Why Don't You Guys Read This A Little


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Just like pretending to be the nice guy who doesn't want to get laid. Being the "super suave guy" is a projected image. If you guys want to be fake and imitate other guys to get laid, thats up to you. But I think this cat is on the money, although the way he poses it is kinda like a hippies perspective. I think if you cut through all the "pep talky" parts and get to the bones of what he's saying you'll see that he's talking about confidence first, game second. Work on yourself, and your game will improve because it will be YOUR game, one that you know how to run.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Yep Fortunate that's basically it.

Lol, hey, I'm a Business Man, I love to give prep talks, it's in my blood.

But yes that's the bones and nuts of it. Actually when you have that strong inner game (or what I call, when you actually find yourself and love yourself) all these tips and technqiues you will notice are complete bullshyt and almost hilarious.

Your "Game" will be nothing more than your "Life," but right now....with these guys, their life is a GAME! They need to turn the tables, and allow their true geninue selves and lives be the attraction, and not the other way around.

It's the only way you TRULY enjoy women! Any other way in my opinion, is like working a "job" you don't like.

When I said that the "role" of AFC is closer to being a real human than the don juan...is because ask yourself a question. Did you NOT TRULY enjoy and like women when you were an AFC? I bet you did!

Now with all this Don Juan stuff, it's really not even okay to like women anymore! You have to do this, and do that...and eventually you really stop enjoying the entire fvcking process!

So then what's the point!

There's nothing wrong with you being an "AFC" occording to some DJB that some guy made. The problem is that you just need a little touch of seductivness added to yourself....that's all. That's all a woman really wants. Women are attracted to the mind (the flow, energy, sexual chemisty a man carries, which comes from his mind) and men are attracted to the body, the tits, the azz, the thighs, the sexual chemistry that a woman carries, which comes from her matter (body.)


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
DJF, I'm in your corner man, this is good stuff.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
DJF or John said:
Karma let it go buddy! Cut the rope! You don't need it! If you fall, there's no depth between you and the ground.....cut the rope and be free my friend.

You say,

"It's easier to guess and make up sh!t than truly dig through the muck and find the answers and assimilate it into practical application for oneself...."

Is it Karma? Are you sure about that? Is it really easier to "make up shyt" (or follow your guy instincts) then to dig and find the answers?

See Karma, I think you got it twisted. It's easy as fvcking hell to just read a David Deangelo book and copy David Deangelo. Oh yeeeeaaah Karma, it only costs me $20 bucks and $4 bucks of gas!

But see Karma.....it's hard as hell to follow your gut. It's hard as hell to allow your inside and your gut to be your leader and not an E-book from a site called, www.sosuave.com.

You don't develop into YOUR OWN MAN Karma by reading techniques! You run away from yourself when you do that! You don't develop yourself, you run away from yourself! You run from your soul, that very being on the inside of you that knows more about your life than ANYBODY!! EVEN YOU!!
You fvcking tool. If you had read what I was saying and listened to it you would see how painfully obvious I was making my point that the only way to get through life is to get your hands dirty and do the work yourself. NOT to read some Deangelo or Mystery garbage being the "easy way out."

Item in bold is what I said you horses ass. Try taking a moment to assimilate the info before you spout out idiocy. You've just made a fool of yourself.


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
most of u idiots are completly missing the point of this guy's post.
he is not saying just "be urself" an dont improve.
u should strive to be your best self. that is your true self. i for example, amd a naturaly lazy person, so woule being myself mean sitting on my arse all day doing nothing? NO, that would means i should strive to improve and be the best i can be. doing nothing is not the best i can be.
he is saying there is nothing wrong with u. that doesnt mean dont improve, that means dont completely change urself so u become just like Deangalo or mystery or pook or the almighty "Don Juan" guy. be you.

you guys look at it the wrong way, shame too, cuz this is really good stuff.
like the example of the fat guy, he needs to improve not because everyone else would like him more or he'd be more attractive, but because is health is at risk. also, if u have low self esteeme. u dont just be urself and say" well i have low self esteeme so that me and a woman will love me one day ". sure, one daya woman will love u, but u still have to improve. not just to up ur attractiveness, but because having low self esteeme hurts u in all areas in life. John is not saying, dont improve. if u need to, then do it.

