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  1. T

    Do I look gay?

    ooo, nice one. I think I might try this one again. Dude, they think that you're trying to pick them up if you just say hi. You can't win, so might as well play the cards, right?:cool:
  2. T

    When they're cry babies.

    So it was good that I gave her the slip. :cool:
  3. T

    Do I look gay?

    Thats good. I've been trying to figure out how to dance with them. I was told I dance really good from one girl awhile ago but that was grinding. I dont think I'm good besides grinding.
  4. T

    Do I look gay?

    A lot of this has been happening to me. I open it up we talk for a bit but then they suddenly turn their backs to me...Seems to happen mostly at parties. And I think thats when most women put up stronger defenses then usual. Heres an example. Me and my friend was looking at this one...
  5. T

    When they're cry babies.

    I was getting pretty wasted so I was chillin on a couch for a bit. And I see two of the girls "we let in" sitting together talking to just themselves. I knew just what to say but I knew I would **** it up in my increasing messed up state. So my friends friend who I just met came by. And I'm...
  6. T

    This board is a disaster zone

    maybe people dont understand the bible...jeez.
  7. T

    My Current standing...

    Why would I need to do that? I honestly am looking for other women when I go after others. I just learned this pickup stuff...and still learning. I dont want to be tied down right when I learned it. ;)
  8. T

    Making myself attractive...

    A girl who is a friend told me the same thing. It also helped me too. :cheer:
  9. T

    My Current standing...

    My bad. That happens when I have a lot to say and type fast. whats more then getting her in bed? haha I'm in college and not looking to marry. I dont mind bed but I can wait. I mean like having contact, maybe a kiss. I forgot to say she grabbed my hand. I made like she wouldnt...
  10. T

    My Current standing...

    I'll make this an introduction post too. My name is Aaron, I'm from Rochester, NY but I goto Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. I have been reading David DeAneglo, I got his tapes. I got Neil Struss (Style) book. Its very good and lately I've been reading that. Lately in school everytime...
  11. T

    A good prop?

    Re: F a tshirt, get a baby!! I wont get that while in college. I did have a good response with a stick that I picked up and used as a walking stick while walking to a party. She asked what it was for but before I did anything my friend freaked out and told me to get rid of it. :rolleyes:
  12. T

    A good prop?

    haha I like that one. :crackup:
  13. T

    myspace without a pic

    Nothing but sults (many teeny boppers) and n00bs. But I got some action with myspace. It didnt go anywhere tho.
  14. T

    A good prop?

    I read somewhere about props and how to strike up convosation. One girl that I...messed around with....has given me a T-shirt. Not only it is quite confortable for being cotton it says "Man whor3" (without the 3) on the front. I just noticed after so much time that it could be used as a...