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  1. S

    How to act after very good first date

    Go ahead and text her to keep you fresh in her mind. If done right she'll be thinking about your date together for the remainder of the week until she gets to see you again. But, like you said, keep it very minimal and don't hint around at your interest in her. Nice job though, sounds like an...
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    DJ Sadao

    Just a quick story from recently. So me and some friends are at this bonfire on the beach and we need some wood. There is a group of people up the beach a little so we head on over there to see what's up. Now, me and my buddy are both tall, muscular, and can be fairly intimidating when need be...
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    DJ Sadao

    I'm actually completely ready for a relationship right now, but who knows how long before she brings up the exclusivity conversation again. I think under different circumstances she'd have asked already, but maybe she wants to experience college single..who knows.
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    DJ Sadao

    Went out with her again last night and I was in an angry drunken mood so we just went straight to bed without doing anything, but hooked up in the morning when I was feeling better. I'm going to rest and relax for the next couple days and not see her, considering we're going to Tijuana Wednesday...
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    DJ Sadao

    Ok so here's what goes down last night. HB9MODEL and I make plans for the night (friday night) and she also informs me that she has an open house that night so I won't have to be all ninja sneaky when sleeping over. 10pm rolls around and I head to meet her at a friends graduation party. I meet...
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    I'm Interested In This Girl (She's a 10) (I Need Major Advice)

    You specifically said that she was willing to cheat on him the following day as long as he didn't come over. Do what you want, good luck.
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    I'm Interested In This Girl (She's a 10) (I Need Major Advice)

    If she's willing to cheat on her boyfriend then there is nothing stopping her from cheating on you. You are 15 and will not take any of this advice but instead continue to pursue someone that seems to be awfully close to putting you in the friend zone. Get your **** together and move on, an...
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    DJ Sadao

    Right, but she needs to physically SEE that i'm in demand. I think when we go out and party tonight I'll make an effort to flirt with a lot of girls.
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    DJ Sadao

    Very true, did not isolate her though.
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    DJ Sadao

    Not really, she called me at 8:30pm asking me what I was doing and to call her when I knew my plans. I call back at 9pm and she doesn't respond so I text her a bit later and she responds, saying "You never called so I went into sleep mode and am just watching a movie at home." I have no reason...
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    DJ Sadao

    Choosing not to spin plates, not maintaining girls that wanted it, not sarging, a classic case of oneitis my friend. edit: Going out tonight WITHOUT hb9model, some girl is about to be very lucky tonight.
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    DJ Sadao

    I'm an emotional wreck. Tips for everyone: Fill up your time as best you can, the less time you have to think about a girl the better. This site preaches about getting the girls of your dreams, but the hard part is the emotional detachment that is oh so hard to disregard. One can only reach...
  13. S

    Women and loyalty...

    I respect you for honoring her boyfriend, fvck girls like this.
  14. S

    Kissing a woman friend on the forehead?

    The only time it seems appropriate is when you're cuddling and her head is on your chest, as stated above.
  15. S

    DJ Sadao

    yes there is definitely an argument to be had on both sides, thank you though. She texted me shortly after my post saying "so you're not going anymore?" and then called right after. This morning I woke up with my left eyeball hurting, so I must have scratched it somehow or done something to...
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    DJ Sadao

    Not too much has changed, still hanging out and hooking up with HB9model on a weekly basis. Also, I move in to my new place in a couple weeks, about the same time as she leaves for Europe for a month. Just a quick little something: We've been together for the last 4 nights or so, so this isn't...
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    California here I come!

    they love money and social status.
  18. S

    How Do I Know Where I Stand??

    Here's some first hand advice. I'm currently seeing a chick that I have hooked up with about 10 times within the last month and she's always texting, calling, and inviting me places. I've met her parents, went with her to prom, dinner with all her friends multiple times, etc. Right now I'm ready...
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    I know I should go....but a bit awkward?

    haha, that's very risky BUT hilarious.
  20. S

    I know I should go....but a bit awkward?

    even better, but still socialize with her friends because she obviously wants A. for you to meet her friends and for them to meet you, and B. for you to spend time with her. Don't ignore your friend, but don't only chat with him.