he said being an AFC is closer to human, and that's true, but there's a catch. when u were AFC, u were urself, but u were so controlled by wat women want and giving in to them, that u sought to live ur life by pleasing them. insteadd of finding a woman that YOU want, u tried to make women like you, which is wrong. then u become a DJ, which is still wrong. u r still focused on what "attracts" women so they like u, so u act a certain way because it's the "right" thing to do according to the "rules". u think ur free, but really ur just under different version of "control". because u read what women want, not what u want, an then change urelf so u become this DJ that is C&F and popular and aloof and uses all these techniques to get women. ur not free, ur just a robot formed by these techniques. how is that free and unique?
if women like uniqueness, than how is it unique if 50 guys come at them throwing th same crap and techniques all the time? if u are the AFC that knows what he wants, that looks for women he wants, but is himself and doesnt change for anyone, than u are free.

control the game, dont let it control u. following theories and techniques is letting the game control YOU.

like he said, be urself, be confident, and have a seductive touch, then boom, u got women. not need for all these DJ tricks and tips.

John, really good advice.:up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
i think most men have lost touch with their inner animal. look at guys who have been brought up to be the nice guy. through environmental training they lack the backbone and spine to say no and agree with everything because agreeing with everyone means instant like-ablity. how far from the truth is that.

then you have the thugs and bad azzes who were brought up with uncaring parents. whose parents were very vocal always fighting with people about their beliefs and that they are right. the father that tells the wife whats the score. these are the guys who grow up with hordes of women seeking attention from these males.

the way i see it is that if you hangout with nerds you become a nerd. if you hanout with thugs you become a thug. the list goes on. you aren't really yourself at all. your who you hang out with.

but we all have the ability to unlock our true hidden potential. most people will never find that in themselves because they care to much about this person or that person and never fully taking a good look at themselves for improvement. there are no quick fixes in life. living your life beyond the edge of comfort are truly the people who are in touch with their inner animal.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
It's Still Open....

Well it's nice to see that this post is still going and still open. Here, I'll add to it a little more, and plus I'll address some posters like Raiko, insanity, Karma, and lookyoung....who is sending me private messages requesting my picture, lol, and he says "I'm the homo." Lol, I'll address all this in one minute.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
Tree Fingers, lol, hey guys if I made an E-Book for $15 would you buy it? Lol, I can feel something inside of me saying that I could move some E-Books around these seduction sites and take $50,000 into my Corporation. Lol, oh man!

Okay....back to the topic, Tree Fingers you said,

"Basically (John) you are saying
- Be yourself and if that means being a nerd then be a nerd as there is nothing wrong with that.
- Love yourself
- Approach, approach, approach...because if you approach enough women at least 5 percent will like you. And they will like you for you (rather then say your wallet or car or whatever)."

That's what I'm saying, but the problem Tree Fingers is that the way you are looking at what I'm saying is wrong. For example, let's think of something like a Corporation. Thinking about it? Some people LOOK at the Corporation as a big hassle and a big pain in the azz......some people LOOK at the Corporation as a TAX SAVER and ASSET PROTECTOR.....some people LOOK at the Corporation as a, hell whatever! Do you see my point? You have basically my entire post summed up correctly, but you are LOOKING at the post in the wrong way. My post is a SAVER AND PROTECTOR, but you are looking at it as a big hassle, and a pain in the azz, and also to not "work."

Let's continue....you said,

"1. Do you really think that if a completely nerdy guy that plays dungeons and dragons follows the three points up above (love yourself, be yourself, and approach lots of women) that he will find women that....
-meet his criteria for what he wants in a woman
- is pretty
- that are actually in love with him and care about him?"

