what is it to be a DJ?


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Alright i owe many thanks to this forum its definatly helped with my "game" but i need to know whats like the aim of a DJ? To attract girls, and alot of this stuff really does work but ill i do is play the game to play the game. I get girls, but once i got them i lose all intrest, the games over. I can't rember the last time i really "liked" a girl, now it just goes i hear so and so thinks im cute or whatever i go spit game, fool around, know i got her, and then i just lose all intrest and end contact. Ive gotten very good at this, and if thats what your looking for then follow what you read i think you should not change your self completely to become a so called Don Juan but the writings here will help. I also know its stupid to think some highschool romance is gonna last forever but still id like to have it. Share my life with someone even if its only for a year or two have that connection with someone. Im not sure what im getting at but what is your guys take on all this?


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
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A DJ is more than just someone who is good at pulling girls,girls are only a part of it


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
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IMO, its all about improving yourself to the best you can be, this is the HS forum so many of us are just starting this, its a lifestyle and a mindset, its not about girls, girls are a consequence of the DJ ways, its about being happy and successful, being where you want to be and ejoying it.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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Put simply, in the world of attraction a DJ gets what he wants. If he wants to sleep with a women then he does it. If he feels a need to bond and get close to a woman than he will. A DJ knows what he wants and does what he needs to to get it.

Thats how I always saw it. It's an ideal which is hard to reach. You're not going to read a few boards, practice a few tricks, and get there. That's why, like stated above, the real goal is always self improvement. Just dont forget why you're improving yourself. The aim is whatever you want, and the skills of a DJ are your tools to get it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
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"May the Venusian Arts enrich your life, not define it" - Mystery, AKA Erik Von Markovik.

It's saying, that DJ, PU, whatever you want to call it, is about making your life better, but you should never let it influence you too greatly.

Think it over, maybe its time to give it the goodbye like Style did.

Don't know, but as for me, im still im my early stages of becoming a really skilled Pick Up Artist.

Also, if you find the spice for DJ is slipping away, set yourself tough goals to try and accomplish.