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  1. S

    I know I should go....but a bit awkward?

    Man i went through a very similar situation recently. If you don't go you'll definitely wish you weren't a ***** and have went. My advice is to go, get some alcohol in your system, and be extremely friendly. If you are making friends and not clinging to her the entire time, she will notice this...
  2. S

    Found my girl contacting her ex on Facebook!!!!!

    end of thread. This only becomes a problem if she transitions it over to the real world. Until then, relax brother.
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    DJ Sadao

    Need some ideas on some sort of "slvt test." Lately I've really been trying to figure out if HB9model is truly interested..or just simply slutty. I have no problem NEXTING her if it turns out to be the latter, but I need to know. Why am I curious? Well she turns 18 tomorrow and she's posted...
  4. S

    Found my girl contacting her ex on Facebook!!!!!

    it's not rare for a girl to end a relationship with someone and continue being friends with them, and that's exactly what this could be. It's a different story if they have had no contact until now.
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    DJ Sadao

    I meant me thinking of a "date" that isn't 100% generic (movie? ice skating?). But you're right, anything will work as long as I don't make it awkward, which I most certainly won't.
  6. S

    how do you know you've got her

    So I don't know how you have over 2k posts and are a "master don juan", but every post I've seen from you is utter retardation.
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    DJ Sadao

    That's a great idea, a nice change of just partying and hooking up. Now to think of something not 100% generic.
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    DJ Sadao

    So I guess I do owe you guys a quick update. Things are the same still, trying to progress with HB9model. We're hooking up on a weekly basis and her IL seems to be increasing still. To my surprise I am feeling like I'm ready for a relationship which I rarely feel for girls. I know she has high...
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    DJ Sadao

    scratch that last update, everything is fine and dandy. Her birthday is on Tuesday and I need some idea's, she is having a girls night so I won't be doing anything with her. Also, we aren't exclusive so I won't be buying her some expensive bracelet or sh!t like that. Just curious as to what you...
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    DJ Sadao

    So I'm not sure if any of this is worth it, the highs are great but the lows are indeed much more frequent. As you can tell from my previous entries, I'm falling for HB9Model (of course i keep this inside, she knows nothing). The times with her are amazing but it's the other times like tonight...
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    DJ Sadao

    Now we get to see if this leans towards relationship, or I continue the game.
  12. S

    DJ Sadao

    Thanks man, it definitely felt like I was completing a screenplay or something. And yes I've had an amazing couple days, and many memories.
  13. S

    Girl grabs my money

    HB7: What can you buy with five dollars? Me: You tell me *wink*
  14. S

    DJ Sadao

    Alrighty..Going to summarize all of this as best I can. Me, HB9MODEL, HB7friend, and her date all meet up at HB7friend's house before carpooling to the pictures from 6-7pm. We take a gazillion pictures, a very formal hour since mucho parents were around. Basically i'm just roaming around...
  15. S

    Did she want sex?

    Is this a joke?
  16. S

    DJ Sadao

    So Wednesday night HB9MODEL and her friend are having a party, I go through many failed attempts to find a buddy who is willing/allowed to go out on a weeknight. I finally find a friend who's down to come but can't stay the night, but is fine for an hour or two. Me and my friend are at the...
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    DJ Sadao

    Thanks man, i'm sure i will!
  18. S

    DJ Sadao

    Thanks man. This site has helped me greatly and not only in the sexual world, but having increased confidence definitely improves every aspect of life.
  19. S

    FR: You can get away with more than you think (reasonably advanced)

    Nah, just saying that the same tactic can be used on someone you've built rapport(not long, just longer than 30 seconds!) with and have no reason to believe she's sportin the herps. But you're right, things like that can't hold you back, but you can still be cautious.
  20. S

    FR: You can get away with more than you think (reasonably advanced)

    I can see it working for sure, but the off chance that you do this to some chick with herpes, bad news bears.