im quitting the gym, what are your thoughts?


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
I recently signed up for a new contract, $417 for 14 months, a much better deal than my first contract, which expires in 4 months.
Im going to ask for a full refund tomorrow

I weigh 125lbs at 5'10" and have gained 10lbs in the past year.
Why you ask?
#1 i can see that money having better uses for other things.
#2 i'ts not worth the investment, as i cant see myself paying for a new membership annually, it would be hard to save money. Plus i cant expect myself to hit the gym for the rest of my life as i'll never know where life takes me.
I'm a full time student working part time, and i only make $100 a week, more or less. and with having other expenses to pay, saving money isnt exactly easy.
#3 i've been lazy to hit the gym, i only go 1x a week now, what makes me think i'll go more often iwth the new contract as i know i wont.
#4 i can see myself gaining weight w/o hitting the gym. just eat more meals a day with more calories/carbs, hell i'll accept getting more body fat if i can get bigger. plus there are other exercices i could be doing at home w/o the aid of machines for my body parts.

what are your thoughts?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
get some weights in ur garage, and spend the rest on food!


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by ScrewIt
I recently signed up for a new contract, $417 for 14 months,...

I weigh 125lbs at 5'10"
#1 i can see that money having better uses for other things.

What are your thoughts?
Spending the money on steroids instead comes to mind... :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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Re: Re: im quitting the gym, what are your thoughts?

Originally posted by diablo
Spending the money on steroids instead comes to mind... :rolleyes: thx i dont want an at tack of zits on my body..


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
you didnt do it right with the motivation thats needed, so it's better for you to quit, yes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
Reaction score
only 10lbs in a year? were u eating six meals a day?

i can see myself gaining weight w/o hitting the gym.
Yes, you will gain but itll all be fat!

I have my own home gym, weights, bench, ez curl bar, barbell, dumbells etc...

U should look into it. not too expensive.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Double
you didnt do it right with the motivation thats needed, so it's better for you to quit, yes.
when i first started i had gone 3x a week, then slowly 2x a week, after the summer, now just 1x a week.
I suppose i had much higher motivation a year ago than i do now.
maybe cause i already feel comfortable in my skin and dont need to workout to feel better?

only 10lbs in a year? were u eating six meals a day?

Yes, you will gain but itll all be fat!

I have my own home gym, weights, bench, ez curl bar, barbell, dumbells etc...

U should look into it. not too expensive.
technically i gained 15lbs, over the course of the summer i had lost 5lbs. I was eating around 4 - 5 meals per day, cause i wake up realy early each day for class. around the summer time i ate like 3-4 meals a day cause i'd wake up at noon everyday for work, this probably explains why i lost weight.

And now im just maintaining my weight, altho it seems like im slowly gaining it back as im back on my 4-5 meals routine again.

yea i wish i had a house like you, my small apartment doesnt have much room.

Have you heard of the bowflex btw?

well actually im not sure anymore i went to the gym today, but then again i think of how easy it is to spend 400$ on other things, and 400 doesnt seem like a lot, so i might keep the membership after all.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score

you're right, weightlifting is a thing you need to be motivated for. you can't exactly force yourself to do it weekly. but also, i'd quit too if i only gained 10-15 lbs in a year. it's discouraging to see little results than what you expect. i worked out for 4 months straight and didn't gain a single pound! (i later found out i was doing a lot of things wrong)... but i ended up slowly quitting.

recently i got back into it with the program. now i'm motivated like crazy and i'm seeing results... and i find it FUN now!

weightlifting requires commitment and a lot of effort. nobody likes wasting their time... i feel like i wasted those 4 months because i wasn't serious enough about it. now i'm serious about weight lifting. i eat my proper 6 meals a day... cook them and prepare them in advance, go to the gym 3 times a week and make it a priority (a priority over any girl!).

it also requires consistency.

consistency = success, in all aspects of life.

if you feel happy with the way you are, congratulations. i respect that. =)


Master Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, for motivational sake: I have so far gained approx. 17lbs in just 10 weeks. I started at 146, am now about 163 and plan to get to 180lbs before I start cutting up.

Also why not read the thread in this forum that asks what reactions youve got from working out (or something!).


Master Don Juan
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
You only go one time a week and you are complaining about results?