Notice what I have in bold, "Completely Nerdy Guy," who is that? What does he look like? You probably think of someone like Steve Urkel right? You say this guys spends his time playing games, studying, etc. How do you know that guy isn't getting laid? You see him walking by himself, and then you are "re-confirmed" that THE TECHNIQUES SHOULD BE EMBRACED and I shouldn't "be myself." Well, what happens when you see tht guy getting laid? Your jaw wouldn't just drop, I think your entire Belief Foundation will....because while you're spending time learning seduction trying to FVCK WOMEN...that "completely nerdy guy" spends his time doing WHAT HE WANTS TO DO, then after he gets done....then he gets laid. The problem isn't that the guy is a "Completely Nerdy Guy," the problem would be if that Completely Nerdy Guy DIDN'T LIKE HIMSELF! Like 90% of you guys, you guys don't like yourself! That's why you worship a fake image of a Don Juan and wish to become him! Well who the hell said that you were'nt better than the so called Don Juan??

You say...

"Many of the guys on this site have tried those three points above and it did NOT work in getting them a bunch of pretty women..."

I disagree with you. I think there was a point when many of the guys here on this site WAS THAT COMPLETE NERDY GUY as you call him, in the "Rules" that guy would be an AFC. But being an AFC is closer to being HUMAN than a Don Juan ever is! Even though both titles are fictious characters...the AFC is what I would rather be!

You still think the problem is that, "The Guy is a Nerd." That's just as stupid as most of my "black brothers" thinking that because a black guy isn't "Hard or Thuggish" he's a bytch! They take this fvcking stereotypes and say that a "guy that can fight" must look like this or look like that. What shocks the fvck out of them, is when that quiet guy blasts all their azzes and shows to be more "gangsta" then any of them combined!

What am I saying......you guys are STUCK on stereotypes! To you guys, "the guy that fvcks all the women" must look, act, breathe, walk, talk, and shyt theh same to you guys! And any guy that doesn't fit that "stereotype" you figure he's not getting laid!

How wrong you are!

As I keep repeating.....it's not the "personality of the guy" that gets him laid! It doesn't matter if the guy's personality is more geared toward being tough, being sweet, being romantic, being a total sensitive azzhole, being a wimp and a coward, being Ne-Yo and singing "I'm So Sick" or being 50 Cent and saying "I'll take you to the Candy Shop"....THE GUY CAN BE WHO THE HELL HE WANTS TO BE!!!

What GETS the guy pvssy and azz, is his SEXUALITY!! It's the guy with the sexual state, the guy with an overall seductive attitude......THAT'S THE GUY WHO GETS ALL THE GIRLS!!

That guy can be a rapper, a singer, a plumber, a lawyer, a Clay Aiken fan, a Tupac fan, a Rosie O'Donnell fan, a Donald Trump fan.....he can walk like this or walk like that....he can crack jokes all day....he can sit on his azz and play Playstation 3 and Wii all day.....he can study Real Estate all day....he can bytch and moan all day.....he can have goals....he can have no goals....SHOULD I GO ON???

The point in making this post is so you guys would stop thinking there's something wrong with YOU!!

There's nothing wrong with YOU!!

Just add some sexual state, add a little seductiveness to you.....it's just a little attitude adjustment, not a personality adjustment, it's a ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT.

You can be YOURSELF, and when I say you can be YOURSELF, I mean you can let your own unique PERSONALITY SHINE!! Your own true geniune self!

There's things in this world that nobody can do better than you! There's things in this world that you were CREATED TO SOLVE! If you keep reading tips and techniques and trying to "BE SOMEBODY ELSE" you never BE YOURSELF AND ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOUR LIFE WAS MEANT TO ACCOMPLISH!!

One of you motafvckas probably can figure out the cure for Aids, the cure for Cancer.....but because you're so busy RUNNING FROM YOURSELF and RUNNING TO ACT AND BE LIKE SOMEBODY ELSE.....you miss out on what YOUR LIFE WAS MEANT TO ACCOMPLISH!!

You guys are being scammed! You think that by "Being Somebody Else" (Don Juan) that is what gets you laid!! Well it's wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong......

Look man, I feel what you are saying. It's a feel good message and you do make some valid points.

