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  1. G

    double teaming

    This might sound weird but hear me out. If you had the opportunity to double team a girl with a close friend of yours would you? I was in this situation the other night. My friend was talking to some girl saying that we could easily double team her cuz shes easy but i turned him down cuz it...
  2. G

    Shoes-What do you like?

    I got a pair of DCs, a pair of AirMax 90s, and a pair of Jordan 8s. Just dont buy like ****ty stuff and your good. Make sure to keep them clean do. Dont walk around with cooked kicks
  3. G

    ***Prom Discussion '08***

    i doubt youll have a problem. slow dancing is easier then normal dancing. Just put you hands on her hips and take like little steps back and forth
  4. G

    Fighting Bullies TIPS thread

    i had a similiar situation like this. Im of middle popularity and i have a good amount of friends but one day outta nowhere some guido kid started sayin **** to me and hes alot bigger then me. one day i walked passed him in the halls and we both kinda stared each other down and he tried to hit...
  5. G

    ***Prom Discussion '08***

    no way to change that witout practice.
  6. G

    ***Prom Discussion '08***

    haha blacks dance so differnely from whites in my school. i swear my school dances are practically segregated with the black kids on one side and the whites on the other lol
  7. G

    Dating and staying that way.

    date in groups with a couple kids. it wont seem so serious that way
  8. G


    this is something unexplainable via internet lol i would say the most important thing is moving your hips and looking confident.
  9. G

    Complete guide to self improvement!!

    haha 3 years later it gets a bump
  10. G

    ***Prom Discussion '08***

    then i see no point in an after prom...
  11. G

    successfully asked a girl out

    this is kinda irrelevant but you kno wht i hate? when u do what bmx just said but u get alotta ugly chicks chasing it.. its kinda annoying lol but its worth it if your gettin the hot ones too
  12. G

    Need some advice please.

    well do you have mutual friends? if u do just suggest that you all hang out sometime. its not a date and its not threatening. if she says yes and u guys hang out try and hook up with her then
  13. G

    Getting with my friends sister

    hook up with one of your other options buddy... u say your buddy wont find out but theres a good shot he will and its just not worth it
  14. G

    successfully asked a girl out

    dont ask her when shes free say something like "hey lets go to the movies friday" or something along those lines. YOU set up the date, not her
  15. G

    A note on confidence

    man whered u get those clothes from? i gotta get me some of them:D
  16. G

    Want to ask a girl to prom.. but her friend likes me.

    i did the same thing for prom last night. the girl i asked has a good friend who really wanted to go with me and the girl said yes on the spot and didnt even bring up her friend. i say go for it. if she says no just move on
  17. G

    Sh!t Ive done it this time...

    thats awesome lol definately use that. just laugh with them and be like "yea i was so drunk idk what i was thinking haha" or some **** like that and yea at least now its a funny story to tell people in the future lol
  18. G

    Which girl should I bring to prom?

    well if u wanna go, tell your crew to go too so youve got some friends. then if u really like the underclassman and u can get some go for them, if not then go with the juniors
  19. G

    Okay, I need help on how to deal with this guy.

    if he comes back and starts with you say something like "why are you coming to my house u f ag i dont even like u" of course this could lead to a fight or he could leave either one.