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  1. S

    DJ Sadao

    Yea I need to cut that **** out. I only do it when i absolutely KNOW I can drive though, and I have a tendency to be able to snap into sobriety when needed. But you're right, it's not a good idea and I don't do it too often.
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    DJ Sadao

    Alright let's write this **** down before i crash and forget it all (still drunk). I'll try to remember some conversation but it will be a narration for the most part. So i'm working the 1-10 shift, sucks right? Anyway, today was hb8.5SKINNY's last day and she came and talked to me for a good...
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    FR: Is She Interested???

    could have responded with "why, are you wearing those vibrating panties or something?"
  4. S

    DJ Sadao

    haha. I was about to tell you that you'll be out 35 bucks in 5 days :)
  5. S

    DJ Sadao

    ok so she messages me on myspace and then aim tonight. Apparently she had called me back but i didn't answer (believable because she contacted me asking what happened to me last night and why i didn't call back, also because i don't get reception for **** at my work.). So this is good news...
  6. S

    DJ Sadao

    **** I hate emotions sometimes. Ok so a couple days ago a great friend of mine from san fran tells me he's going to spend the weekend in santa barbara and wants to party with me. So we make plans to chill on friday(tonight) and i go ahead and invite hb9model and her good friend, they are in and...
  7. S

    lack of kino..still interest..?

    make a move next time if the scenario is right, the timing is perfect. By her saying that, she gave you the green light, and she's expecting it.
  8. S

    DJ Sadao

    Was at work last night and was horny as **** for some reason. I recalled me and my friend talking a couple weeks ago about how a porn site would be amazing cash flow and extremely easy to do, just need to find a girl willing to have her own site. So i stroll on over to the bakery.. Me: Yo, 100%...
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    DJ Sadao

    thanks man, i'll try to get the fr's closer to what they used to be, involving conversations and whatnot, just recently only been trying to progress with hb9model
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    DJ Sadao

    not talking about me being bored, i can't pull the whole bringing girls to parties thing since there won't be many.
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    DJ Sadao

    So i've got a little bit of a problem. Summer is coming up and everyone is moving away for college (myself included, oh yea, moving to santa barbara now instead of arizona) and weekends won't be as exciting or crackin as it is now. Might be in a slump as to where to bring/meet up with chicks...
  12. S

    DJ Sadao

    I almost went off on this fool who brought it up because i know for a fact he's a huge AFC (his ex gf is HB7straight, you know, the one that ****ing stalks me? and she tells me stories), but i restrained myself because i'm a cool cat like that and i didn't want to hurt his feelings.
  13. S

    DJ Sadao

    So remember when i asked HB8.5skinny for her number and she rejected saying she had given it out 3 times that day or some stupid ****. Well, i keep getting fools coming up to me saying "so i hear hb8.5skinny totally shot you down", like probably 5 times now. This ***** is starting to piss me off...
  14. S

    DJ Sadao

    good point.
  15. S

    DJ Sadao

    varies through phone, text, myspace, facebook, aim. I actually can't think of a single time i've initiated conversation with her, so there's a plus. I've ignored a text from her just a few minutes ago saying "don't say hi to me or anything online!" after I had signed on aol and off without...
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    DJ Sadao

    So nothing has been going on lately, pretty damn focused on HB9model right now. I may be making a mistake talking to her daily and seeing her a couple times a week so I may lay off for a week or so to get her IL back up. Was supposed to head down and have dinner with her and a few of her friends...
  17. S

    Girlfriend broke up with me

    fvck no.
  18. S

    DJ Sadao

    Well i have enough for all expenses in Arizona for a couple months, but i NEED to have a job for this ROP class I'm taking in school, so if i lose my job i get dropped from the class.
  19. S

    DJ Sadao

    HB8.5SKINNY gets mad excited and hugs me every time she sees me, hb7straight is still all stalker status over me and comes and talks to me whenever she can. Other than that, i'm really trying to cut down on the socializing at work, i can't get fired before early june so i have to keep the job...
  20. S

    DJ Sadao

    Yea seriously, where have you been mr!