a geek, your a geek and you need to get sexier, there is a saying what as come about.

And that is a geek with techniques is still a geek!

Get it?

But i am falling into your trap now!

The advice you are giving if you like it or not is techniques, lets leave it to people that can see a bigger picture, uh?

I am not meaning me, but dont knock the guru's when it is evident these guys know a hell of a lot more then you do.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, this is the last reply of the night guys. I'm getting ready for Tuesday baby!!

Now, you guys keep saying this same shyt? Why? You keep saying that my "advice" would be useless to an AFC? Useless to a guy who's clearly "not getting it" with women. Lol, lol, lol.

Oh man....I think I'll be here all night! I need a damn commission off this.

So, so, so.....let's back up, okay?

If you really look at the BULK of what I'm saying, one could sum it up where I'm totalling preaching THE OPPOSITE of the "Rules" and really making guys out to be more AFC than DON JUAN. Could you sum it up like that?

Well......again, lol, lol, lol. It's because THERE ARE NO RULES. There's no such thing as an AFC or a Don Juan. If you want to talk in more reality terms, the AFC represents more of your true self, then any picture of a don juan. A Don Juan is not a real person, a Don Juan is another mythicaly character, created by someone with great writing skills, writing an EBook. So is the AFC, but at least the AFC is more closer to your true self. It's just YOU that thinks the AFC svcks. If women would have fvcked you crazy in your (according to the rules) "AFC" days, you would love your self to death! I think all the violence in men is because they innerly hate theirselves...and this site adds fuel to the fire.

When I say be yourself, I say it proudly, because let me ask you this. Based on the "Rules" what title did each of us hold when we came here? Yes, if you said AFC you were correct.

So based on the "Rules" we were AFC. Now, when we got here, we were HONEST with ourselves.

1. We didn't understand women.
2. Women wasn't giving us any.
3. We wanted to improve

Am I right?

So what happened?

We learned the "Rules." And the Rules were designed to eliminate our problem, and give us results.........

But what happened?

We got laid! Come on, at least a number of you got laid...come on, you know it!


What really happened?

See, when you came here, you was honest. You were you, you followed your GUT to even come here. How did you know this site was here? You did a search for it until YOU FOUND WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR!

But the problem is gentlemen is that you've been scammed! Because while you went on the duck hunt searching for something, you HAD NO IDEA WHAT YOU WERE SEARCHING FOR!!!

You wasn't getting laid....so you wanted an answer. Now, was it my clothes, my attitude, my breath, my life, my environment....you wanted to find an answer to why you weren't getting laid.

You wanted to have IT, so you could carry back to yourself and SHOW THEM, and get that pvssy!


You asked, when you got to this site...."How do I get laid?" or you asked, "What Do Women Want?" or you asked, "How do I attract women?"


"Why Do I Hate Myself?"
"Why Do I feel this low on the inside?"
"Where is my peace?"

Because when you came to this site, you had no peace. But you thought your problem was, you had no girl, or that a girl didn't want you. No, the problem was you had no peace.

You just didnt' accurately understand....where the pain was coming from. Like a baby that just cries, you came here crying, without really knowing what the hell was wrong with you.

But see, if you would have had peace....you would have never came here or searched for this place. You know why? Because if a girl rejected you, if a girl wouldn't fvck you, or if a girl decided she didn't want to call you anymore, you would NOT HAVE concluded that........THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU. You would have concluded that, "This bytch is crazy." And you would have went on, and eventually met some more chicks, that were better and more fun than that other chick.

But instead, you came here. And "thinking" your problem was " Women don't like me," you wanted to learn tips and techniques....and if the post was good on them, you FELT VERY GOOD AFTER READING THEM! You were equipped, and the Tips became your peace! The tips became your joy! You had not even touched the pvssy yet, but just having the tips made you feel warm and good on the inside!

And now the trap of life has hit you. Where your soul is no longer controlling you, but you are now addicted to some form of tips and techniques, that you hunger for more and more.....just to get more and more great feelings. You are controlled by them, ruled by them, and they control you!

I offer you another invitation, to come over to the other side. I know you had no peace, I know you didn't like yourself.....but I'll make you love yourself. I'll make you be one with your soul again, and truly experience a great life on the outside and the inside.

Now guys, I have to go, I've given you a lot to read, just read it and try to understand what I'm trying to say to you.



Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
Okay, this is the last reply of the night guys. I'm getting ready for Tuesday baby!!

Now, you guys keep saying this same shyt? Why? You keep saying that my "advice" would be useless to an AFC? Useless to a guy who's clearly "not getting it" with women. Lol, lol, lol.

Oh man....I think I'll be here all night! I need a damn commission off this.

So, so, so.....let's back up, okay?

If you really look at the BULK of what I'm saying, one could sum it up where I'm totalling preaching THE OPPOSITE of the "Rules" and really making guys out to be more AFC than DON JUAN. Could you sum it up like that?

Well......again, lol, lol, lol. It's because THERE ARE NO RULES. There's no such thing as an AFC or a Don Juan. If you want to talk in more reality terms, the AFC represents more of your true self, then any picture of a don juan. A Don Juan is not a real person, a Don Juan is another mythicaly character, created by someone with great writing skills, writing an EBook. So is the AFC, but at least the AFC is more closer to your true self. It's just YOU that thinks the AFC svcks. If women would have fvcked you crazy in your (according to the rules) "AFC" days, you would love your self to death! I think all the violence in men is because they innerly hate theirselves...and this site adds fuel to the fire.

When I say be yourself, I say it proudly, because let me ask you this. Based on the "Rules" what title did each of us hold when we came here? Yes, if you said AFC you were correct.

So based on the "Rules" we were AFC. Now, when we got here, we were HONEST with ourselves.

1. We didn't understand women.
2. Women wasn't giving us any.
3. We wanted to improve

Am I right?

So what happened?

We learned the "Rules." And the Rules were designed to eliminate our problem, and give us results.........

But what happened?

We got laid! Come on, at least a number of you got laid...come on, you know it!


What really happened?

See, when you came here, you was honest. You were you, you followed your GUT to even come here. How did you know this site was here? You did a search for it until YOU FOUND WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR!

But the problem is gentlemen is that you've been scammed! Because while you went on the duck hunt searching for something, you HAD NO IDEA WHAT YOU WERE SEARCHING FOR!!!

You wasn't getting laid....so you wanted an answer. Now, was it my clothes, my attitude, my breath, my life, my environment....you wanted to find an answer to why you weren't getting laid.

You wanted to have IT, so you could carry back to yourself and SHOW THEM, and get that pvssy!


You asked, when you got to this site...."How do I get laid?" or you asked, "What Do Women Want?" or you asked, "How do I attract women?"


"Why Do I Hate Myself?"
"Why Do I feel this low on the inside?"
"Where is my peace?"

Because when you came to this site, you had no peace. But you thought your problem was, you had no girl, or that a girl didn't want you. No, the problem was you had no peace.

You just didnt' accurately understand....where the pain was coming from. Like a baby that just cries, you came here crying, without really knowing what the hell was wrong with you.

But see, if you would have had peace....you would have never came here or searched for this place. You know why? Because if a girl rejected you, if a girl wouldn't fvck you, or if a girl decided she didn't want to call you anymore, you would NOT HAVE concluded that........THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU. You would have concluded that, "This bytch is crazy." And you would have went on, and eventually met some more chicks, that were better and more fun than that other chick.

But instead, you came here. And "thinking" your problem was " Women don't like me," you wanted to learn tips and techniques....and if the post was good on them, you FELT VERY GOOD AFTER READING THEM! You were equipped, and the Tips became your peace! The tips became your joy! You had not even touched the pvssy yet, but just having the tips made you feel warm and good on the inside!

And now the trap of life has hit you. Where your soul is no longer controlling you, but you are now addicted to some form of tips and techniques, that you hunger for more and more.....just to get more and more great feelings. You are controlled by them, ruled by them, and they control you!

I offer you another invitation, to come over to the other side. I know you had no peace, I know you didn't like yourself.....but I'll make you love yourself. I'll make you be one with your soul again, and truly experience a great life on the outside and the inside.

Now guys, I have to go, I've given you a lot to read, just read it and try to understand what I'm trying to say to you.


Basically you are saying

- Be yourself and if that means being a nerd then be a nerd as there is nothing wrong with that. (and I agree there is nothing wrong with being a nerd)

- Love yourself

- Approach, approach, approach...because if you approach enough women at least 5 percent will like you. And they will like you for you (rather then say your wallet or car or whatever)


Now give me a yes or no on these two questions because this thread is all over the place and needs to be pinned down more.