I also agree that there is nothing wrong with being nerdy. In fact if it weren't for them we wouldn't have a lot of the medicines and inventions we have today.

It's just that I am skeptical of the claims.

Realize that from highschool on all my friends and the guys I hung out with were the nerds (the kind of guys that build computers from scratch for fun and worship carl sagan). They were and are great guys and yet women would absolutely $HIT on them, rejections left and right. When they would approach girls, the chicks would get that look on their face like they were thinking to themselves 'AS IF !'. These guys couldn't get a date to save their lives. Women acted like they were radioactive. These were the kids that wanted to go to prom but didn't because no chick would go with them.

And I know what you are thinkinig. Did they love themselves? Most did, and if given the choice to be someone else most would choose to remain themselves. But of course some didn't love themselves.

So when you say that even a wimpy, skinny, shy guy can get pretty women* just by being himself and being sure to approach enough women I can't help but think 'yeah right' :whistle: Why? Because like I said, I have a lot of friends that are shy, skinny, nerdy, etc and I know FULL WELL how women respond to them.

* Note that you say not only can he get one pretty woman but that he can get several of them and ones that will love him and fit his criteria list for what he wants in a woman.

There's a reason the 'the 40 year old virgin' struck a chord with people.

ps I understand what you are saying about stereotyping and the whole 'what is a nerd' thing and so on. I understand that you can't fit everyone into archetypes. But in general terms and for the sake of the discussion I see no problem in using a term like nerd to identify in general a subset of the population. People are unique in their own ways but if we can't do any grouping, no matter how general, then it will be very hard to talk about some of these issues.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Okay....here's more! Boy oh boy, 2007 is shaping up to be the best year I've ever had. Man.....

So, back to the discussion. You know, this thing is getting scattered all across the board here, lol. I mean, what else do you guys want me to say? Have I not typed enough?

Let's start with Tree. You said,

"Realize that from highschool on all my friends and the guys I hung out with were the nerds (the kind of guys that build computers from scratch for fun and worship carl sagan)."


"They were and are great guys and yet women would absolutely $HIT on them, rejections left and right."


"When they would approach girls, the chicks would get that look on their face like they were thinking to themselves 'AS IF !'. "


"These guys couldn't get a date to save their lives. Women acted like they were radioactive. These were the kids that wanted to go to prom but didn't because no chick would go with them."

Okay....don't continue anymore, I can't take it anymore. Have I NOT already responded to this?

I think my posts are too long, and you guys scan the document instead of reading it. Well, let me break it down ONCE MORE.

1. THE PERSON THAT YOU ARE....has NOTHING TO DO WITH WOMEN! It has nothing to do with the outside world period. Each one of us is a unique person, a person that was created to uniquely do something well, that others can't. Whether you want to believe it or not, there's a problem in this world that you were created to solve.

You guys keep associating who you are with your success with women. I keep trying to tell you guys that who you are has nothing to do with women. That's why I said, all the tips and techniques to try and CHANGE who you are....are useless, because WHO YOU ARE, has nothing to do with getting pvssy.

As I said before......I'll say it again......you get pvssy by being sexual and seductive!

Tree, there's nothing wrong with your high school friends. They just FORGOT to add in their seductive attitudes. It's a calm, cool, relaxed, sexual part of each guy, that makes the women go crazy and get wet. It's just that majority of thugs and jocks use this side more often! It just so happens that nerds and "educators" don't use this side that often. And what happens is, we associate "getting laid" with a "particular guy."

For example, most of you might say to a nerd, "That guy would never get laid," because you are basing "success with women" on a particular stereotype or a particular "guy." But see, it's not the "guy" that's so special, it's just that women love a seductive and sexual side to us, that's what makes women wet. They don't understand it, but they don't complain when getting fvcked either. (Well they scream, but that's a different story)

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Raiko it's nice that you "see" what I'm saying. Overall, I think that's how everybody should catch this post. You really have to see and feel it, rather than rationalize it with theories, because by doing that it won't make any sense.

