Motivation and Suggestions

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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Most of the people on this forum have the same story. You feel like you fell behind the ball somewhere along the line and things just aren't coming together.

You make excuses
Not good looking enough
Not popular enough
Don't know enough girls
Buisy with school/sports/after school activities

But somewhere down the line you realize that these excuses aren't comforting. You feel trapped.

When I was in this situation I had a realization. You only get one shot at high school. One shot to make some solid memories and learn something that other than academics. Realizing this pushed me to make some big changes.

1. I knew the transition would be tough, so I found myself a solid wingman. I picked one of my friends and motivated him to make some changes too. Between the two of us we can usually find something to do, and motivate each other to push forward.

2. Never settle for a mediocre week end. Like most I spent my fair share of friday nights at home or chilling with one friend. Although this is good once in a while, it should not be a habit. After looking forward to the weekend so much I feel obligated to make each one memorable in some way, and for the last few months I have rarely been disappointed.

3. Avoid wasting to much time on hobbies which provide brief entertainment. Some like to play video games, watch tv/movies, or drink/smoke with just your guy friends. My major distraction was poker, and although I enjoy it from time to time and had a good time win or lose, the fact of the matter was it wasn't productive. For the amount of time I poured into it, I developed few skills which would help me in the long run, and the whole time there was a voice in my head telling me that I could be having a much better time out there learning the ways of a DJ. I then changed my attitude towards poker in general. Instead of being something I looked forward to doing, it became my entertaining plan B, the thing I would try to slap together at the last minute when I was sure nothing was going to happen. My friends who seem to be satisfied being AFC will always be there to chill with if I cant find anything to do, but I will always look forward to getting out with my wingman the next weekend.

The moral of the story is you only get four years to screw around and have fun with highschool girls. Don't let other aspects of life block you from setting a good foundation for a future as a true DJ :up:

Please respond with questions and feedback


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
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What kind of stuff did you do for these entertaining weekends? Also, I play poker sometime, but unlike you, I feel it is productive. Maybe when you play w/ your guy friends you're all about business and don't have fun. But when we play poker we've had some great memories and it's a great bond between friends.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
You're in high school; I really don't think you have much to worry about. When you get older and get farther into college is when you should be worrying about wasting time on hobbies. Get the things you like in while you can! Because when you grow older you wish that you had more time to do those things.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
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I see things your way as well Art . Before i used to just chill with one buddy or a few friends all weekend but i was never satisfied. So i started hanging out with more friends that i wouldnt normally besides school it gave me more and more oppurtunitys with girls and having a good time. My main hobbies dont conflict with hanging out with girls i play guitar and i play bass in a band with 2 other good looking guys and what girl doesnt like that. And my other hobby is drawing graffiti it was always another side of me but I've gotten my 2 bandmates/wingmen in on it too. And that goes on way later at night after the parties and stuff. works pretty well =]

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Preston I've had over a year of fun times playing poker, and I have had many fun and memorable times with them. It got excessive though. I would spend time trying to organize a game and wouldn't spend much time searching for alternatives. I simply accepted the fact that I rarely hung out with girls, but the few times I did were always memorable. I soon realized that I know plenty of people, one of them must be doing something coed. Whether its a party or simply a hang out, if you ask around and make a few calls you can get something good going.

I haven't phased out poker completely, but given the choice between another average night and one that improves my social skills, I've sworn myself to chose the later. And as for my friends, I always bring my wingman and have a great time with him even if i don;t leave with a number.

As for you WC, it almost seems like you're promoting AFC behavior. It's true that some hobbies (ones more like anime and videogames) are a little more socially acceptable in high school, it doesn't change the fact that there is a wealth of different and better experiences out there to have. If you really want to make great improvements in yourself, then you have to start by making an effort.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
art of said:
As for you WC, it almost seems like you're promoting AFC behavior. It's true that some hobbies (ones more like anime and videogames) are a little more socially acceptable in high school, it doesn't change the fact that there is a wealth of different and better experiences out there to have. If you really want to make great improvements in yourself, then you have to start by making an effort.
Haha well let's not limit our hobbies to anime and videogames then...

When I say hobbies I mean more along the lines of sports, music, etc.

Aren't kids in high school supposed to have grown out of things like anime by the time they reach 16 or 17? Maybe it's just me...

Anyways, someone with no hobbies is typically a bore. So no, I'm not encouraging AFC behavior in any way. I'm encouraging find the things you like to do, before it's too late when you're older. Unfortunately, it didn't hit me on the head before I decided to pursue starting my own company. Now my dream is accomplished, but I miss having the time to do all the things I used to.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
WC2 said:
Haha well let's not limit our hobbies to anime and videogames then...

When I say hobbies I mean more along the lines of sports, music, etc.

Aren't kids in high school supposed to have grown out of things like anime by the time they reach 16 or 17? Maybe it's just me...

Anyways, someone with no hobbies is typically a bore. So no, I'm not encouraging AFC behavior in any way. I'm encouraging find the things you like to do, before it's too late when you're older. Unfortunately, it didn't hit me on the head before I decided to pursue starting my own company. Now my dream is accomplished, but I miss having the time to do all the things I used to.
I do agree with you on the stance that everyone needs a hobby. Things like sports and tabletop RPGs give adequate opportunity for interaction.

But, at the same time, what's wrong with anime? I have met actual friends by being in an anime club. (Well, they were my friends until I said something negative about series A or B.)

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Sports are a little different since they help you stay healthy and in shape. There are definate social and physical benefits from being on a sports team. I did have one friend who constantly used soccer as an excuse for not having a very active social life, but he eventually realized that he was just being foolish and even with a tight sports schedual there was still plenty of time for other activities. Music can be useful too. For instance DeAgave uses his band to meet new people, and it can make a great conversation topic.

I was more leaning towards the hobbies that bind you into a routine that takes time away from trying to improve you're DJ skills.

I see what you mean about enjoying simple things before you get to the real world, I'm just trying to tell people not to let it consume them

As for the whole anime deal, idk I never got into it. To tell you the truth I avoid things like that and World of Warcraft like the plague. From what I see they become time consuming obsetions that distract people from going out in the real world and reacting with strangers. Socialization should stretch beyond just the confines of a tight knit group of friends.

by the way WC I'm not trying to be harsh on you, I'm just trying to provide counter arguements. I appreciate your input and know im not always right or anything


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Well, I guess that's true. I suppose most of us who are into stuff like that do avoid a lot of outside social contact. The big problem I do notice with anime fans particularly is that most of us are already social recluses from the onset. That's why I personally avoid other fanboys now. I think a lot of us suffer from mental illness also.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Don't consider yourself a lost cause though. The fact that you found your way here says a lot about what you really want from life. Just read a lot, ask questions, and then go out in the real world and try to use it. Practice makes perfect. Just try to get out of your fantasy realms and start living a life that is good enough that you dont need to a cartoon or game as an escape from the harshness of reality.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2006
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The fact of the matter is "THERE IS NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT" you feel like you need to do this cause you only get one chance at high school, but then again you get one chance at college, work, camp, and where ever the fuuck you see a girl you want.No Time Like The Present is what should motivate you, it should be what makes you grab your balls, give your fears the finger and go for it.