Small Problem, Needs Fixin


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Hey honorable DJ's,

This is PleasureKing speaking, a.k.a Raymond from Arizona.

Let me give you a small intro about me. Im 17, in highschool, im a "DJ in training" and I currently have a problem with my gf; HB7.5 (hot babe; rating 7.5).

First of all, shes really into me. The first time we met, we had a great conversation, talked about our lives, likes, dislikes, etc (i let her do the talking, i kept myself on the mysterious side). I gave her eye contact, she returned the favor, smiled uncontrollably, and gave me tons of kino. I just sat back, and kept my cool. I "slip" in the initiative for her to give me her number (cell phone), and she accepts. In fact, she also gave her home phone# too. So anyways, we maintain steady communication, and on our second meeting/date (yes the second time we have ever seen eachother) she gets incredibly horny and arroused just by the sight of me. I apply some C+F (****y + funny) attitude, and that gets her emotions stirring. She finally couldnt take it anymore and made body contact with me, I held, teased, and backed 1 step away just to see how she would react. She smiled, giggled, and came closer. I then held her, got real close, yadda yadda (insert some intimate gestures), and she kissed me. shes doing all the work for me, wow!

so anyways, the date was great, had fun at an ice cream shop, then took a small walk by a park at midnight that has a really nice view over the entire city. from that point on, we maintain communication via phone / instant messenger (MSN).

heres the problem...
a couple days later, my parents find out about this relationship im having, and they totally freak. they dont like the girl. i really dont want to explain why they dont like her, because the reasons are kinda stupid (trust me you dont want to know). and they gave me the old sayin, "your in school to learn and get an education, so concentrate on that rather than girls". uh huh yah, like im ever going to disregard females for eduaction only. (dont get me wrong, im a straight A student, i just want to have some fun on the side, you know what im sayin?). so anyways, my parents wont let me see her, so BAM, face to face (person to person) communication is wiped away! (we go to different schools, so you can see this is a problem). This is really ruining the relationship, if i cant see the girl over the weekends, how am i ever going to make things progress? to make matters worse, i dont have a license yet, i get it in a couple of months. ironic huh? i have a car, but no license. just great....

to make matters worse, my parents FORCED me to end it with her. FORCED! so guess what happens next? I give her the LJBF (lets just be friends) sayin, and like i assumed, she agrees (hiding her emotions). its been about a month, and we havent spoke to eachother since!

i know for a fact that shes heartbroken, (friends of friends told me), and shes having trouble coping with this issue. (hey if i was in her shoes, i would feel the same).

okay now here is where i need some advice!
A.) should i get back together with her?
B.) forget her

Keep in mind, if i get back together, i still wont be able to see her in person until i get a license, and im able to sneak out. let me also tell you that if, God forbid, i continue the relationship and my parents find out, they will take away my car, license, cell phone, and ill be grounded (no social contact) for 2 months. sounds nice ey?

Is it really worth the trouble and risk?

I forgot to mention this, but she can get shy sometimes. If things are bothering her, she wont tell you unless you really squeeze it out of her. and i know for a fact i can get her back, unless she decides to be a challenge or something (that wont be a problem for me though, it will just take 1 week to win her over, rather than 1 day).
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
somewhere warm and rainy
are ur parents really that bad?
man my buddy vince just got his entire computer (entertainment wise) wiped and his WoW account shut down and he only played on the weekend due to parents but i got a feelling its cuz they want him to be more social so im gonna take him out with my buddies pretty soon( god dam midterms)

but i say go out with friends and "bump into each other"

u can pull this off dont worry fill me in on wats happening id like to hear how this works out (plus i can give u a 1000 stories to feed ur parents about why u got to go somewhere)


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
The Columbus Myth said:
are ur parents really that bad?
well ya i guess if you want to call it "bad". dont get it the wrong way though, my parents want me to have a good social life, they encourage it, but they tell me i shouldnt spend my time on girls because "there is plenty of time for that in the future". :confused:


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
Well, before you think about getting back together with her, you have to find out if she still is interested in you.

And then, is it worth it?

Remember, dime a dozen.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Docs said:
Well, before you think about getting back together with her, you have to find out if she still is interested in you.

And then, is it worth it?

Remember, dime a dozen.
1.) Whats the best way of finding out if she is still interested in me?
2.) Im not sure if its worth it. until i get a license, im kinda limited on seeing her on the weekends. i cant rely on my friends to drive me back and forth.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
1. Talk to her.
2. Weekends, that's not too bad. Question still remains, and only you can answer this, but is she worth the hassle, is she worth her weight in gold, the pick of the crop?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Docs said:
1. Talk to her.
2. Weekends, that's not too bad. Question still remains, and only you can answer this, but is she worth the hassle, is she worth her weight in gold, the pick of the crop?
1. ya ill talk to her. i sent you a PM concerning instant messenging. check your inbox, thx.
2. yea weekends, but not every weekend. so far, there is only a 10% i can see her on weekends because i dont have a license. once i get a license, (1 - 3 months) i can drive alone, and visit her / take her out. so the thing is, if i do continue the relationship (considering she has interest), seeing her in person would be a great hassle. i would have to hide it from my parents + on top of that, find someone who can take me there, and take me back home.

sucks to be 17. still, a true DJ never gives up, no matter what life gives him!


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
*small bump*
anyone have something to say? i would love to hear your comments.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
if u like her and she likes u enough, then get back with her. My parents are exactly the same but they didnt force me to break it with her.
Firstly, don tell her that u broke with her because your parents feaked.
Second, just go out and have fun with her, obviously shes a decent girl since she is heartbroken(if she wasnt then screw that, obviously she dont care about u), anyway from what you are saying, i think shes worth it. MY ADVICE IS>ONCE YOU FIND THE RIGHT GIRL,STICK WITH HER NO MATTER WHAT(unless she screws u). Yea its true it will affect your education, but every1 is different.
Get back with her man, trust me on this. ;-) if u think i am right rep me!


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Zerotwoonenine said:
if u like her and she likes u enough, then get back with her. My parents are exactly the same but they didnt force me to break it with her.
Firstly, don tell her that u broke with her because your parents feaked.
Second, just go out and have fun with her, obviously shes a decent girl since she is heartbroken(if she wasnt then screw that, obviously she dont care about u), anyway from what you are saying, i think shes worth it. MY ADVICE IS>ONCE YOU FIND THE RIGHT GIRL,STICK WITH HER NO MATTER WHAT(unless she screws u). Yea its true it will affect your education, but every1 is different.
Get back with her man, trust me on this. ;-) if u think i am right rep me!
Thanks for the advice dude.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
is she affecting your education? no?

good tell that to your parents, and why would you ljbf a girl just cause of what your parents say, you could just keep with the online/phone and then once u get your car, bam everythin back to normal

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Pick a single buddy and set him up with one of her friends. He can shuttle you around and everyone wins. This is of course if you can manage to get her back.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
art of said:
Pick a single buddy and set him up with one of her friends. He can shuttle you around and everyone wins. This is of course if you can manage to get her back.
i tried that, didnt work out. i cant rely on a chofer all the time.

what if i cut the communication and get back with her once i get a license? thats about in like 1.5 to 2.5 months.