Karma I don't know how to respond to you partner. Did I miss read your post? Lol, well guess mistakes happen huh? You shouldn't get so bent outta shape about it. Over here in Detroit, the chicks are on their periods right now, you sure you're not anywhere near Detroit Karma, because I can have my girl give you a pad?

Insanty makes some nice points. He says, " I think most men have lost touch with their inner animal." Lol, actually insanity most men have lost touch with themselves period! That's what I've been trying to preach all throughout this post. Guys were "lost" when they found this site...and the theories and tips just made the guys more "lost" because now instead of the guy "finding himself" he moves further away from himself and trys to become some mythical character named a Don Juan. How stupid?

And LookYoung, the next time you send me a private message asking for my pic and showing an icon where you are bending over at me.....I will confirm that you are truly a Gay Man, and obviously on the wrong forum.

WTF you want my picture for? So you can analzye me? So you can see if I'm "cute" or not? So you can see if I have it "going on?" Lol, then what will you do...make your OWN judgements about me? Which are really your OWN judgements, because you know shyt about me.

Don't ask for my picture again.....I don't want to give my picture, it has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

I think you guys need to wake the fvck up. None of you here wish to embrace your soul and follow it. You figure you have to give it up, to gain something.....actually by keeping yourself in tune with your soul you gain EVERYTHING! That's what I'm trying to tell you guys!

Be Yourself! Let the guy on the inside come out.....
The only thing you need to do, is just add a little sexual and seductiveness to your attitude...and you will be fine with women! You will be set!

All these horny azz chicks over here in the D, I know they are where you guys are at, does it REALLY take all these dumb azz games to get some azz? Oh my God.....and I bet 99% of you STILL DON'T GET WHAT I'M SAYING! I can make 6 E-books and type 1,000 more pages on this post...and you'll still reply saying the same dumb shyt like,

"But John, what's wrong with self-improvement?"
"But John, I see girls reject nerds all the time."
"But John, you are making guys be more AFC."
"John, I feel what you are saying, but it's not all right."
"John, how dare you tell guys to just be themselves, when being that way got them rejected?"
"John, just stop posting. You svck John."

And on and on. Why doesn't one of you "repliers" try reading the damn post. I bet you "repliers" really didnt' read all that stuff I typed up there......well, again, it's your boat and you can keep rowing if you want, but I'm relaxing and crusing in my ship.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score

I said drop the bone of tips and tricks

Here is a free email from david D.

You can see it is about 20x more then your advice even in this small email, now this advice has less 'tips and tricks' then yours and it also has solid guidlines, where as yours does not.

anyway read it, also the DJ bible is full of this stuff for FREE.

Thanks for the great Success Story! Nice!

Ah, the concept that is near and dear to all of
us men who have started on the path to success
with women and dating...


Fear of rejection.

Fear of embarrassment.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of what a woman might do if we start
talking to her.

Fear of what other guys would think if they
knew that we needed help with women.

Fear of what WOMEN would think if they knew
that we needed help with women.

Fear of admitting that we're AFRAID.

...and about 100 others.

But, what exactly IS fear?

And why is it such a problem?

And what can be done to overcome it?


Well, let's start with what fear is, then we'll
move on to some techniques to get past it.

I once heard a great definition of FEAR:

False Evidence Appearing Real

In other words, the things that you feel fear
about are usually not real. It's usually just
"false evidence".

You also might think back about the last 10
things you felt fear around. Now, ask yourself...
Did any of those things come true?

In most of the cases, you'll find that the fear
did NOT come true.

I heard once that something like 98% of the
things that people fear and worry about never come

I've found this to be true in my own life as

Fear is an emotion, or an emotional state. It's
an amazing and wonderful emotion... because it can
help save your life in certain situations.

A hundred thousand years ago, when we were
running around in the desert, we needed powerful,
motivating emotions like FEAR to save our lives.

When you feel fear (especially if it's a
response to real physical danger) you'll notice
that some AMAZING things happen. Your eyes open up
wider so you can see better, adrenaline pumps into
your body, your heart beats fast to deliver blood
to your muscles, and all kinds of other wondrous
processes are triggered.