1 Do you really think that if a completely nerdy guy that plays dungeons and dragons follows the three points up above (love yourself, be yourself, and approach lots of women) that he will find women that....

-meet his criteria for what he wants in a woman
- are pretty
- are actually in love with him and care about him

Yes or no?

2 Many of the guys on this site have tried those three points above (be yourself, love yourself, and approached lots of women) and it did NOT work in getting them a bunch of pretty women that loved them for them like you claim to have. Do you not believe that?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
Man I typed this as a reply to one guy on here. And I thought I would post it in a thread, because this is informational.....it should help 97% of you on here....here's what I said:
I removed the bulk of the quote because it made it too long.

Yep. I was walking around yesterday and I figured out why my game has run in to a wall. I was busy thinking about how others run their game. Then it hit me, their game works because they made the rules. They didn't try to be something they werent, they just used confidence and used what they had to get the job done. This is why an over all base confidence will win instead of theory and steps. Attraction isn't a recipe! I always run my game best when I am not thinking about how I can fit their theory in to this situation, but when I can use MY confidence to project through my personality and communication.

Excellent post, keep at em.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
This Should Get It For You Guys

Tree Fingers, lol, hey guys if I made an E-Book for $15 would you buy it? Lol, I can feel something inside of me saying that I could move some E-Books around these seduction sites and take $50,000 into my Corporation. Lol, oh man!

Okay....back to the topic, Tree Fingers you said,

"Basically (John) you are saying
- Be yourself and if that means being a nerd then be a nerd as there is nothing wrong with that.
- Love yourself
- Approach, approach, approach...because if you approach enough women at least 5 percent will like you. And they will like you for you (rather then say your wallet or car or whatever)."

That's what I'm saying, but the problem Tree Fingers is that the way you are looking at what I'm saying is wrong. For example, let's think of something like a Corporation. Thinking about it? Some people LOOK at the Corporation as a big hassle and a big pain in the azz......some people LOOK at the Corporation as a TAX SAVER and ASSET PROTECTOR.....some people LOOK at the Corporation as a, hell whatever! Do you see my point? You have basically my entire post summed up correctly, but you are LOOKING at the post in the wrong way. My post is a SAVER AND PROTECTOR, but you are looking at it as a big hassle, and a pain in the azz, and also to not "work."

Let's continue....you said,

"1. Do you really think that if a completely nerdy guy that plays dungeons and dragons follows the three points up above (love yourself, be yourself, and approach lots of women) that he will find women that....
-meet his criteria for what he wants in a woman
- is pretty
- that are actually in love with him and care about him?"

Notice what I have in bold, "Completely Nerdy Guy," who is that? What does he look like? You probably think of someone like Steve Urkel right? You say this guys spends his time playing games, studying, etc. How do you know that guy isn't getting laid? You see him walking by himself, and then you are "re-confirmed" that THE TECHNIQUES SHOULD BE EMBRACED and I shouldn't "be myself." Well, what happens when you see tht guy getting laid? Your jaw wouldn't just drop, I think your entire Belief Foundation will....because while you're spending time learning seduction trying to FVCK WOMEN...that "completely nerdy guy" spends his time doing WHAT HE WANTS TO DO, then after he gets done....then he gets laid. The problem isn't that the guy is a "Completely Nerdy Guy," the problem would be if that Completely Nerdy Guy DIDN'T LIKE HIMSELF! Like 90% of you guys, you guys don't like yourself! That's why you worship a fake image of a Don Juan and wish to become him! Well who the hell said that you were'nt better than the so called Don Juan??

You say...

"Many of the guys on this site have tried those three points above and it did NOT work in getting them a bunch of pretty women..."

I disagree with you. I think there was a point when many of the guys here on this site WAS THAT COMPLETE NERDY GUY as you call him, in the "Rules" that guy would be an AFC. But being an AFC is closer to being HUMAN than a Don Juan ever is! Even though both titles are fictious characters...the AFC is what I would rather be!

You still think the problem is that, "The Guy is a Nerd." That's just as stupid as most of my "black brothers" thinking that because a black guy isn't "Hard or Thuggish" he's a bytch! They take this fvcking stereotypes and say that a "guy that can fight" must look like this or look like that. What shocks the fvck out of them, is when that quiet guy blasts all their azzes and shows to be more "gangsta" then any of them combined!

