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  1. G

    Club/Dancing song suggestions

    1 (scot project mix) by tocs
  2. G

    NCAA Hoops!

    Florida is a good team i give them that and i have them in the final 4 but i tihnk UCLA can take them... its mostly because i love UCLA but i think georgetown AND ohio can both beat florida
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    i think ohio is a great team... i would have picked them to win if it wasnt for georgetown
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    wow.. who saw that coming? it just ruined my god damn bracket... i have wisconsin losing in the elite 8 this blows man
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    NCAA Hoops!

    Heres my bracket take a look tell me what you think
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    Girl likes me, I dont like her

    i had this problem once. When her friends told me that she liked me i simply told them that i wasnt interested in her. problem solved=]
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    Soccer Is Whack

    ok well ive been playing soccer my whole life and im 15 and from NYC so ill tell you why i love it. Ive heard complaints that its a low scaoring game. I think this makes it MUCH more exciting. In basketball if someone makes a two point shot its no big deal but in soccer if one goal is scored...
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    Whats your Penis size?

    6 1/4
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    threaten some 7th graders???

    HA today the kid who put a note on her back got expelled for fighting. I dunno if im gonna talk to any of the other kids though. Well see.
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    Power of a hug

    yes its a great way to get kino going
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    Got my Licence.. Finally

    im 15 man i cant wait till i caan drive
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    Which high sport deserves more respect?

    Soccer definately. Its requires so many different types of training. You need to be able to sprint so you can outrun your opponants. Then you have to have the stamina to play a 90 minute game. Controlling the ball with your foot is so much harder than you might think. Ive been playing soccer...
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    threaten some 7th graders???

    well these kids make fun of her in school and out of school.. She cant even go out ice skating with her boyfriend because these kids just harass the **** outta her. Its mostly girls who i cant really talk to but this one kid put a nasty sign on her back. i plan on talking to him...
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    threaten some 7th graders???

    Ok so basically im good friends with this girl i know. She has a little sister whose in 7th grade and gets made fun of at school all the time. I have no idea why shes actually a cute girl but yea. Im thinkin about walkin up to these little punks and threatening them. I figure id tell them that...
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    How do i come up with C&F

    dont you have to buy that?
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    How do i come up with C&F

    Hey im 15 and i fall into the friend zone alot. So basically im gonna try to use more kino and C&F. however, i have trouble coming up with the C&F part. How do u guys think up clever things to say on the spot?
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    How to prevent one-itis?

    try and meet more girls. The more girls you know the harder it is to like only one
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    How do i come up with C&F

    Hey im 15 and i fall into the friend zone alot. So basically im gonna try to use more kino and C&F. however, i have trouble coming up with the C&F part. How do u guys think up clever things to say on the spot?
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    Hot Pics means she likes me?

    Well theres this girl ive known for about two years now. I pretty much lost my chances with her cuz i was a loser 2 years ago and went straight into the friend zone. However, lately shes been sending me all these pics of her in sexy outfits and positions. Shes in thongs and **** like that. Now...
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    Why am i every girls "best friend"?

    Okay so im a sophmore and im a pretty popular kid. I hang out in alot of different groups and i have alot of friends. Most people consider my looks to be above average and i am a confident guy. I am freinds with tons of girls, but thats it, just friends. Ive only made out with one girl in my...