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  1. R

    pimples on ur back and chest...

    Vitamin A also helps. It's what retin a is made off, a doctor told me if you don't intake vitamin a enough a supplement often helps with your acne. I don't really get much acne anymore, I started using "Sea Breeze." Just get a bag of cotton balls and some sea-breeze, and man it really...
  2. R

    What is your vertical leap?

    I'm 5'7" and at the end of off season in may, I was at 31.5 inches. Can't touch rim though. Need some friggen height
  3. R

    Ask yourself something - what do you want, truly...

    Yeah, I guess sometimes I forget that I can have a lot of fun without's just kind of hard for me at times though. I find myself coming here to read because I'm trying to get this one girl right now, and it's frustrating because it doesn't seem to be going smoothly as I'd like (does...
  4. R

    do u ever ask a girl if...

    Well there's been some things I haven't quite made "clear" to myself yet - so I'd like to get other people's opinions or learn the "rules" (if there are any) for the following inquiries directed toward a girl you are interested in pursuing a relationship with. A.)Do you ever ask them (when...
  5. R

    I know this sound stupid but..

    yep my driver's ed class about a year ago was loaded with babes. omg.. I was a dumb@ss and only went for 1. Anyways, got the whole number thing, then she came up with lame excuses, although she did seem to enjoy having convos with me quite often on the phone, but I was obsessed somewhat with...
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    approaching girls

    oreo ... oreo_renegade dude that was a funny ass story. haha
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    Mall pickups with fun fun

    damn, that's awesome you keep on trying. wish I had some friends around here willing to do the same things!
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    17 year old going for a 22 year old

    Naw dude, don't lie about your age. Just be like "I'm old enough for you" with a smile.. if she asks. Don't exactly know if that's 'good' advice, but that's just my opinion. Go for the number first, or yeah if the convo is working out, - eye contact, smiling etc... - then suggest going out...
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    haha, my friend is sarcastic about that all the time when I'm with him and his mom. It's funny cause then his mom gives him this histarical look, then laughs too though when my friend starts laughing - like it's a joke. I just look at my friend like what the hell are you doing man? - crazy...
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    My Conversation Tips

    sure you might say it's been said before, but it's great that someone brought it together for those of us who can't go back and find and piece together the tips. A good refresher to brush up on some things. Thanks dip, I'm saving this
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    Rate my Love letter!

    my bad, didn't read the bottom part about it being a joke.
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    tactics of dating girl w/ a bf...

    She's been loyal to him. She hasn't 'cheated' we haven't done sh*t except spend some time together. Hopefully (I know this is bad) but hopefully she's breaking up. However I don't know why you have to go spend a week with him (sympathy fu*k too?).
  13. R

    A somber warning to my fellow DJs...

    Don't mean to be all touchy but I hate having to find situations like this. Thoughts go out to you.
  14. R

    Help a brother out...

    maybe she's just a fan of the game, or did she specifically say she was watching her ex play. Even so, if all she's doing is "watching"... I don't think you should be to concerned as long as she isn't visiting him.
  15. R

    THE G/F STEALERS Club //// Learn the ways to steal G/Fs (1.0)////

    I'm working on pulling a girl that supposedly has a bf... but their relationship isn't exactly strong. I'm dj-ing, but I just need to know if I'm supposed to care if she just left for a week to go see this guy, and she didn't tell me about it! (I found out from her bro). Should I play dumb...
  16. R

    tactics of dating girl w/ a bf...

    After she gets back, I'm only going to be in town for 2 days, before I leave for 5 weeks, hahaha. Maybe I shouldn't tell her about that... but maybe that would just be gay. We'll see how things go.
  17. R

    tactics of dating girl w/ a bf...

    Thanks guys. Gosh I was just laying up last night contemplating about this... Well it's actually somewhat complicated. The guy freaking lives in another state, and is in college. OK, I kinda hinted to her if she should trust him or what not, and I could totally tell she was getting really...
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    Should i wait?

    if she specifically said she would contact you, then wait for that. If she doesn't contact you, eventhough she said she would, screw it. If she's really worth it you think, than perhaps drop her a line, or talk to her at work since you don't have her number... like hey did you forget to...
  19. R

    Dealing with a shy girl

    Maybe just go out more, and get more comfortable with her. Perhaps talk about her "shyness"... Also for example instead of like "how did your day go" ask "what did you do today" etc... just to try and engage her to formulate her own thoughts and explain more. Not just one word answers...
  20. R

    tactics of dating girl w/ a bf...

    So she has a bf, which she hasn't directly pointed out to me. We went out on the first date, and everything went fairly well. Very compatible and comfortable. Just didn't try the kiss close. I more so know that she has a bf cause her bro told me and I'm good friends with him. Anyhow she's...