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  1. T

    I feel so pathetic right now. All im asking for is advice.

    You dont need doctors. You have to pull yourself out of things. Medications just make things worse since as you take them you will depend on those drugs more and more. I think if you just say hi to as many girls as you can...hell even girl or guy, it will help you a lot. You can give...
  2. T

    Bi*chy Boyfriend situation

    I dont do typos. :D He as in the boyfriend. I gave her my cell, and she didnt call it for the longest time. I told my cuz that still works there to bug her a bit. Like tell her I said this jeering comment to her (forgot what it was). And she called me. So I logged her number. When...
  3. T

    My RA situation

    Ya I rolled around with one that had a bf for 2 years. Then right after that she went back with him and suddenly felt bad for cheating on him...she even is saying that its not cheating. A few times my RA kept asking me if I met any girls. I just kept going of course, who do you think I am...
  4. T

    The overheard technique

    haha you cant fool me. :D
  5. T

    Bi*chy Boyfriend situation

    How are you lost? I have no idea how this is confusing people.
  6. T

    Bi*chy Boyfriend situation

    Ya, to talk about what happened at work since I been at school. Apprently a lot has happened. ...its not that confusing, nor is that part important. :rolleyes:
  7. T

    My RA situation

    So I'm in college. And I got this cute little RA from India. I feel I have laid out c&f pretty nicely with her. She has a boyfriend but I think hes back in india (I always go for the ones taken...its tough :( ). Even with that tho she's still pretty flirty. I dont know if she knows what...
  8. T

    Bi*chy Boyfriend situation

    ok, heres the story. I met this HB8 at work. Great boobs. The whole summer that I worked I busted the C&F on her the whole time. She would be like why are you so mean to me? But I could tell she was having a good time. So I decided to call her to see whats up. After about...
  9. T

    The meaning of this text msg?

    How can you do C&F in a text message? Are there anything to say in such short a space?
  10. T

    Is it worth taking martial arts, if you dont learn the whole system?

    Thanks man. I have friends that take Eagle claw. One of them sparred in a tourny which was all arts allowed. Yet it was mostly Karate from Canada. His first fight lasted 4 seconds (I counted). The guy did a flying jump kick or whatever and right when he came down his front leg was a...
  11. T

    The overheard technique

    Yea I got styles book and read about it. But that mercy thing...thats bull, man. :eek:
  12. T

    The overheard technique

    Im not saying its an actual technique just something I thought of. But I'm not surpised that you would knock that since it's not you saying that its the god of all pick ups. you ****ing n00b. Yes, whole point. Read what? It's not all like that. Basically its any topic that you...
  13. T

    Can Martial Arts Increase sex appeal?

    Just because its the most popular style at the time (thanks to ulitmate fighter) dont mean its the best. I used to take before coming to college Kun Tao/Silat. Its a mix of chinese/indoneasian Gung fu. Now the **** we learned in that will **** you up. hahahaha Dont forget wreastling...
  14. T

    The overheard technique

    Do you guys think this is good? You say something loud while talking to friend to get a girl you're walking by or standing next too in a party. I myself havent tested it much but maybe some of you already did something like this. Recently me and my wing saw this girl drive really fast...
  15. T

    Don't let society tell you what you want

    wtf?! You have to test drive the car before you buy it. Thats what I think.
  16. T

    "Safe" kino?

    What and a what what? :confused:
  17. T

    When they're cry babies.

    oook? And who's fault is it that you don't know a bit of english?
  18. T

    When they're cry babies.

    haha College like me, man. :D Thats how I see it. ^__^
  19. T

    When they're cry babies.

    Re: Re: When they're cry babies. wtf? I think I'm the mature one. I'm not getting weighted down by worthless bull. That is completely brilliant. Thank you.
  20. T

    Do I look gay?

    One of Mystery's lines is "If I wasn't gay you would be so mine". :confused: