My Current standing...

The Cooler King

Don Juan
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
I'll make this an introduction post too.

My name is Aaron, I'm from Rochester, NY but I goto Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY.

I have been reading David DeAneglo, I got his tapes.

I got Neil Struss (Style) book. Its very good and lately I've been reading that.

Lately in school everytime I goto parties I seem to open up well but then they turn there backs on me right after.
idk what I'm doing.
I wrote about it all in my Livejournal...and I might post it here later.

But I think it might be due to the fact that my college is expensive to goto, so it got all the rich *****es.

What is going good for me is my RA. This cutie from India.
Shes really open minded, and flirts with everyone...idk if she knows if what she is doing is flirting. I think shes confused and thinks shes just having fun and not being a flirt.

She has a boyfriend. She doesnt talk about him a lot but there are times that she does.
I learned from the past that bf's mean ****, so I'm keeping on her.

I've been laying the ****y/funny on her. Making her laugh, then getting her offended, then makingher laugh again.
She even asks why I'm so mean to her. But I just say oh, I know you really like it.

We been going to lunch together and thats been nice.

Last night was good. A friend of mine was at her dorm room and called me. So that gave me an excuse to go over. She was reading but as soon as I left she begged for me to come back.
I leave and come back. We talk a little and she said she wants food and says she was going to come by and take some.

I was like you better not. And I go back to my room.

After a little while she comes in and starts to look under my bed for food while I'm lying on it.

Shes like you dont have any good food. I then said theres more back there, as I point to a spot that would bring her closer.

As shes going to see whats there I say stay out...I'm warning you.
She doesnt listen at all.

I then reach over and slap her ass.
And she acts a little starled and lightly slaps my arm.

She stands there still crying for food.
My room mate walks in and I'm like go ahead and look but I'll do it again and I dont care if my roomie is here.

After that she gives a "huff" and leaves.

She just came barging in my room today looking for a pen as I was sleeping. And before she left she asked to goto lunch again.

I said sure.

Anything I should do to bring things up a notch or two? :confused:

Thanks and a pleasure to meet you.

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Well first of, I think you should organize your post a little better. It was all over and didn't exactly run smoothly. On a second note, I am not exactly sure what your asking. Do you want to just get her in bed or are you asking for something more?

The Cooler King

Don Juan
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
Originally posted by Vincent Freeman
Well first of, I think you should organize your post a little better. It was all over and didn't exactly run smoothly. On a second note, I am not exactly sure what your asking. Do you want to just get her in bed or are you asking for something more?
My bad.
That happens when I have a lot to say and type fast.

whats more then getting her in bed?
haha I'm in college and not looking to marry.

I dont mind bed but I can wait.

I mean like having contact, maybe a kiss.

I forgot to say she grabbed my hand. I made like she wouldnt let go. But I squeezed it several times. I thought I felt her squeeze very little and like twice. But nothing after that.

I'm not sure.
We're having lunch tomorrow, but it will be same old, same old.
You know?

The Cooler King

Don Juan
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ithaca, NY
Originally posted by Sargeholic
Not to be brutal, but...

Why would I need to do that?

I honestly am looking for other women when I go after others.

I just learned this pickup stuff...and still learning.
I dont want to be tied down right when I learned it.