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by silverwex
Yeah, for motivational sake: I have so far gained approx. 17lbs in just 10 weeks. I started at 146, am now about 163 and plan to get to 180lbs before I start cutting up.

Also why not read the thread in this forum that asks what reactions youve got from working out (or something!).
whoa 17lbs in 10 weeks? thats sweet dude. Share your diet/workout plan and time frame with me so i can correct what im not doing right (other than going 1x a week)

a lot of good feedback in that thread.
after reading some of the posts and thinking back, there were often times where i dont get much respect from people, and sometimes they dont take me seriously. It really pisses the **** out of me when ppl do this.
This is probably due to me being underweight.
often times when you know you're taller/bigger tahn someone, you think you're better than them.

Having Confidence and being skinny isnt nearly as good as having confidence and being big.

ok thanks for the talk, ill get back on track with the workout and if possible try to get to 6 meals a day.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
being big means losing speed. The skinny guys are always more agile than big guys cause they have less flesh to carry around. i see it all the time in soccer. The meaty guys are always clumsy when playing the game and handling the ball.

But hell if im respected more by not being underweight i'll accept losing my agility.


New Member
Nov 3, 2004
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Originally posted by ScrewIt
I recently signed up for a new contract, $417 for 14 months, a much better deal than my first contract, which expires in 4 months.
Im going to ask for a full refund tomorrow

I weigh 125lbs at 5'10" and have gained 10lbs in the past year.
Why you ask?
#1 i can see that money having better uses for other things.
#2 i'ts not worth the investment, as i cant see myself paying for a new membership annually, it would be hard to save money. Plus i cant expect myself to hit the gym for the rest of my life as i'll never know where life takes me.
I'm a full time student working part time, and i only make $100 a week, more or less. and with having other expenses to pay, saving money isnt exactly easy.
#3 i've been lazy to hit the gym, i only go 1x a week now, what makes me think i'll go more often iwth the new contract as i know i wont.
#4 i can see myself gaining weight w/o hitting the gym. just eat more meals a day with more calories/carbs, hell i'll accept getting more body fat if i can get bigger. plus there are other exercices i could be doing at home w/o the aid of machines for my body parts.

what are your thoughts?
Wow, 5'10 and 125lbs is really skinny dude. I was 5'10 and 143lbs at the end of this summer and has gain over 15lbs in 6 weeks, so it can be done. I eat on average 5 meals a day, the last meal being a protein shake before bed. If you 're not going to hit the gyms regularly then you mind as well get a refund because going 1x a week is not going to do anything for your physique. I think being skinny is fine but you'll never want to go back to that once you've felt how good it is to be able to fill into your cloths. You can bull**** yourself into believing that if you're skinny that means you're fast and agile but you can be all those things and more when you're 165lbs of muscle too. I personally use Anthony Ellis program but I don't exactly follow it to a tee because being a full time college student and working makes it very hard to eat 6 times and get 8 hrs of sleep. In case you're interested, the program was $75 but I think he raised the price now. He didn't reinvent the wheel nor introduce anything new but he does provide a great amount of info dealing specifically with skinny guys. The basics are to eat 6 times a day with emphasis on your protein intakes, work out 3 times a week focusing mainly on compound exercieses and getting your 8 hrs of sleep daily. Hope this helps.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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Re: Re: im quitting the gym, what are your thoughts?

Originally posted by silo
Wow, 5'10 and 125lbs is really skinny dude. I was 5'10 and 143lbs at the end of this summer and has gain over 15lbs in 6 weeks, so it can be done. I eat on average 5 meals a day, the last meal being a protein shake before bed. If you 're not going to hit the gyms regularly then you mind as well get a refund because going 1x a week is not going to do anything for your physique. I think being skinny is fine but you'll never want to go back to that once you've felt how good it is to be able to fill into your cloths. You can bull**** yourself into believing that if you're skinny that means you're fast and agile but you can be all those things and more when you're 165lbs of muscle too. I personally use Anthony Ellis program but I don't exactly follow it to a tee because being a full time college student and working makes it very hard to eat 6 times and get 8 hrs of sleep. In case you're interested, the program was $75 but I think he raised the price now. He didn't reinvent the wheel nor introduce anything new but he does provide a great amount of info dealing specifically with skinny guys. The basics are to eat 6 times a day with emphasis on your protein intakes, work out 3 times a week focusing mainly on compound exercieses and getting your 8 hrs of sleep daily. Hope this helps.
hmm that workout program sounds good, similar to the program. Well i do school and work, but my schedule is pretty flexible, i could eat 6 meals a day if i wanted. but honestly when im not hungry or dont have the apetite to eat, it takes me a good while to finish that meal, just stuffing the rest in. Or even if i am hungry, i eat half as much as a regular guy could eat and bam im full already, that's a problem i see in trying to eat more meals a day.

for the most part of my life, im an insomniac. but lately i've been able to fall most of the time, and if i do, i dont get enough sleep cause my body alarm wakes me up too early(e.g. ) or i have to get up for morning class. the only time i get a good amount of sleep is probably on weekends. says stick with more calories and protein per day and lay off the carbs. What kinds of food do you eat regularly anyway silo?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
Id never get a gym membership.. too much hassle to go and then working out with a bunch of people around... not my thing.
Just go to
Get a sumo rack, adjustable bench, and a set of olympic weights.... about $400 total and there stuff is top notch, the benches hold 1000 lbs so it will last you for a VERY VERY VERY long time, excellent investment.
Apartment is no prob if you are truly dedicated to lifting, if I ever move into one ive considered putting my weight stuff in the bedroom and sleeping on one of those fold-out couches, but i'm extremely dedicated to lifting.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
5'10 125lbs? Man're pretty skinny.

Save the money on some food!

JKbro...I was in the same situation in college trying to save money on everything from gym memberships to gas money.

Check your college's workout center. I remember when I was in school, there was an added 'wellness fee' expense. That 'wellness fee' gave free usage of the gym, weightroom and suana. If your campus doesn't have a good weightroom, check out some of your area's local communtity colleges. I had a buddy I worked out with at his comm college's weight room which was free. In fact, there'd be guys who didn't go to the school who worked 9-5 jobs there just to workout for free.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
You totally remind me of myself 3 years ago. In the same situation. School, part-time job.

My membership is $52.50 a month, I don't think that's bad. $52.50 is nothing but then again it's up for you to decide if it's worth paying that kind of money.

I was exactly the way you were 3 years ago. I had school, work and basically no time for the gym. The first few months I think 8 months I went once, maybe twice a week. I mean you do the math that's pretty expensive for a gym membership if you only go one or two times a week. But then I started getting into it.

You mentioned you want to gain weight by eating a lot of food? Trust me bro it ain't going to happen. You'll just get fat with minimal muscle mass gain. All that work you did in the gym is going to go out the window.

5'10 and 125 is real skinny bro, i'm 5'10-6'0 and I weigh 170lbs and I think i'm pretty skinny as it is.

I'm also starting to cut my bodyfat. I was motivated once girls started approaching me at the bars and clubs. So I know lifting works. Another thing that motivated me were the punks out there thinking they all tough weighing 120lbs. Keep working on it bro, do your research on bodybuidling and you'll see gains. Trust me, once you hit the gym more often at the same times, you'll see other people looking just as good with results you can see.

Keep working on it


Don Juan
May 25, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by ScrewIt
being big means losing speed. The skinny guys are always more agile than big guys cause they have less flesh to carry around. i see it all the time in soccer. The meaty guys are always clumsy when playing the game and handling the ball.

But hell if im respected more by not being underweight i'll accept losing my agility.

I played soccer when I was in high school.

Going from your weight to, hmm, about 150 made me a lot better. I was still agile and I was powerful now aswell. you won't be a clumsy bodybuilder type guy in a year or three...! That's a bad reason.

I think adding mass will be healthy for you in basically all aspects of your life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
you won't be a clumsy bodybuilder type guy in a year or three...!
I don't see where people get these ideas. Just because you're big, doesn't mean you're "clumsy" or "not agile." There are 280 lb linebackers that could outrun any of you guys, and Defensive backs that are sleek, fast, and powerful.

Arnold, Franco, Ronnie and those guys, ever watch the contests? They're graceful, full of power, yet they can still move with a full range of motion. Having muscles does not equate to slow, clumsy or lack of flexibility, it's just an excuse for people who don't wanna put effort in at the gym.