What am I saying......you guys are STUCK on stereotypes! To you guys, "the guy that fvcks all the women" must look, act, breathe, walk, talk, and shyt theh same to you guys! And any guy that doesn't fit that "stereotype" you figure he's not getting laid!

How wrong you are!

As I keep repeating.....it's not the "personality of the guy" that gets him laid! It doesn't matter if the guy's personality is more geared toward being tough, being sweet, being romantic, being a total sensitive azzhole, being a wimp and a coward, being Ne-Yo and singing "I'm So Sick" or being 50 Cent and saying "I'll take you to the Candy Shop"....THE GUY CAN BE WHO THE HELL HE WANTS TO BE!!!

What GETS the guy pvssy and azz, is his SEXUALITY!! It's the guy with the sexual state, the guy with an overall seductive attitude......THAT'S THE GUY WHO GETS ALL THE GIRLS!!

That guy can be a rapper, a singer, a plumber, a lawyer, a Clay Aiken fan, a Tupac fan, a Rosie O'Donnell fan, a Donald Trump fan.....he can walk like this or walk like that....he can crack jokes all day....he can sit on his azz and play Playstation 3 and Wii all day.....he can study Real Estate all day....he can bytch and moan all day.....he can have goals....he can have no goals....SHOULD I GO ON???

The point in making this post is so you guys would stop thinking there's something wrong with YOU!!

There's nothing wrong with YOU!!

Just add some sexual state, add a little seductiveness to you.....it's just a little attitude adjustment, not a personality adjustment, it's a ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT.

You can be YOURSELF, and when I say you can be YOURSELF, I mean you can let your own unique PERSONALITY SHINE!! Your own true geniune self!

There's things in this world that nobody can do better than you! There's things in this world that you were CREATED TO SOLVE! If you keep reading tips and techniques and trying to "BE SOMEBODY ELSE" you never BE YOURSELF AND ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOUR LIFE WAS MEANT TO ACCOMPLISH!!

One of you motafvckas probably can figure out the cure for Aids, the cure for Cancer.....but because you're so busy RUNNING FROM YOURSELF and RUNNING TO ACT AND BE LIKE SOMEBODY ELSE.....you miss out on what YOUR LIFE WAS MEANT TO ACCOMPLISH!!

You guys are being scammed! You think that by "Being Somebody Else" (Don Juan) that is what gets you laid!! Well it's wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong......

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Fortunate Juan you are correct my friend!

From a business standpoint....many guys buy books that supposedly, "Will Make Them Rich." How stupid?

You achieve success in business by using the principles and foundations of the Business World....then creating a unique marketing and engagement strategy to accomplish things.

That's Business! That's How the successful people do it!

Now, as for relationships? With Business, there ARE PRINCIPLES AND FOUNDATIONS that MUST be followed.....then once they are led, NOW YOU CAN ADD YOUR SPICE!

But that's not with relationships! You guys believe there's some type of "law" or "rulebook" or "principles" that must be followed....and again I say you are being scammed.

The only thing you need to do in relationships is figure out what type of chick YOU WANT....and then go out and grab chicks that fit YOUR BILL!! This is YOUR LIFE!! YOURS....YOURS...YOURS....

Why in the hell would you allow someone to define your life? Why in the hell would you allow someone to tell you how to walk, how to talk, how to shyt? And then you have the nerve to call yourselves "free men"! Lol, hell you might as well throw some black on your skin and go back 60 years and become a slave like I was (lol), because you are literally STILL LIVING IN SLAVERY!

Only now Ross Jeffries, sosuave.com, and the other "gurus" are your "MASTAS."

(A hot chick walks in)

You to Sosuave: (Like a slave)...excuse me mastas...but there's this chick I want to bang....how can I bang her mastas?

Sosuave: (Like a Masta)....pitty fool! Get out there in that yard and finish picking that cotton! (translated, finish learning their tips, and finish "changing yourself" to be a supposed don juan)

You to sosuave: but Masta....well this get me the sex?

Sosuave: fool!.....didn't I already tell you what you will get! Now do as I say boy!

And like an idiot, you spend countless hours learning this bullshyt and go out thinking you are some type of "don juan" guy, and lol, lol, the fvcking shameless shyt just keeps going an going.