The PROBLEM is when we experience fear at times
when there IS NO real physical danger.

We humans are amazing. We can just IMAGINE
things and feel fear in response to the mental

And I'm sure you know exactly what the problem
is with this... it can IMMOBILIZE you at critical

Have you ever seen a woman that you'd like to
meet, but you just couldn't walk over and start
talking to her?

No, it's never happened to me, either.

What was the problem?

Usually, it's fear.

Fear that she'll get upset, or fear that she'll
have a boyfriend... or fear that she'll embarrass
you in front of others... or fear that you won't
know what to say to her...

And, of course, when you feel that strong fear
emotion, it just FREEZES you and makes you totally

So, what's the solution?

Well, there are several ways to overcome fears.

One way is to do the thing you fear. If you do
the thing that you fear, and see that nothing bad
will happen, then you eventually overcome it and
become programmed not to feel fear anymore.

For instance, if you're afraid to approach
women and talk to them, just DO IT. Go talk to 50
women in the next week and see that most of them
will respond positively to you (if you don't act
like a dumb-ass, that is).

Other ways to overcome your fear when it comes
to approaching women include:

- Understanding the dynamics of male/female
interactions better than most women do.

- Learning how to approach women using the same
types of words and body language that the masters

- Learning how to use props or other devices to
get a woman's attention without having to
"approach" her directly.

- Learning mental techniques to overcome fears or
"reset" your emotions instantly, anytime you'd
like (this is one of my personal favorites).

- Using mental preparation to be completely ready
for anything that might happen.

...and there are several others.

I have spent a lot of time in my own personal
life learning about and figuring out how to get
past fears and other psychological obstacles with

see no tricks or rubbish.

so agian take the bone out of the mouth and let people exlore what they want to explore for GROWTH not look at some internal spiritual YOU, since it is not WORKING for the people that come here.

If your trying to do an ebook maybe mark it as a spiritual path to pull women, i would rather listen to guys that can give me SOLID advice to work with.

You also claim you have a good year.

Well so have I and i can claim i have had more FEMALE attention then you have had in the last 4 weeks then you probably had the whole of last year, probably! But then again i KNOW i have had sex with more girls then the average man has had in there LIFE, just from the LAST 4 WEEKS.

Spiritual you>?
No sorry i got good when i was around people that WHERE good. simple FACT>.

As where most other guys that managed to get ok with women.

Not from some internal force! These guys and many others around for FREE teach you how to use your internal force, not tell you its already there.

Like a tempered sword, sharpened and honed, going into the hands of a samuri, which is better then a lump of steal picked up of the floor going into the hooves of a donkey! My moneys on the samuri, skilled honed and with the right tool to get the job done.

I would prefer that then being an AS*>



Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
i believe this site has done a tremendous service in regards to unmasking the illusion to many people who have seeked the truth about women. most of us grew up believing that the easter bunny, santa clause were real. then as you aged a crushing blow was delivered that it was really your parents. then i was told if i was not good,that i would go to hell. you won't catch me falling for that crap again. cause i must be going to hell cause i've been rotting ever since and it's refreshing. but after all of that you learned the truth and were set free.

then as you grew older and women came into the picture. the same illusion popped up in a different form. that if you were the nice guy that brought women flowers, listened to them sob about their problems and gave them shelter from the pouring rain while you stayed out and froze... you would be rewarded. what a sham.

something in your head clicked as you watched your friends belittle their girlfriends. you thought that she would see the light, yet she never did. so you tried something totally off the wall. a girl asked you to get her a beer and you snarled your teeth and said what do i look like your slave. then in a shocked look she stood in awe. then you said how about while you grab yourself a beer you get me one too and she did. what the hell???? then she began to ask people about you and an interest was formed.

then the greatest invention of the 21st century was delveloped- the internet.
so you seeked other people who were dumbfounded by women. then a link adressed as the don juan forum surfaced and you clicked. holy hell..... what you thought you knew about women was all an illusion. so you read and read and everything you did to try and attract women all along only hurt you. being nice was wrong!!!being a challenge was necessary???what about being mysterious???that too. the funny thing is you were born with all these traits.
they just weren't developed.

