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  1. A

    what is it to be a DJ?

    Put simply, in the world of attraction a DJ gets what he wants. If he wants to sleep with a women then he does it. If he feels a need to bond and get close to a woman than he will. A DJ knows what he wants and does what he needs to to get it. Thats how I always saw it. It's an ideal which is...
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    Motivation and Suggestions

    Don't consider yourself a lost cause though. The fact that you found your way here says a lot about what you really want from life. Just read a lot, ask questions, and then go out in the real world and try to use it. Practice makes perfect. Just try to get out of your fantasy realms and start...
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    For the new timers-Being rejected isn't so bad.

    I think you all need to settle down. If confidence wont take your advice (which i agreed with by the way) then let him continue being an ignorant AFC. Confidence, they are overreacting a bit but you kinda tempt them into it with your responses. If you want to stop people from flaming on you then...
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    Motivation and Suggestions

    Sports are a little different since they help you stay healthy and in shape. There are definate social and physical benefits from being on a sports team. I did have one friend who constantly used soccer as an excuse for not having a very active social life, but he eventually realized that he was...
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    Motivation and Suggestions

    Preston I've had over a year of fun times playing poker, and I have had many fun and memorable times with them. It got excessive though. I would spend time trying to organize a game and wouldn't spend much time searching for alternatives. I simply accepted the fact that I rarely hung out with...
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    i feel pathetic tellnig fake stories

    A lot has to be said about the size of your lies. Never lie to make yourself sound good, just lie to keep from looking pathetic. For instance she asked you what you did, you know you were playing Halo, dont tell her you were out partying. Girls are good bs detectors and if shes skeptical it...
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    Think Success! ~ MUST READ

    There is definately some truth in a bit of what you said. Positive people are more entertaining to be around, and tend to attract more success. I also believe that thinking positivly helps you find the solutions to your problems. As for Jessica Simpson popping up in my bed the day after I watch...
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    Motivation and Suggestions

    Most of the people on this forum have the same story. You feel like you fell behind the ball somewhere along the line and things just aren't coming together. You make excuses Not good looking enough Not popular enough Don't know enough girls Buisy with school/sports/after school...
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    The remedy:

    I just don't get how this site could possibly help out guys. The one mentioned on the Dr. Phil show was a horrible money making scheme that promotes slandering former lovers out of revenge, but what the owner of the site fails to realize is that people say a lot of stupid crap when there upset...
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    this girl is soooostupid..opinion?

    Kissing is more intimate but at least she gets a say in it. When you grab her ass she doesn get much of a chance to consent and might feel a little violated. At least thats what i think that girl was thinking. But to stress an old point if you try to figure out what women are thinking, or...
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    Mom is finding me girls...would you accept that?

    You could also trip on the sidewalk, fall on a rock and cripple yourself, while a bus full of orphans swerves out of the way and crashes into a wedding party and explodes killing the newly weds. The point I was trying to exagerate is if you dont take chances, you'll never live.
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    Mackin' while wasted --

    I managed to hold my own drunk. Honestly made things a lot easier for me. Only problem I have now is figuring out if the good chemistry was just a one time deal because of the alc or if I have a shot for the long run. Anyone else had this problem?
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    Theres no good title for this...

    I see it this way. She was wrong, but your friend was even more wrong. Because girls are a dime a dozen save yourself some trouble and just next her. As for your buddy, he pulled a real ******* move. A good wingman is hard to find, so don't blow him off completely, but let him know what an ass...
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    A common situation

    After driving around aimlessly with my buddies for a while I talked them into finding some girls to hang out with. I flip through my friends contacts asking him who we should hang out with. When he tells me one girl is out with her friends, I see it as an excellent opportunity for us all to...
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    Small Problem, Needs Fixin

    Pick a single buddy and set him up with one of her friends. He can shuttle you around and everyone wins. This is of course if you can manage to get her back.
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    "Too Young For Her"

    NJ man My advice on dating older girls is simple: If you think you're too younge for them, you are; if you feel confident enough to approach them with confidence and a keen understanding that you are the prize for any woman, then you're on you're way to becoming a true DJ.
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    Presentation & advice on prom!

    To answer your question about making out at dances i'll just let you in on how i usually play it. 1.) I find a girl, lightly touch her waste, and when she turns around I try to gauge whether she seems willing to dance or not based solely on her body language. My reasoning behind this is you are...
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    Mall Game

    I was thinking about doing the same thing tomorrow. My plan is to bring a wingman and approach groups without hesitation. A lot of it depends on the location. If you actually need a shirt, approach a girl with two shirts and ask her which she thinks looks better, after that little ten second...
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    the 1 minute drill

    Thanks for the input guys. I plan to try a few of those ideas out, I'll let you know how it goes when i get my next opportunity.
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    the 1 minute drill

    I've been working my job for about three months now, and during that time I've seen a lot of girls from my old school who I havn't seen in about three years (I go to private school now but work in town). I can usually grab a minute or two to talk to them, but its hard to create instant...