When will you guys wake up? Hell if you don't wanna wake up at least roll over in bed, at least then you would get to a better side of the pillow and begin to at least SEE what I'm saying.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
So the bottom line is, guys, STOP STUDYING ALL THESE DAMN THEORIES! Gunwitch, Pook, David D, Ross J, Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back E Book, just stop it!
wrong. Don't slam the DJ bible. And Timberlake is a homo he is not a DJ so don't include him as one of us.

Here's some healing.......THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Right now, as you sit in front of this computer and read these words, you are already the man, you are already the best person you could ever be in life. You are already, a success.
wrong again. Every many should always be critical of himself and then take action to improve. Life is about improving your mind, body, and spirit.

You are a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it.
wrong again. Most people have failed to attain their goals and that is the root cause of why so many people are here.

Women are everywhere, but get this, there are women out there that are tailor made just for you. No, no, no....not the "social you," not the "popular you" not the "you with your mask on" but the you, the sensitive you, the hurt you, the down you, the funny you, the happy you, the God Damn Natural YOU!
Most AFCs act against their natures as men. Some are just idiots and need to try harder to become a man. Growing balls is very important for some guys here.

YOU, YOU, YOU......there are women out there, oh my God help me, that just want to cater to YOU. You as a person is what makes them wet, they will love YOU.
You need to stop saying "you". Sounds like some kind of mindless female pep talk or something richard simmons would say.

But understand....then there are women out there who like YOU...the YOU while no one else is watching, the YOU when it's only you and God in the room, the YOU, THE YOU, THE YOU........
ummm.. but what do you think we are a bunch of FAT women?

And I make a challenge to you gentlemen on this God Damn Forum. To STOP caring so much about what 95% of women want....who gives a rat's azz? But I want you to be like Anti-Dump, and I want you to write a vision of what you want your woman to be, and when you encounter the chick that doesn't fit that....tell that bytch you'll see her later. And gentlemen...if you REALLY WANT TO ENJOY, a woman, and all that she offers.....then build yourself an environment of women around you, that like.....YOU.
umm.. just make sure those women are not a bunch of FAT women . Also remember that a real man doesn't hang out with a bunch of women unless he is gay.

This will be difficult, and you'll have to filter like a motafvcka....but if you really want to see what REAL LOVING IS ABOUT....come to the otha side.
sorry but most here are not gay.

anyway.. I know what you are trying to say.. you just said it the wrong way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Dude I wouldn't buy a book from you for a penny... Please do not respond to this guys posts anymore. This guy is a total AFC. He even says that he is an afc. I get the feeling that you are someone who has never been successful with woman. No wonder why the only thing you talk about is your career, and being yourself, and not improving yourself.

You probably never had success with woman. Came to this site to improve your game and listened to some advice, and still had no success. Then you were frustrated and said screw it, I am going to be my nerdy self. What ever floats your boat. THis is not a career forum. This forum is geared more towards the ladies. Seducing woman... I think your on the wrong forum You geek.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well lookyoung and Kevin (who's been here forever, lol) I tell you what....you believe whatever you want to believe. Again, lol, is it not YOUR choice?

I'm not coming on here and preaching that you should follow my strategies, again, I said whatever floats your boat or rocks your boat or sets it at sail....do your thing.

I speak to the guys here who have enough common sense to understand what I'm saying. I understand that saying what I say to MAJORITY of you will be like trying to preach a different "Belief" to a religious fantanic, you guys are stuck on this religion and won't move.

I will bet any amount of money, that my life and the women I have is far more better than most of the lives you people live here and teh women you have.

It's because you are stuck on this religion, you thinks its everything, and when someone tells you it's all bullshyt, you get pissed off.

Well it's bullshyt. You can come kick my azz, I'll be waiting on you.
Come march outside my office holding your "Don't Bash The DJ Bible" signs, march in the streets, protest, protest! Lol, it'll make funny azz news coverage.

The guys that actually GET LAID....yeah, you know the guys that you are "supposedly studying about" they don't NEED THESE SITES! And if any of those guys came here and seen this shyt, they would LAUGH THEIR AZZES OFF! Because they know it doesn't take ANY OF THIS SHYT! All this is a big miss understanding, and unfortunately, a whole hell of a lot of guys are falling prey to it.

I try to tell you guys that all this shyt is stupid, but yet, you want to keep rowing the boat so hey....again, to the guys that want to learn there it is. But to majority of you, keep rowing your boat while I sit on my ship and coast to shore.