Search results

  1. N

    Dating, what would you do?

    Wow, you act as if you don't need any help with Women. But here you are, giving enough time each day to search the forums looking for advice and people to make fun of so you can feel better about yourself:o
  2. N

    Dating, what would you do?

    I met this girl through friends she's also in our group of friends that we hang out with daily and at first I had no intrest in her at all, but she had a lot of intrest in me ie, trying to hold my hand, holding my arm, kino, dancing etc. We had a date monday and it went great. Well anyways, I...
  3. N

    The club scene

    I was at a rave party the other night and I made it my goal to talk to 5 girls. Take in mind I have no experience what so ever with hitting on girls in the club scene. I know i'm going to do better next time. One question is how do you guys keep the coversations going and built rapport with the...
  4. N

    Should I get the braces or not?

    Get the braces now i'd rather have braces in highschool years than to have ****ed up teeth when i'm 20 Get the braces, or we will do you a favor and kcik your ass:)
  5. N

    On days of rest is it good to...?

    Also get plenty of sleep
  6. N

    I hate ****blockers

    yep, looking back I should of just steered the convo away. Oh well, live and learn. I left some details out. The close I was going for was helping her study after class. I just put on the headphones to zone out to show that i'm confident that even though she's not talking to me it doesn't bother...
  7. N

    I hate ****blockers

    Got total ****blocked today in my class, i'm in college btw. The guy totally just killed my game. Today I went straight up and sat next to the girl i've been talking to on and off. IL I know is high from her. Come break time I started working my magic, the convo was going very well. Had...
  8. N

    Fess Up Fellas - What you eat on your "EAT DAY"

    A large papajohns pizza to myself yeah that's it. For the whole day. Havn't done that in a couple months. Been on the cutting diet. DAMN IT
  9. N

    17 year old having sex with 20 year old.

    Yeah, couldn't of said it any better. \\
  10. N

    [WTF?!]1,420 cal burger not for Tree Huggers

    I've seen pictures of this beast. Since i'm young I can eat whatever the hell I want, just not too much of it or it will effect my health. If I was in the US of A I would totally go and eat that burger. But only for that one day though, if you are eating that 1400cal burger everday you...
  11. N

    Is Working Out THAT important for being a DJ ?

    Damn, a lot of you guys workout for the wrong reasons. I got into it because I was depressed and needed a hobby, little did I know before getting into lifting was that the body releases a chemical in your brain that makes you happy for a short period of time, i've started to notice this after...
  12. N

    im quitting the gym, what are your thoughts?

    You totally remind me of myself 3 years ago. In the same situation. School, part-time job. My membership is $52.50 a month, I don't think that's bad. $52.50 is nothing but then again it's up for you to decide if it's worth paying that kind of money. I was exactly the way you were 3 years...
  13. N

    Trynna get the condom and car barrier

    If you respect your woman you'd respect her judgement and decision.
  14. N

    Dumb chicks don't bother with?

    I think you're on the right track, these would be awesome questions to ask on a date *thumbs up*
  15. N

    female dj signs

    stupid questio but i'm new What is DJ and what is IL
  16. N

    How to Not Care ABout What Other People Think?

    Man I hope you read my post, i actually put some thought into answering your question:) I assume you are still in highschool?? This situation brings me back to my highschool memories. I use to care what others thought of me, and afraid to do what I wanted to do. Major social anxiety for...
  17. N

    How do I get with this girl?

    Hey -HPNOTIQ- Can you clear out your mail box, I need to pm you about something!
  18. N

    The wink ;)

    Damn that's a good one. I'm going to use that LOL
  19. N

    How do I get with this girl?

    Yeah thanks for the help, i'll try that out for sure and let you know how it goes. And btw how in the world did you know I was at a club?
  20. N

    USERS freak me out.

    Too clingy, sounds desperate