so just like when you thought santa clause was real and found out that fat azz was you dads bending under the tree. it's what you were brought up to believe. but it can all be changed. same as if you came to this site an afc. you just never developed your true instincts as a man.

this site has crafted me into alot of things i wasn't in the past. you just have to wake your real self. alot of people have that burning desire and don't do anything about it. you can be anything. your not stuck with one and only one personality. a non- smoker can become a smoker. a person who never gambled could become a gambler, etc. this site can be the difference in somebody who knows their potential but need that extra kick


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
thats the beautiful thing about life is you have "choices". you can sit around complaining that life sucks and guess what it will never get better. or you can do something about it. your dad may have been a plumber and sure you share the same genetics and he may have talked about plumbing till you were blue in the face but that doesn't mean you were designated a plumber to be. the afc may have watched his dad or your friends age with no backbone and spine and you very well may have emulated it. but emulate is all that it was. try changing sometime.....people will scratch their heads and say you've changed like it was wrong or something. they may not even like the new you. but if it's made a difference in your life and it has improved your game then i say do it.

sometimes people lose their minds and just turn freaky and they love it. thats just crazy people will say. but if it makes a difference thats all that matters.

and yes john the title don juan is lame. and i did read you post i am just not good at putting things from my head on a computer

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Well, you guys should have it

Overall, I think you guys should have it.

Just as long as you continue to learn more about you, embrace your soul, and add sexual/seductiveness to yourself....you'll be okay.

I'm not saying there's not solid advice here, hell, I log in here to read the Fitness and Anything Else sections. I'm about to start a Business Thread, because I wish there was a Business section here to discuss that. You know I loooovvveee business.

But I think you guys are fine, now.....let's allow this post to go down in history.


DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
If guys would hear me out more, and follow my road more, I can personally guarantee not only will they have a BETTER romantic life, but they will have a FULL romantic life. Not just getting pvssy, but they have women in their life that are fine AND care for the guy!

On top of that.....the guy will also have a better financial stability. He'll be rich in romance and rich in finance.

But unfortunately, only 1% of guys in America are rich in finance and romance. That's why when I get up here and create a thread that's totally DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER BULLSHYT, 99% of you think I'm crazy, and think I'm just "leading you on."

But I just hope the 1% of you, take heed to what I say.

1. Turn away from the techniques, and turn to a mirror. And find yourself, find your strengths, the power(God) within, and your calling. Find it.
2. Begin tailoring your life to fit your inner self. Allow your inner self to come forth and live.
3. From the inside, get a "picture" of your chick. Now filter through all these women and find WHAT YOU WANT! Fvck what women want! Find the chick that you want! Fvck what your guy buddies want...find the chick that you want!

I speak to the 1% of you that are "like me." And that's different from the pack. I speak to you, and I will continue speaking to you as long as I come on this forum. I will make threads and posts for "you." For the other 99%, they will never understand. Lol, that's why I couldn't be a financial planner, lol. While I have the wisdom at only 23 to be a hell of a financial planner, I can't put up with people and their "theories" that are so incorrect.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
I hated science, but I know the definition of a "theory."
Well that's a problem considering there are several definitions of theory.

Because at one time or another, the theory will prove itself wrong.
They are supposed to prove themselves wrong so that you can tweak them. And this type of science isn't an absolute science like mathematics and such. It's supposed to be general guidelines and principles rather than absolute fact.

Here's some healing.......THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Right now, as you sit in front of this computer and read these words, you are already the man, you are already the best person you could ever be in life. You are already, a success.

You are a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it.
This is the attitude that would have kept us in caves. This is touchy feely "everybody gets a gold star!" nonsense. Somebody has to be on the bottom and if you all want to be, be my guest because that means that i'm not. I'm going to be in the upper echelons.

Where is boobs man and that quote in his sig about crabs in a barrel?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
WC2 said:
While great tips, they are nothing that can't be picked up from personal experience. There is no legitimate reason why a guy can't learn these simple points himself by getting out there and being active.
And I could learn physics by throwing things around in my yard and measuring gravity by myself... or i could find someone who already knows the material and has dealt with all the bullsh1t and save myself a ton of trouble.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Ruckus, you make sense buddy. But again, as I keep typing the same shyt to you guys, you are just misinformed.

If I want to open an LLC, if I do it myself, I would have to learn all about doing it myself and spend countless hours etc, or I could go to someone who already knows and have them help me.

Ruckus, you make sense buddy, I'm not saying that.

What I'm saying is that the people you are going to, are misinforming you. They are preaching that this is the way, or this will increase your success....and it does but, it makes you become and act like somebody else.

All I'm saying Ruckus, is that you can continue being yourself, and just play the field more. You're going to get rejected a lot, but you'll soon develop your own natural sexual/seductive style, and gain success by BEING YOU, and not BEING SOME OTHER GUY.

But the tips and techniques do give guys some "courage" or "something to stand on" when going out there......I just think if the guy would "like himself more" he could stand on his OWN CONFIDENCE, and not stand on some tip.

Hell, you do know that you WILL STILL get rejected right? Using the tips or not using them!

So why not just develop YOUR OWN CONFIDENCE, and YOUR OWN SELF, and take all the rejections, pains, and successes that come with dating.....and grow, and experience, and develop into a natural PUA yourself, and then write your own damn E-Book and have guys studying your azz? Lol, at the end of the day, the "guy" you are studying all he did was go through what I just explained, and made a "bible" out of his experience. All I'm preaching is, what don't you do the same? It's more enjoyable to have success, and have YOURSELF as well. But what's the point to have success and lose your own damn soul? That's like being rich and very sick at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
So why not just develop YOUR OWN CONFIDENCE, and YOUR OWN SELF, and take all the rejections, pains, and successes that come with dating.....and grow, and experience, and develop into a natural PUA yourself, and then write your own damn E-Book and have guys studying your azz? Lol, at the end of the day, the "guy" you are studying all he did was go through what I just explained, and made a "bible" out of his experience. All I'm preaching is, what don't you do the same? It's more enjoyable to have success, and have YOURSELF as well. But what's the point to have success and lose your own damn soul? That's like being rich and very sick at the same time.
I couldn't agree more, DJF nice post and i agree 100% but still e-books aside other people frame and tips.

We go through life being taught about life, school, parents, peer groups, work, you cant avoid training in any form! It is everywhere, we are trained all the time. Now the point i am trying to make is training and being you are interconnected, they are part of each other. I see where you are coming from but still, for people to understand what is going on in situations they sometimes look for guidence and training. As i put in the other posts, even ones that use tricks and tips, develope them into there style they develope them in the YOU. Now granted if each guy went out and practiced, brushed himself of after each blow out or bad relaltionship then there would be no need for advice from others.

But guy or people cant understand why things are going a certain way.

they get brainwashed by: media, parents, religion, peer groups, society.

They get confused, they dont know what is right or what is wrong, there beliefs are shattered, what they thought they new was false. Then they look for guidence and learning and training to suit there new YOU, thus they find sites like these and learn, they breatk old habits, they become more knowledgeable about the right way to approach things.

Sometimes guy get over-whelmed and look at a golden fleece of info thinking they have now got the key to the hidden door,, they go out and practice, they see better results, they keep applying there new YOU, eventually they discover what works for them in relation to the new teachings they have uncovered and then they become the YOU! Each stage is still the YOU, they are just the YOU with a new level of understanding and knowledge.

What they do with that is up-to them or up-to the 'YOU'.

Learning is a part of the process, granted some of it is not needed and it would be far simplier to shake some one and say there is nothing wrong with them, brand there back sides with 'fine' slap there buts and send them on there way, but sadly alot of guys are not fine and have alot of mental reframing to do, which is not coming internally and is a matter of fact pushed on them externally, at least this way they can see results and not wonder why they are mates with some chick for 10years and never got laid, e.t.c x 1000 other scenarios.